Tag Archives: straw hat pirates


In this theory i’ll be explaining my thoughts on Green Bull who is yet to make a proper appareance in One Piece. Before i start with Green Bull i’ll have to go to the old admirals first and explain my thoughts on them. Because of this the theory is going to be abit longer then i wanted but i think its crucial to my ideas on Green Bull which is why i kept it in. Don’t let the lenght scare you away though because i believe its an enjoyable read which hopefully wont leave you as confused as luffy.

First the Admirals before the timeskip.

Lets start with Aokiji, who we meet the first time at Long-Long Island. His name translates to Blue Pheasant and he has the ice-ice fruit.

The next admiral we meet is Kizaru, who we meet at Shabondy Archipelago. His name translates to Yellow Monkey and he has the light-light fruit.

The last admiral we meet pre-timeskip is Akainu, who we meet at the Marineford war. His name translates to Red Dog and he has the magma-magma fruit.

Now i believe the names have an extra meaning. Lets start again with Aokiji (Blue Pheasant).

Blue is a link to his power, the ice ice fruit, but it can also be a link to the blue sea (pirates). Aokiji was the only admiral pre-timeskip who fought with the strawhats because they were pirates (as main reason). It is hidden abit by the fact he wanted to deal with Nico Robin and later Spandam using his golden den-den-mushi to trigger the buster call. The Nico Robin factor was for Aokiji something from the past. He had tried to let her escape in Ohara but she was spotted and got the bounty on her head at an early age. After twenty years on the run he thought she just wanted to die so he decided to put everything about Ohara to an end. The whole enies lobby thing was mainly CP9 and not Aokiji. Later he’s on Garp’s ship when Garp attacks the Strawhats when they leave Water Seven and he helps confirm that they escaped.

Now next is Kizaru (Yellow Monkey).

Yellow can be linked to the heavens (Celestial Dragons). When Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon it was Kizaru who volunteered to go deal with him and the other pirates at the human shop.

This was his main reason to go after them. When he meets Luffy again in the Marineford war he tells him that the Celestial Dragons have been clamoring for Luffy’s arrest.

Last is Akainu (Red Dog). Red can be linked to the Red Line (Revolutionaries). Squardo reveals after he stabbed Whitebeard that Akainu is a member of the rebel faction.
I believe this is the faction of the Marines that deal with the Revolutionaries. This is further hinted at him (Akainu) knowing about the relation between Dragon and Luffy before its announced in the war.

This is also his main reason for going after Luffy.

Some small notes about the animal parts.
– Pheasants are groundliving birds like for example chickens. This could link at Aokiji traveling by bike.
– Monkeys live in groups. This could link to how Kizaru works together with his nephew: Sentomaru.
– Dogs are very loyal. This could link to how Akainu places Justice above all. He’s loyal to the values the Marines stand for.

Now the admirals after the timeskip.

Now after the timeskip Akainu became fleet admiral, Aokiji left and 2 new admirals were drafted Fujitora (Purple Tiger) and Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We meet Fujitora (Purple Tiger) for the first time in Dressrosa.

From the way he is dressed we could speculate that he is from Wano Kuni. This gives more meaning to what Doflamingo said about the ‘World Military Draft’.

Brook explained that Wano Kuni isn’t affiliated with the world government and that their samurai swordsmen are so strong that not even the Marines go near there.

So it is abit strange to see an Admiral come from there. Fujitora (Purple Tiger) explained that he wants to abolish the Royal Warlod system which is most likely his reason for joining the Marines in the first place. The World Military Draft gave him the opportunity to not only join the Marines but also to become an Admiral. This gives him influence in the Marines and also the Reverie with which he can strive to his goal (abolishment of the Royal Warlord system).

Now if we apply the previous format to his name (Purple Tiger) then Purple can link to countries not affiliated with the World Goverment. Also Tigers are solitary but social creatures. This means that they hunt alone but can sleep in the same location as others from their species (Well males usually avoid each other but a male can have an overlapping territory with a female). This could link to how Fujitora does his own thing, even if that means disobeying orders.

Its been quite a long theory already but now we get to the part of Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We dont know wether Ryokugyu (Green Bull) is male or female so for this part i will adress him/her as he/him. Lets use the same format again (seperating the names) and start with the ‘Green’ part. I’ve seen a couple of theories that link his power to either trees (nature), radio-activity or time manipulation. But when i think of the colour green i think of healing (mainly because off all the hours i spent playing Pokemon when i was a kid). Because of this i believe his function before becoming an Admiral was a doctor, probably a Marine one. We know that the Marines have a Medical Centre.

