Archivi giornalieri: 22/08/2015

Luffy’s Expressions :-)



    Like the other weapons, Uranus draws references from Greek Mythology and the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Uranus is named of the Greek primordial god of the SKY and is the personification of the sky. Btw, the key word is “primordial.” Uranus was the very first Ancient Weapon.

    The Ancient Weapons also has ties to a TREE.
    -The weapon Pluton has ties to Treasure Tree ADAM.
    -The weapon Poseidon has ties to Sunlight Tree EVE.
    -The only possible tree left is the Devil Fruit Tree

    In Genesis, Adam and Eve were tricked by the devil into creating Fruit off the Tree of Knowledge and was punished by God. Since Adam and Eve both represent an Ancient weapon, the devil must represent Uranus or more likely, the Tree of Knowledge. Also, remember when I said Uranus is the personification of the sky? Sky and tree? It all ties to nature.

    Uranus itself is a tree.

    Uranus is also where the devil fruits and haki came from and as I said in the title, Uranus is the power to create as Poseidon is the power to control and Pluton is the power to destroy.

    To create(Uranus), to control(Poseidon), to destroy(Pluton).
    Now then, Pluton is the power to destroy and represents “Man’s Creation”, Poseidon is the power to control and represents the “Evolution of Man”, and Uranus is the power to create and represents the “Creation of Man.”

    Uranus represents God himself as anyone who gets their hands on this becomes “God” and they can be immortal and gain the ability to alter the properties of anything they please(there are limits and if this sounds to crazy then just bare with it. It gets less crazy later on). It was because of this weapon that the Tenryubitto calls themselves well…….Tenryubitto(Celestial Dragons) and “Gods.”

    Now, what is synonymous with “God?”
    -God is immortal
    -God lives in the sky
    -God knows, hears and sees all
    -God’s will is absolute
    -God’s power over nature is absolute
    -God’s enemy is the Devil

    God is immortal
    Those who gets their hands on Uranus can make themselves immortal.

    God lives in the sky
    Uranus originally belonged to the winged people who literally lived in the sky. Its now in the hands of the Tenryubitto and Gorosei who live close to the sky.

    God knows all
    More figurative than literal as the first human of the blue sea(the winged people with Uranus) was the Island of Ohara, which has the Tree of Knowledge. This also refers to CoO which allows you to predict someone’s movements.

    God hears and sees all
    This once again relates to CoO/Observation Haki. Usopp for example gained an CoO that allowed him to SEE auras even if they are behind walls and several kilometers away. Enel was able to use his “mantra”(in collaboration with his DF) to HEAR people talking and lets not forget the mysterious ability to HEAR the voices of all things.

    God’s will is absolute
    The Conqueror’s Haki is the ability to use your willpower as a weapon. The most basic form of CoC is using your will to overcome the wills of others. What is another form of God’s will? Its very common for believers in God to view STORMS as an act of God and D will always bring forth a storm because all those with ‘D’ has the Conqueror’s Haki aka, God’s Haki.

    God’s enemy is the Devil
    Something very natural. The opposite of holy is demonic and blessed is the opposite of cursed. The Tenrybittos became the “Gods” after the Void Century and they’re dangerous enemesi were obviously called “Devils.” They’re greatest enemy was the D clan.

    A little off topic, but do you know about all those theories on Dragon being Uranus? They are technically right. In a way, everyone with haki, CoC especially, is Uranus. Dragon flying to save Sabo however isn’t because of Uranus or a DF. He was using Geppou.

    Here you can see Fukurou using Geppou to glide above the water.

    Here you can Fukurou using Geppou to “levitate” above the water with the only signs of motion being around his feet.

    We never saw Dragon’s feet.

    Now the big question you all are probably thinking about is “If Uranus is that powerful, how come the Tenryubitto and Gorosei aren’t super powerful and in control of everything?” Because they only have HALF of Uranus. They only have the half that makes them immortal. The other half that granted the power to create was lost.

    In my Space Odyssey theory, the one where I discuss the creation of the OP world, I said after defeating the Ancient Kingdom, the head Tenryubittos(the royal space people) went on a genocide to eliminate anyone who knew anything about the 100 year war even if it was their own allies. Two groups of allies that were killed off was the Marshall D family and the Tenryubitto’s royal soldiers of ability users.

    The head Tenryubitto initially began their slaughter of the Marshall D family by killing the leader of the clan first; they killed him, but being familiar with how Uranus works and fearing death, the soul of the leader of the Marshall D family forced itself inside Uranus which in return, revealed a new ability to the Tenryubitto; the Uranus can contain souls.

