Tag Archives: zou arc


We see in that panel, that someone from the ship, that saved Sanji said: “I must’ve heard them during the storm 3 months ago. Now there are some things I gotta mention.

How can you hear somebody through a storm? A storm should be to loud, especially from range.

They didn’t mention a fight between pirates, therefore I assume it was in range.

Now look at Vito’s sign:

Doesn’t it resemble a bat?

Wings, ears and tail. The second arrow is the steak, that got pierced through Dracula’s heart.

I assume this, because Vito and Dracula lookalike.

I know he is based on another person, but he doesn’t look like the person he’s based on.

So I assume his look got based off of Dracula and resembles his Devil Fruit Powers

Now this is how I am connecting this. A bat is able to send ultrasonic waves and the sounds will reflect back through echoes. I assume Whit was on that ship, that saved Sanji and that he ate the Bato Bato No Mi, model Vampire. I will write later about his Devil Fruit Powers in this theory.

We also know from one of the newest chapters, that Sanji would get a present box with someone’s head into it. Vito told Sanji something, that made Sanji come with them. I assume he told him, that he knows about Zeff and that Zeff’s head would be in that present box. There was even one panel, where it got stated that:

“It could even be someone from the Barriete Restaurant”, and why would Oda include this?

It has to have some reason in my opinion.

We also know, that Zeff is most likely the only person, that Sanji really cares about, when it comes to “real family.” He didn’t grow up with the Vinsmokes. The panel also mentioned, that it could be one of the Okama, but I don’t think, that Sanji cares, that much about them as we’ve seen. I also think, that Sanji trusts Luffy enough, that he can protects his crew. I really think, that Zeff is the reason.

Now let’s get to Vito’s Devil Fruit Powers.

As I’ve already mentioned he has Vampire Abilities and resembles a vampire(mainly Dracula), from his look.

He has black fingernails.

He wears sunglasses, which protect him from the sun.

He has a long tongue.

He is also called the “Monster Gun”, and Vampires were known to be monsters.

Furthermore vampires were able to use telekinesis. Look at the sound effect of the pistol. Its the sound effect when a thing starts to move. He also makes the same hand pose as a telekinesis user.

He can also use magic, like vampires could.

His hands are very large and Vampires hands were also very large.

Chopper clearly stated, that he thought, that there were only “two enemies.” And let’s be honest here. Chopper is not, that weak, that he can get overwhelmed that easily. It was a sneaky overwhelming. Its strange, that Vito just appears and disappears in all of the panels.

Either he was a bat and transformed back behind Chopper and Nami or he was hiding in the dust, because
Vampires could do these two things, but there was no steam before they went into Capone’s body, so I would delete the second possibility.

Or there is even the possibility, that he was very fast, because Vampires have superhuman speed and that might also be the reason how Chopper didn’t see him coming.

Sanji called himself “the hunter”, if you remember it. He already hunted a wolf and next time he will fight against Vito and hunt a Vampire. Werewolfs and Vampires are both mythical creatures, that got hunted.

Now you might argue, that Jyabura is not a “werewolf”, but I don’t think it has to be necessarily a werewolf, if we clearly get a connection there. Or maybe Jyabura can transform into a werewolf, when he improves his Devil Fruit Powers. Maybe his Zoan is capable of more wolf forms, when we see him the next time.

We have only seen Rob Lucci changing the forms of his Devil Fruits. Jyabura could’ve learned it too.

I think, that Vito is from Big Mom’s Crew, because of some reason:

Vito is only the “advisor”, of the Firetank Pirates.

I haven’t seen any crew yet with an advisor role yet and an advisor role wouldn’t make sense anyways
because why does someone gets called an advisor in a crew? Sanji makes smart things too, does that make him the advisor? I think “advisor”, is meant as cooperating with somebody.

Big Mom allies abnormal Crew Mates and Vito is abnormal if he resembles a vampire.

I think Vito will fight against Sanji, because:

Vampires have superhuman speed = Sanji’s specialty is speed and observation Haki.