If we take it that this is the case we can also speculate about his home country which would be most likely Drum Kingdom. Drum Kingdom was formerly renowned for its doctors and medical knowledge but when Wapol became king he made that law which only allowed the 20 doctors in the palace to stay.

All the other doctors were exiled from the country. There are some hints that could link Green Bull to Drum Kingdom such as Dalton having the cow-cow fruit model Bison

and also Dr.Kureha has been shown wearing a shirt with a bull on it.

If we continue with the format then next is the ‘Bull’ part. The most common known thing about bulls is that they go mental when they see the colour red. This could link to Ryokugyu (Green Bull) having a berserker ability where he looses control over himself and devestates everything close by.

I want to link this to Chopper and his Monster point. Chopper studied under Dr.Kureha and invented the rumble balls. When he took three of these he lost control over his devil fruit and went on a rampage abit like a berserker. This could prove an important hint. How exactly did Chopper invent those Rumble Balls? He could have made them from scratch ofcourse but if we take it that Green Bull came from Drum Kingdom then he could have also used previous research that already existed and made the Rumble Balls from that research. If for example Green Bull was afraid of his own power and the fact he looses his mind whenever it activates then he could have tried researching a way to stop this berserk ability.

With the new admirals (Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu) we no longer have the logia theme which the old admirals had. Fujitora is a paramecia (since Blackbeard has the gravity logia) so its likely that Ryokugyu is a zoan. I believe he researched the Zoan fruit to explore the posibilities of stopping the berserk effect and left the research behind when he was exiled from Drum Kingdom (gave the research to Dr.Kureha most likely). Later Chopper found that research and made the Rumble Balls. After his exile Ryokugyu, still afraid of his power, joined the Marines hoping that if he could not be cured they atleast could keep him in check. With the ‘World Military Draft’ Akainu forced him to become an Admiral because even if he looses control with his ability he is still insanely powerful.

Now i have saved the best for last and that is his devil fruit. If Chopper used his research for the rumble balls then it is likely they have a similar kind of Zoan devil fruit and that is the human-human fruit. I believe Ryokugyu (Green Bull) has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Berserker/Hulk.

With it he transforms into a monstrosity with insane physical abilities but he also looses control of his mind (like the real hulk). As an Admiral i believe he orders all his troops as far away from him before he activates his devil fruit (this would give some cool panels). The drawback from this might be that he can’t use Haki while in berserker mode which would make him useless against logia but still insanely effective against paramecia and zoans.

– Admiral names could hide hints to their affiliation and powers.
– Green Bull was a doctor from Drum Kingdom and later for the Marines.
– He has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Beserker/Hulk (one of these most likely)
– His fruit brings him into a berserker rage where he looses his mind, afraid of this ability he wanted to cure himself so did alot of research on the human-human fruit (later gave this research to Dr.Kureha upon his exile).
– Chopper used this research to make the Rumble Balls.

    Tashigi and Kuina


    1. Myth: They are twins!

    Fact: Kuina is seen as a baby and as an only child in Chapter 0.

    2. Myth: They are the same character.

    Fact: So far they are only considered different characters and no evidence has been stated to say otherwise since Kuina’s body is seen in the manga. This is mainly due to how 4Kids changed her death to an injury, from which many fans assumed the injury Kuina sustained was connected to Tashigi’s bad eye sight. Tashigi was drawn as a child in an SBS, and her appearance was very different from Kuina’s, making it clear that she and Kuina are separate characters.


      I’m sure everyone is familiar with the ongoing trend of OP characters giving us false explanations for in-universe events that they think they understand but don’t, with Oda leaving us on the assumption that Vegapunk will explain it properly. I believe this is the case for the explanation of Reverse Mountain too. Now, Nami’s explanation is surely a contributing factor to why water flows up the mountain but there is another effect at play

      I believe that One Piece’s moon is in fact in geostationary orbit, exhibiting it’s entire gravitational force over a single point. Reverse mountain. This is the biggest contributing factor in the phenomenon of upward flowing water, and also explains why the rest of the world isn’t affected by regular tidal forces

      But why is this relevant? First we’re gonna need some locations for the map points


