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This may sound strange but I think Hajrudin might join the Strawhats after the Elbaf Arc.

Here’s why:
There have been many theories in favour of the Strawhats recruiting a Giant to fight Sanjuan Wolf, and I agree. I think that a Giant will join the crew. And before people question how he will fit on the ship, keep in mind Hajrudin is quite small for a Giant. He’s about three times as tall as Kuma and Moriah. He would still fit on, the Sunny but he’d have to stay outside. This problem can also be addressed through a Devil Fruit.

Usopp’s lies and Giants:
Usopp’s lies have been coming true ever since his first introduction. Including visiting the country of Dwarves (Tontotta) and visiting an Island made of Goldfish Poop (Little Garden). Other examples include having over 8000 followers (Dressrosa’s ex Toys and Gladiators), killing a Dragon (Punk Hazard), alluding to a Mole inside a mansion (Ms Merry Christmas), coming across Cerberus (Thriller Bark), Usopp getting a 30,000,000 bounty (Sogeking wanted poster), “a beautiful swordsman has come with meat” (Rebecca), and an ultimate Medicine (Chopper’s goal), Usopp claiming to have Haki (later unlocking it in the same Arc). The list goes on, and on, and on. These lies will be important later.

Usopp always seems to make great friends with Giants:


Notice how one of them is Hajrudin. Interestingly enough, Usopp is truthful with Giants. He doesn’t lie to them, seriously. Remember him explaining that Broggy did nothing to Dorry’s drink? Or proving to Oimo and Kashi that he had met Dorry and Broggy? Isn’t it weird that he’s truthful to Giants?

He will form an excellent friendship with the Giants, like a Nakama.

This is very open to interpretation and slightly offtopic, but I believe it could be foreshadowing that after the Elbaf arc, Usopp will be more truthful and finally be a Brave Warrior of the Sea. And this will all be thanks to a certain giant. Now, I know there’s very little evidence to support this, but bare with me, there’re more reasons than the lies and Hajrudin liking Usopp.

Interactions with the crew:
As we know, Hajrudin loves the sh*t out of Godsopp. But he’s also had interactions with other members of the crew. Namely, Luffy and Zoro. The two most important members in the crew when it comes to recruitment. Luffy has the last say and Zoro has made recommendations to Luffy with regards to positions needing to be filled: Navigator, Chef, Doctor, Shipwright. So I believe it’s not just a coincidence that Hajrudin has interacted with these two.


Zoro likes him too.

On top of that, fighting alongside the Strawhats is something every recruit has done during their introduction arc except Robin. Hajrudin has fought alongside the Strawhats, but Oda has outlined him and differentiated him from the rest of the allies. Only he, Cavendish (whom I believe will join Law), Bartolomeo (whom will either join the Strawhats or be a significant ally for the duration of the Manga) and the Happou Navy (likely to be allies for the duration of the Manga) had single handedly beaten one of Doflamingo’s officers. Stranger still is the fact we know the back story of these characters ,except Hajrudin, Oda is holding information back for later.

Devil Fruit:
Hajrudin entering the Coliseum wanting a Devil Fruit hints that Hajrudin might obtain a Devil Fruit. If a Giant is to join the Strawhats and fight Sanjuan Wolf, he will need a size altering fruit. Which allows them to grow and shrink at will. The Size Size fruit has been shown in filler, but that’s filler. So it’s canonicity with another eater is possible.

Other information:
He has a dream, much like other Strawhats to become the Strongest Giant. For that title he would have to be able to defeat Sanjuan Wolf. It’s a goal that must be achieved through progressing through the New World, like every Strawhat thus far. This goal also requires immense character development

This picture from this colourspread might be Hajrudin and not Kaidou:


Oda has paid particular attention to Hajrudin’s design. It is far more complex than previous giants with generic clothing and old rusty weapons. Hajrudin on the otherhand has a lack of generic clothing, and strange armour, this also makes him an outcast from regular giants. In fact Hajrudin might be the Bronze Giant, and like the rest of the Strawhats, be inspired by somebody or something else, Talos is likely Hajrudin’s inspiration, this is further strengthened by Talos’s links to the Cretan Sun and Hajrudin to the Mera Mera no Mi.

On top of this, Hajrudin is known as the Strongest Mercenary Giant. Mercenary’s are either professional foreign soldiers or men and women working for money at the expense of ethics. This makes Hajrudin an outcast with nowhere to go. Similarly, Zoro had nowhere to go, Usopp had nowhere to go, Sanji had nowhere to go, Robin had nowhere to go, Franky had nowhere to go and Brook too had nowhere to go. Noticing a pattern? The Strawhats are all outcasts with nowhere to turn to except the Merry/Sunny at the end of an arc.