Vampires could also transform into a hybrid form, that flies = Sanji uses Sky Walk.

Sanji hunted a wolf and called himself “the hunter”, and he will also hunt a vampire.

They both seem to be the smart ones as we know about Sanji’s doings (Mr.Prince, Arc Maxim etc.)

I assume Vito is very smart too, because he has an advisor role. And he seems very smart as from the things he did (blackmailing Sanji, overwhelming Chopper and Nami to get Sanji into Capone’s deal etc.)

Sanji would improve much in observation Haki in that fight and also overall combat ability. I think from all the things I’ve mentioned before Sanji is the perfect opponent against Vito.

Imagine an enemy, who has good observation Haki, who can fly, who has some nice quick gun moves, who’s very fast against Sanji.

Thanks for checking out my theory

*Theory by OnePieceHD


    When I was going through all colored cover pages, some of the pages got my attention. Those pages had “SH with Samurai costume”. So I searched all cover pages and arranged in chapter vise.

    In Chapter 70 cover page, left bottom, below Usopp, there is a face. When I see that face, suddenly I remembered “Kin’emon” face.

    Oda already designed or thought of samurai in his mind.

    After in Chapter 310 cover page, right bottom of page. I saw “SHIBARAKU” word. So I searched it. But that searched result shocked me.

    Shibaraku is among the most popular pieces in the classical Japanese dance-drama. The plot centers around the figure of Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa, who has become the stereotypical bombastic hero of the classical Japanese dance-drama, with red-and-white striped makeup and strong, energetic movement. The historical Kamakura Kagemasa is famous for his bravery for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle in the Gosannen War (1083-1087).

    Kamakura Kagemasa lost one eye in Gosannen War. Zoro also have scan on his Left eye. Zoro may not lost his eyes but his eye is definitely injured from someone. Oda may have taken only plot of this Shibaraku play and adding his own idea and creativity, story may be different. Or Zoro may open his left eye while battling with enemy in Wano kingdom and he may eventually lose his eyesJust my prediction according to the source of SHIBARAKU play).


    Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政) (born 1069) was a samurai descended from the Taira clan, who fought for theMinamoto clan in the Gosannen War of Japan’s Heian period. He is famous for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle during that war.

    We still yet to know full background of Zoro, since some people are saying, “He is the incarnation of Ryuma”. So, Zoro might have been a descended from one of the clan’s in Wano Kingdom.

    Now we will talk about Gosannen war. The Gosannen War was part of a long struggle for power within the warrior clans of the time.

    So lets assume that, “Wano kingdom will be having Power struggle between clan’s and one of the clan approached Kaido for support since wano Kingdom is not under WG. When KAIDO came to wano, he will defeat other clan members and finally he will cheat the clan which hired him. So after that Kaido will take control of Wano kingdom.”

    Let’s continue with our SHIBARAKU drama – The climactic moment of this dram takes place when a goodly samurai is being assaulted by a number of villains. Kagemasa shouts “Shibaraku!” (Stop a moment!) loudly from behind a curtain (agemaku) and then steps out onto the hanamichi (a raised platform extending through the audience to the stage) in magnificent costume and makeup. Arriving at the stage, he sits on a stool (aibiki) and, in a special kind of monologue called tsurane, explains his story. He then drives the villains off.

    We already know that, Kaido’s men’s are chasing that Kagetsu Clan members with Kin’emon, Momonoske and Kanjuru. As per current situation, SH will divide as two group and one group with Luffy will head for “Whalecake Island”. Another group having Zoro will advance to Wano kingdom.

    Oda again, foreshadow the fighting between Zoro and Wano clan members.

    In Chapter 526, We can see. Tiger and Dragon are seeing each other with killing intent.


    Through Kin’emon, Oda again foreshadow the fight in chapter 816.

    Last but not least:

    -In chapter 547 cover page. We can see all the pirates in Samurai costume, who are all escaped from Impel Down. We may expect Crocodile and Mr 1 inwano kingdom as well as Jinbe(we need new member to fight with Kaido).