      Aside from excellent foreshadowing on the part of Oda this flag is also a vital clue. The World Government are aware of the road poneglyphs and Raftel, but are unable to reach it. The fact that they have been unable to reach it, even long before the beginning of the great pirate era and the rise of the Yonkou suggests that the poneglyphs were given to their enemies. So they likely also point to the nations of their enemies

      One poneglyph on Zou, an independent nation isolated from humans. One in possession of Kaido, likely found in Wano, who are still independent of the World Government. Many have speculated that the unknown poneglyph is from Elbaf but I believe the Elbaf poneglyph is the one owned by Big Mom. The final poneglyph rests on the moon, and will be brought back by Eneru

      Now let’s complete the map. But first, take a look at this


      One thing is evident from this picture. There are many island combinations that take 2 from each half of the grand line or one from each of the 4 blues which lead to reverse mountain being the intersection point. Reverse mountain is commonly theorised to be the location of Raftel. Statistically speaking, it’s the location at the end of the grand line which is most likely to be the solution on a 2D map. But surely this makes it too easy? The solution can’t be something so simple as to be reached by anyone with a bit of basic logic?

      And so we return to the moon. Instead of thinking of the map in 2 dimensions, try thinking of it in 3, with the moon as one of the points. Now lets take 2 nations from opposite sides of the grand line. Alabasta, who whilst being members of the World Government were likely allies of the AK given their refusal to move to Mariejois and ownership of a poneglyph, and either Wano or Baltigo, as both are likely roughly the right distance into the New World for this to work and aren’t WG islands. And finally, the reason for the theory of the geostationary moon, the final point is Fishman Island. Connect the dots in 3 dimensions on a globe. The line between Alabasta and Wano/ Baltigo cuts through the globe, meeting the line between the moon and Fishman Island at a point just beneath reverse mountain

      Raftel is likely deep under water or underground, in what is essentially the exact opposite position to Fishman Island which rests 10,000 meters below sea level beneath Mariejois on the opposite side of the world.

        The Destroyer of Fishman Island


        Myth: Shyarly only said the Destroyer of Fishman Island would be wearing a Straw Hat, not that it is Luffy. Jinbe’s going to go get a bunch of Straw Hats for the children of Fishman Island. Whoever the Destroyer is will just take one of these hats to taunt the Fishmen and/or the Straw Hat Pirates. After all, Luffy would never destroy Fishman Island! Plus the Straw Hats have left Fishman Island, and so far they have not gone back to any previously visited island!

        Fact: So far, nothing has been confirmed. While Keimi commented that Shyarly’s prediction could take up to a year to come to pass, there was no direct evidence that Luffy is indeed the Destroyer. While the Straw Hats have not yet backtracked, with the introduction of the three needle Log Pose, the dangers of the New World, and the Straw Hats’ promise to Shirahoshi may mean that the Straw Hats will revisit Fishman Island before the end of the story. However, this myth may just be hopeful thinking by fans, and the circumstances under which Fishman Island will be destroyed, if it actually is, are unknown.


          We all know that you can just steal a paper from people who wrote down what’s on poneglyphs, but what does Luffy think about it?
          He is not happy with that, given that he showed us his Donald Trump face.
          So, how can they steal poneglyphs? Can they just carry them? Well, I think there are 2 images that foreshadow this.
          First one:
          Wadatsumi is carrying a Poneglyph on his head.

          Second one:

          Look at the pattern on Luffy’s clothes – the Kozuki clan.

          But what kind of significance does the clothing bring, you may ask
          Well, try to remember who from Kozuki clan ate a very strange fruit, and since the day he ate that fruit, he could turn objects that are put on head into clothes.
          Still doesn’t ring a bell?
          This guy:

          They have a foolproof plan – they steal poneglyphs by literally wearing them, and then Kanjuro, with Usopp’s help, draws a new Poneglyph where the old one was so no one can suspect a thing! I think it’s a perfect scheme.

          *Theory by JewDoo

            Luffy Inherited Roger’s Will – Myth & Fact

            Myth: Since the Will of the D. gets passed down, Luffy must have inherited Gol D. Roger’s will.


            Fact: It is repeatedly stated that Luffy is quite like Roger, by different individuals such as Red-Haired Shanksand Silvers Rayleigh, but it is not certain as of this point in the story whether or not this is true.

              Law And The Voice Of All Things

              After last chapters, many people in OP community started speculating that the fact Momonosuke is hearing a voice makes him somewhat related to the ability of hearing Voice of All Things!

