Archivi giornalieri: 25/06/2015

Nico Robin Wallpaper

Nico Robin Wallpaper 47 -


    As you know, X-drake is a supernova with the aincient zoan t-rex(possible the lizard lizard fruit model:t-rex?). But in this theory i’m not going to discuss topics such as

    • haki
    • partial t-rex transformation
    • t-rex hybrid
    • and his awakened form

    because i think we can assume that he has all of the aforementioned powers. In this theory i am going to talk about a power not many people have seen, his eyes.
    ^this is Drake’s t-rex mode
    see anything strange? His eyes have a very peculiar look to me; but i believe that we have seen similar eyes in another man
    Yes, i believe that X-drake’s fruit gives him the eyes similar to that of hawkeye mihawk, but the eyes wont be the same as due to drake’s power being enhanced by a DF, drake’s power surpasses mihawk’s giving him the “ultimate eye.”
    Why? well as some of you may or may not know, DINOSAURS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE THE EVOLUTIONARY ANCESTORS OF HAWKS , matter of fact a certain species of dinosaur known as archeopteryx was discovered to have feathers and the ability to fly
    all this evidence leads me to believe that X-drake has mihawk’s “hawk eyes”

    What will his powers be? well here’s just a list of his eye powers(speculation)

    • enhanced vision(ofc)
    • the ability to see aura and haki(?)
    • the ability know what devil fruit an opponent might have(?)
    • the ability to paralyze an opponent with fear(this could work well if drake has CoC; on that note tyrannosaurus rex is actually latin for tyrant lizard king so drake having CoC isn’t that far fetched)
    • ability to see heat(?)
    • ability to see at night(?)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *Theory by knaal

      [One Piece AMV] Age Of Kuma (Avengers Style)

        Gomu Gomu No Red Hawk!

        gomu gomu no red hawk

          Have you ever noticed this? :-)


            …The precious lessons learned from you…