    -In chapter 582 cover page. While SH are playing game, we can see a cat wearing thrown in cover page. It indicates “Master Nekomamushi”. He may eventually join SH for his revenge.

    -In Chapter 710 cover page. Usopp and Chopper are in different costume. Especially Usopp(in old man costume). Usopp may use this costume in Wano Kingdom for hiding himself, like in Water 7 how he used a mask.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    *Theory by Go D. Po


      Now Brook is one of my favorite characters in the Manga, he’s had very little character development compared to the rest of the SH’s and his past is very much unknown. One thing i’d like to note from the start is the sbs where Oda reveals the nationalities of the SH’s


      Luffy is Brazilian
      Zoro is Japanese
      Nami is Swedish
      Usopp is African
      Sanji is French
      Chopper is Canadian
      Robin is Russian
      Franky is American
      Brook is Austrian

      This information will help you better understand the rest of the theory so i got it out of the way. Lets start with Brook’s name


      As a Noun: A Small Stream

      As a Verb: Tolerate of Allow

      Brook’s character has always held steady and pretty much allowed anything to happen unless it involves threatening his Nakama, his personality basically is him tolerating any and everything that happens around him, despite being picked on or made fun like how franky and brook spoke still he had a smile on his face and enjoyed the presence of another person despite what harsh criticisms may come his way.

      Austrian history actually helps further prove this as being Oda’s subtle hints, in 1955 after WW2 Austria was found to be an independent and sovereign state.

      October 26, 1955 Austria made a pact that they would stay neutral and out of any military conflict, it also states it will not allow military from other countries to set up and wage war on their country.

      Brook’s Past

      First thing i’d like to point out, Gekko Moriah had nothing to do with Brook’s “Death”, he said it happened some decades ago while clearly he lost his shadow like 5 years ago pretimeskip, 7 years ago post timeskip.

      Notice Sanji’s reaction, he even goes as far as to be worried about what he’s hearing i don’t believe this is his manners since he gets made but his reaction is far more related on being concerned.

      Brook said what? “I was promised i could live a second life”. Ok so this is where i’m getting suspicious, who would go out of their way to give Brook a Devil Fruit. Another thing, if somebody gave Brook this DF which we all know you only find out once you eat it, but had the knowledge of the DF beforehand means they’d of had to study the Devil Fruits with a book.

      Notice that Brook does not at all specifically mention who attacked him, if it was pirates he’d likely just say that but i believe he was attacked by Germa 66. First off i do understand Brook used to be with a Battle Convoy of a certain Kingdom, but i do not however believe Warmonger or Germa 66 has any direct relation.

      Proof on Brook’s DF having no relationship to Gecko Moriah

      Brook’s light Bone’s allowing him to run on water

      More info on Brook’s past

      Brook’s Fencing

      Seeing as Ryuma has Brook’s personality it’s clear that Brook was specifically trained in Fencing, his fighting style resembles a mix of Fencing and Iaido(replacing sword from scabbard cutting and returning it)

      Fencing is traditionally French, Iaido is associated with Japan, French and Japanese words consist of Brook’s fighting moves.

      Why was Brook targeted?

      I have two options that make sense

      Option A. For his Devil Fruit

      Option B: Something he learned during his job as the leader of a Battle Convoy

      We know Germa 66 is essentially hitmen for hire, mercenaries if you will. And it’s a mythical army commanded by Sanji’s father and they deal heavily in the Black Market. Blackbeard can’t be the only person targeting DF”s and i believe revival is quite an ability.

      I fully expect Brooke to target and fight Germa 66 i believe we will learn more in the upcoming chapters but it’s clear its Germa 66 who wiped Brook and his crew out.