              Most likely, the main hint is this panel, that may be a reference to Roger, the one we know for sure that had this ability:

              Actually, way ago (December 21, 2015), I’ve done a theory video in my channel exposing my ideas that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi knew Gol D. Roger, that we would have a Poneglyph in Zou and that most likely Roger was able to “hear” it.

              Seems like, maybe, some of my ideas can be proven right in the near future. If not, well, by the time it was a good theory xD, haha.

              Anyway, one think that REALLY caught my attention and people aren’t commenting is Law’s expression while climbing the tree.

              Why is he so uneasy? So unconfortable? And why did Oda (which clearly is trying to faster the story’s pace) make sure he showed Law’s expression to us?

              Also, inside the tree, while everybody’s freaking out with Raizou, Law is still uneasy. It can be due to the awkward situation, but maybe not. Also, we can’t asure he’s looking at Raizo instead of the Poneglyph, which is supposed to be from where the “voice” comes

              Anyway, if Law can “hear” the the Voice of All Things too, it open possibilities:

              – Gol D Roger
              – Monkey D Luffy
              – Trafalgar D Water Law

              So…. does it means that this ability is related to the D clan?
              Anyway, Luffy never heard a Poneglyph (although he seems to have the ability to hear the Voice of All Things). Is this ability something that you awaken somehow or train, something like that?

              Second interesting topic: does this mean that Momonosuke (and the rest of the Kougetsu/Kouzuki family) is a D???

              Well… guess we’ll learn a little more about it all by the chapter that’s coming tomorrow.

              Thanks for reading

              *Theory by MarcoOPT

                Blackbeard’s Two Devil Fruits – Myth & Facts


                1.Myth: Blackbeard has a parasitic twin in his belly.

                Fact: The reason Marco mentioned an “unusual body type” when speculating how Blackbeard was able to handle two Devil Fruits has yet to be explained.

                2.Myth: A person can control only one Devil Fruit of each type, but are not limited to the number.

                Fact: It was not clearly explained by Blueno when he said one’s body would destroy itself when one consumes two Devil Fruits. Due to the reactions of the pirates and Marines to Blackbeard’s power usage, this has been proven to be untrue.

                3.Myth: Blackbeard will eventually consume a third Devil Fruit of the Zoan type since there are three types of fruits and three skulls on his flag.

                Fact: While Blackbeard’s body allows him to control two Devil Fruits, the possibility of him controlling a third has yet to be confirmed since we do not even know why he can control two. It is stated that his crew is now tracking down powerful Devil Fruit users and stealing their abilities, but exactly how the stolen Devil Fruits are used is unrevealed.

                4.Myth: Blackbeard has eaten the “Mythical Zoan Type: Cerberus” Devil Fruit, and because a Cerberus is a dog with three heads he’s able to consume two more Devil Fruits. The Cerberus also explains the three skulls in Blackbeard’s jolly roger, why Blackbeard carries three pistols, also how Shanks’ scar, which was given to him by Blackbeard, has three scratches on it, and why Zoro and Luffy referred to Blackbeard as “they” instead of “he” during the Jaya Arc.

                Fact: First of all a fruit with such name has never been confirmed or even mentioned, second the reason Blackbeard has three skulls on his jolly roger has never been explained or given any significance, and third Oda has never confirmed any of the “evidence” given in this. Also, the fact Zoro and Luffy referred to him as “they” was that they most likely guessed Blackbeard and the other strange people they had seen were together. It is highly unlikely either Zoro or Luffy could have realized Blackbeard had such an ability, given that he shows no outward signs of any powers, like any other Devil Fruit user. And the reason of Shank’s scar having three scratches was most likely because of Blackbeard’s old weapon was similar to Kuro’s Cat Claws but only with three spike-like blades.


                  After the recent chapter, many people believe that we will propably have a Jack vs Strawhats showdown and i am one of them!

                  But, i still believe it’s gonna be a seperation between the strawhats!

                  Luffy will take few people with him(I believe except for Pekoms, Raizou will join him as well) and Zoro with Law will prepare for the trip to Wano!

                  However, there is a small obstacle… none other that Jack himself…! and i will explain why…

                  We know that he went on a rescue mission to save Doflamingo from getting imprison!

                  In addition, we know he is heading to Impel Down!