Referring back to Usopps lies, Talos according to legend would protect Crete from evil doers. He extorted the truth from Sailors through sheer terror to find the motives of those travelling to Crete. This is very Mercenary like and could be his job as the Giant Mercenary. Usopp’s truthfulness to Giants and Talos’s extortions strongly link. He can still fulfil this duty by being on the Sunny with Elbaf as a Strawhat territory

So there we are: Oda has left major hints, and even designed Hajrudin off of Talos, fulfilling the criteriums of having a goal to achieve by the end of the Manga and being designed on someone or something outside of One Piece. He is also outlined to be different from other Giants and an outcast.

*Theory by L o g i a


20 commenti

  1. Ras Al Gul

    yeah I think this is a good theory. I was already convince when i read that they need someone to fight sanjuan wolf. so yeah I believe this will happen. It has a high percentage. THUMBS UP :)

  2. I still want Bartolomeo in thecrew though…

  3. i think it is not gonna be. because franky will fight against wolf and the giants work for marines. he is gonna use a gigantic robotic armor fot these fights. we saw something like that on previous opening. i think next nakama will be bellamy or viola.

    • Bellamy can’t because of his point of view, he’s a “bad pirate” and want to steal gold and Luffy is a “good pirate” being friendly and chasing adventures, and I think viola would be too OP for the straw hats with that ability on my opinion

  4. I think there is another giant that will join Strawhat Crew. And that is Wadatsumi.
    We’ve seen in some cover that Wadatsumi are in journey w/ Jinbe. ? Just a guess. 😀

  5. turafalgar

    Remember straw hat have chopper who can be a giant monster. So they need harjudin

  6. come on… that has manny flaws… 1º there is noo way that Hajrudin, bartolomeo and some other is going to enter the crew… the perfect crew for luffy is a 10 man crew, it was said at the beggining and so for concluding the crew there’s only got a be 1 more spot.
    2º luffy asked already jimbei, and jimbei said that he could… yet…
    3º to fight wolf i believe its going to be Franky with one of his figh toys, as someone on the comentaries said in the fishman island when franky as the tank general

    • Oda also said that there will be more than 10 in an interview and btw watch One piece again, he said at least 10 crew member

      • i did not know of that nterview and i was talking from memory… so thanks for the correction… but nevertheless both of them joining is unlikely…
        i’m seeing them as allys like whitbeard add on the marinford fight, not crew menbers…

      • ohh you said the same thing n a coment bellow… sorry did not see that before responding… i agree with you.

  7. In my opinion, they won’t join the crew, but still be allies of the straw hats, like with whitebeard, ALL the ship in the war wasn’t his, there was his ships and friendly ships of other allied pirates, so I believe it will be simillar, also I hope they will play a role in the last massive war

  8. What do you think about this… Everyone of the Strawhats having they’re own division like the former Whitebeard pirates or the now Blackbeard pirates. But all of them are still going to be on the Thousand Sunny, but they’ll be commanders of their divisions.. Like Usopp having the Elbaf giants as his division, Sanji the Okamas, Zoro the Samurais from Wano maybe, Jinbei with the fishmen, and so on… :)

  9. I think the most suitable for the position of being New Strawhat Nakama is Bellamy. Bellamy has also have his own dream. Bellamy had nowhere to go too. And He is also became friends with luffy. And as I recall, Oda said before that the New Member of Strawhat would be their previous enemy like Robin.

  10. No. Wadatsumi will be the one fighting San Juan Wolf. Jinbei’s cover story hinted so.

  11. lion dante

    the one who will fight sanjuan wolf will be chopper in monster mode or franky in robot mode

  12. i really want bartolomeo to join.. im sure if he gets invited, he’ll gladly kill himself lol.


  14. Yes…I think maybe..because strawhat crews not just take a normal crew just like chopper the animal,franky the cyborg and brooke the bone…this crew maybe in furure will take another unique human..just like fishman and giant…harjudin is not suitable with strawhat crew because his doesnt have specialty…i

  15. Maybe? But the Mugiwara crew has already 9 members and according to Luffy, he only need 10. So Hajrudin maybe a choice but Luffy already offered Jimbei to become his crew and Jimbei said thst he will once they meet again. So Jimbei it is. The last crew. Maybe? 😉

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