    This new knowledge proved very useful to the Tenryubitto as they didn’t trust their own soldiers with knowledge of the 100 year war(minus the Gorosei) but couldn’t kill them as it would be a huge waste to lose those abilities. The Tenryubitto slaughtered their own soldiers and contained their souls inside Uranus and later, referring to the Book of Genesis, trapped their souls inside fruits that grew on a tree that became the Tree of Devil Fruits. They were called “Devil Fruits” to keep people from eating them incase any fruits fell into unwanted hands.

    The Tenryubitto then continued their slaughter on the remaining Marshall D clan and became the turning point of the WG’s dominance. Despite being treacherous and somewhat some what cowardly, the Marshalls are still Ds and have a lot of vitality and willpower so a chunk of them escaped and they didn’t escape empty handed. A few members of the Marshall D clan was able to snatch the upper half of Uranus and a certain fruit of the DF tree that called out to them; the Yami Yami no mi, the first and most powerful devil fruit. During the centuries, the upper half of Uranus ended up in Raftel thanks to Roger and that is possibly the One Piece.
    The Tenryubitto lost their ability to create so they were forced to rely on an opposite power to create.

    A belief in God most often requires a belief in creationism. What is creationism’s greatest enemy? Evolution. What is strongly associate with evolution? Scientist. For centuries, the WG tried to replicate giants and create other inventions, but their scientists lacked the skill so the more complex tasks. Don’t you find it weird that the WG didn’t make any scientific breakthroughs until recently? That’s because the WG soon heard of a genius on Mechanic Island: Vegapunk. Wanting his expertise(and the Tenryubitto and Gorosei knowing that he is a descendant of an intelligent moon race thought to be extinct), the WG recruited Vegapunk.

    Now then, when it comes to devil fruits, perhaps the biggest mystery is why does DF users sink in water?

    One of Vegapunk’s breakthroughs was seastone and it supposedly contains “the essence of the sea.”

    However, contrary to popular belief, water does NOT neutralize DF power.

    In the scan above, Luffy has his DF infused arm underwater so shouldn’t his DF power be neutralized and his arm immediately retract?

    In this next scan, Aokiji falls in the water but manages to use his ability to freeze the water and rise to the surface. Again, shouldn’t Aokiji’s abilities have immediately been neutralized the moment he touched water?

    Water simply weakens DF users while seastone is what completely neutralizes/suppresses DF power. So back to the same question: “What is the essence of the sea?”


    Whats moves the waves of the sea? What keeps the waters of Vearth stable? The Moon and does the moon use to moves the waves? Gravity. The gravitational forces of the moon moves the sea and salt water has even more gravity than fresh water. Since the wide ocean is salt water, DF users be drowning…a lot…..

    Take a look at what Kaku says about devil fruits…..

    Kaku said he felt a strange gravitational force coming from the fruit. You could say that Kaku was simply using an expression, but Kaku’s senses appear to be on point and his comment was in a literal sense. Take a look at Kaku’s words to Zoro.

    Kaku sensed a beast-like spirit coming from Zoro and he was 100% right.

    -Uranus is a weapon of space
    -The DFs are a product of Uranus
    -The souls inside Uranus are from space
    -Space has low gravity

    Since DFs give off a gravitational force, Vegapunk created seastone that gives off an opposing gravitational force that suppress the souls inside the devil fruits, similar to how the gravity in sea water suppress them.

    Even Law, a DF user, sensed a strange force/energy coming from seastone.

    In One Piece Film Z where the SH males were at a bath house, Luffy, Brooke and Kuzan got slightly weak and light headed by being in the water. Its because of the slight boost in gravity that they got weak.

    This brings up Caesar, the SAD machine and SMILE. The reason only zoan fruits are replicated is because its the only fruit that is scientifically possible as they have a lot of resources(real animals duh). The SAD machine contains a lot of substances found in seastone and it contains animal souls to placed and replicated inside fruits creating SMILE. SMILE however, are hard to control and have a permanent side effect of being incapable of certain transformations(someone may transform to their man-beast form and be unable to revert back for example). SMILE is an incomplete project of science.

    Lastly, no. Fujitora cant neutralize DF powers as his abilities is also the product of a DF power.

    *Theory by Vandenreich

      AMV – Monkey D.Luffy worth being the Pirate King

        Where the name Megalo came from

        D: Question! About Megalo-chan, his model… rather, where his name came from; is he named after a large shark called “Megalodon” that was thought to have existed way back when? I also heard that they may still exist? P.N. Miha


        O: Yes. Right on spot. Megalodon indeed. They are said to be the ancestors of the Great White Shark, and when a fossil of it’s tooth that was found, its estimated size was about 13m~20m or so. Well, it probably was a horrifying monster. I am drawing Megalo as this “Megalodon”.

          Funny Scene! XD