                  Now, let’s look the map…

                  As you can see,Impel Down is on the west while the strawhats are in the opposite direction(east/Zou).

                  We know that Jack , managed to attack the marines before reaching Impel Down!

                  Also, we know that he left the island the same day Doflamingo was defeated!That was 11 days ago…! And base on chapter 807(ten days ago) half of the strawhats reached Zou!

                  So, if i have to take a guess… the distance at that time(It’s a moving island) between Dressrosa and Zou was approximately 1-2 days at most!(read chapter 807 , it will help you understand how many days has passed since entering the NW!Base on my calculations they are 14-15 days)

                  Taken into consideration the analysis i just made, it’s highly possible that he managed to catch up with the navy really quick!

                  If we also take into the account that the navy left Dressrosa the third day after the battle…!2

                  It is beautifully adds up!

                  In my opinion, Jack managed to catch up around here!

                  In the proccess managed to sink two ships, but sustained some injuries and considered dead…

                  However,he failed to retrieve doflamingo and base on the last chapter, he is alive and by the looks of it, he is been accompanied by a large fleet!

                  So, guys let’s refresh our memory!

                  What was his initial mission?
                  To retrieve Raizou!
                  And where he is now?
                  He is on Zou!
                  So, what he is going to do?
                  He is going to complete, his unfinished mission!

                  I think it’s a pretty logical way of thinking , don’t you think?

                  Even if he wants to go somewhere else, he has to pass to Zou…!

                  I think it’s very unlikely to move on , straight to Big Mom’s tea party… I doubt he even knows anything about it…

                  Also, take note that the battle between him and the navy occured around 8 days ago(11-3=8…xD)!

                  He had 8 whole days to rest,to heal,to prepair(fleet)and to travel back on Zou to put an end to his unfinished business!

                  So, he must be pretty close to Zou!

                  That means a SHOWDOWN!I can feel the hype!:)

                  In my opinion, since there is the Sanji matter on one hand and the Jack matter on the other , they will have no choice but to split!

                  But why split and not go all together to save Sanji?

                  1.Luffy said he will go alone, although i doubt he will be completely alone… he will take at least two![Pekoms and Raizou(stealth)… they will sneak!]

                  2.I think it was foreshadowed that, it’s going to be a match between Zoro vs Jack!
                  a)They both are the right hand man of their captains!
                  b)They both use swords as weapons
                  c)When the minks were talking about Jack, Oda focused on Zoro twice for a reason!c011

                  3.There is no way Zoro, will go after Sanji after making that speech1

                  4.The strawhats befriended the minks and i don’t think they will leave them at their fate…Luffy will entrust Zoro with the mission to protect them any way he can!I believe Law will stay too, since his good friend Bepo is from Zou!Let’s not forget they are still many of them injured

                  5.Lastly… maybe one of the biggest mysteries… the moon!
                  We have yet to be relieved , what happens when the full moon is out!

                  I think i gave you some solid points!

                  To move on with the last part of my theory!

                  The last part of this theory will be a speculation, but if you think about it , it will might make some sense!

                  I think in this fight we will have a Law and Zoro vs Jack battle, like we had the Law and Luffy combination against Doflamingo!
                  So, this combination could be turn out to be true!

                  Also, they are similar in personalities…both badass,cool,serious and bloodthirsty when they fight!

                  In my opinion, this duo will be amazing!

                  To conclude, i think we will have a big revelation regarding Zoro’s past from the moment he will release his demonic spirit!
                  Yes, i think this will be the fight that we will see him go all out!

                  This will be the moment when Zoro will trully connect to Wano and it will ignite his desire to go to Wano even more and learn about his past and lineage!

                  I don’t know how the fight will turn out… but i believe , during this fight Jack will tell him about his demonic/cursed clan or lineage and to how he might connect to one of his future enemies!

                  I hope you enjoyed my theory

                  *Theory by EpicListening

                  You can also watch the videotheory here:

                    Lola’s Mother is the final Yonko – Myth & Fact

                    Myth: Lola said that her mother is an incredibly powerful pirate, and that Nami should try to find her if she was in trouble. She’s probably the last Yonko, Big Mom! The Yonko are said to control the New World, where Lola comes from, and Big Mom’s jolly roger features stout red lips, a feature that Lola has.


                    Fact: The final Yonko is revealed to be called Charlotte Linlin, but there is still no confirmation that she is Lola’s mother.