      During the first part of WW2, the Austrians fought with the Germans, i believe Germa 66 to be related to the Nazi troops a hidden army, the Nazi’s did alot of crazy things, the Death Camps, Weapon Improvements, Immoral Experimentation, As i said earlier in the video eventually Austria became it’s own country. Perhaps it’s because Brook’s country is an ally of Germa 66, it would help explain why he decided to become a pirate, to get away from constant warfare. One thing that is strange is that Brook has said nothing about his country of origin as if he’s trying to forget about it.

      The people he cares about are Laboon, the Rumbar Pirates, and the SH Pirates, but no one from his country seems to interest him.

      I am not certain now one hundred percent but i hope the theory helps shed some light onto the skeleton dead bones Brook

      *Theory by DemonAsura666


        For my exploits today, I turned my eyes to the Samurai and the Minks and trying to figure out what Oda may be doing here. So I delved into Japanese culture and I’ve got some interesting ideas about where we are going for the future. I will seek to answer these questions;
        1. Why Kaidou and his men are hunting Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizou and Momonosuke?
        2. Why is Momonosuke so important to everything?
        3. Why the Kogetsu Clan and the Minks are allies?
        4. Does Ryuuma play a role in the history between the Minks and the Samurai?

        This is a very relevant topic to theorize about given the recent chapter, so I thought it would be fun. Did my research, and I’m back at you with another theory that’s 100% mine. Because that’s the only way I ever do them anyways.:D Oh and every time I introduce a new Japanese history term, it will be tagged with a wikipedia link so you can follow it straight away to get a little background.


        This arc imo, is Oda’s baby. There hasn’t been an arc like this with literally 3, potentially 4-5 arcs of build up since like Alabasta. And never been an arc that will be so heavily steeped in Japanese Culture and History. He’s gonna make sure his historical references and artistic depictions of Wano are ON POINT. Japan is Oda’s thing. So I expect that many things onWano will be very true to authentic Feudal Era Japan.

        The main thing however is the governing system of Wano. In Japan, there were two rulers, one was the Emperor, who held a more religious based position among the masses and then there was the Shogun, who held the office of the Shogunate,which makes him a military and political leader. The Shogun had more power than the Emperor. The weird thing is theShogun was usually appointed BY the Emperor. An odd system indeed.

        The families from which Shogun were usually chosen were from the Feudal Lords, also referred to as the Daimyo. Individual Clans who had great power and wealth. It was very common for these Clans to hire Samurai to work under them.

        There is another special position known as a Regent, known in Japanese as a Sesshō. This position is given to someone who’s job is to assist a child emperor before his coming of age. I believe the One Piece equivalent of this is Kinemon’s title of Retainer. Which brings me to my first point.

        This little Shit


        Now the first thing you are saying is , but Kinemon is just a Retainer so how could his son be heir to the throne? For one thing, it is not unheard of, in fact it was common place for awhile, that members of the Imperial Family were appointed asRetainers. So Kinemon himself could be Royalty. Maybe just not directly in line for the throne.

        But also, I’m going to say there is a possibility that Momonosuke might not be Kinemon’s son and something happened to his parents while he was a baby, and Kinemon was given the task of hiding Momonosuke’s identity from some enemy who was in power, due to the fact that his lineage was a direct threat to that power. And he’s lied to Momo their entire lives.

        So Momo’s royal title was hidden from even him, since he was just a baby. That’s also a possibility. More importantly,Momonosuke means “Peach Emperor”, so there is that. And of course this parallels with Vivi and her plight to save her kingdom of Alabasta.But still, why does that make Momonosuke important to one of the Younkou?


        Because, as most people have guessed, Kaidou is the current Shogun of Wanokuni. And I don’t think he’s the rightful one either, as in lineage wise. Strength wise he might have earned it, but some of the Samurai don’t want him as the Shogun. The clues for this have been in the way his crew have talked about him. Particularly Sheepshead.

        There are some interesting different plot points that could have occurred to bring Kaidou to power. The first one is thatKaidou, in his endless quest to find a worthy opponent, came to Wano because he had heard about the strong warriors there. But none of them proved a challenge and he defeated them all. After which they submitted to his rule out of fear. Very possible.

        Another idea I had is that he and Moria may have had their epic showdown on Wano, and when the Samurai tried to drive him out afterwards, they were unable to do so. This would explain Moria robbing Ryuuma’s grave. Still it doesn’t have to, but this one is also possible. I’m sure we will learn about the specifics of this on Wano as Kinemon mentioned it when he saw Zoro’s sword, whether or not it relates to Kaidou’s position.

        The third way is more based on a historical event in Japan, known as the Boshin War.



        The Boshin War was a civil war in Japan that was fought from 1868 to 1869 between forces of the ruling Tokugawa shogunate and a radicalized group of nobles and samurai who believed in returning political power to the imperial court. The dispute was over the Shogunate’s handling of foreigners since Japan’s opening of its borders in a previous decade.

        The parallel I’m suggesting here makes the case for a far more devious plan. Maybe the Kogetsu Clan are like the Tokugawa, who supported the opening up of Wano to outside influences and some of the other powerful clans or maybe the Imperial Family themselves (which could set them up as joint antagonist with Kaidou) didn’t agree, suggesting that opening up the country would dilute the authenticity of the original culture.They thus rallied together and enlisted the strength of a powerful pirate, namely Kaidou, to overthrow the ruling Kogetsu Clan and take control of the Shogun monarchy. And re-instituted the Imperial Style of rule. In fact, in the Boshin War, the radicals and the Emperor were supporters of a publication known as the “Order to Expel Barbarians“. The ideas were extremely anti-foreign and the ruling emperor of the time agreed with the sentiments expressed here, and actively tried to interfere with the Shogunate.I like this idea the most because it sets up a Samurai villain as well, that could be an appropriate match for a particular swordsman. Obviously I mean Brooke:rolleyes:Whatever the reasons, I think it’s very probable that this is the structure of Wano’s current political system. Now onto the next half.


        Our theory will take us back a few hundred years to the past to theorize the events that made the Minks and Samurai become allies. If there is one thing that can bring two races together, especially two warrior races like the Minks and the Samurai, it’s a common enemy. So I’ve been thinking on it and I’ve come up with what I believe is the common enemy. It all starts, with a ……

        If you are not familiar with Oda’s One Shot Monsters, I would suggest going and taking a look at it, following the link I provided. The events are considered canon and I think it’s important because it’s entirely relevant as we go towards Wano.

        I’ll summarize as I know some people are lazy. In the story, Monsters, we deal with a story about a town who was terrorized by a dragon which they thought was a natural disaster, but was the work of two criminals controlling the creature with something called the Dragon’s Horn. Ryuuma, a wandering Samurai who is just passing through. He’s misjudged, people think he’s low down crook, but in the end, the Swordsman they revered turned out to be a swine and Ryuuma was the true hero.

        Now I don’t expect us to see Oda retread this story in One Piece with updated characters and settings. It has its place in OP lore, but to me the most important elements aren’t the story and the plot, but these key things.

        • Ryuuma himself as a character and his ideologies and honour
        • Dragons being depicted as forces of destruction
        • The “Dragon Horn”

        If you notice, it is revealed that Ryuuma is the “King” swordsman character that people speak about as this legendary swordsman that’s the best in the world, but he doesn’t know that’s what people call him because he’s not in it for the fame and doesn’t stick around to receive it. So in this One Shot, Ryuuma has already established himself as a legend and the whole one shot is just giving us a glimpse into him.

        I believe at some point in the samurai’s history, they were under the threat of Dragons wiping them out. Very reminiscent of the plot of the film “How to Train Your Dragon”. Basically, as a warrior people they would continuously fight Dragons to protect their homeland. But they were losing the battle. They needed to find the Dragon’s nest. But they could never do it. But even moreso, they needed to find a way to fight against the vicious beast.

        Enter Ryuuma, and I’m theorizing that he is the creator of the FoxFire Style that Kinemon uses.

        I’m not sure how this works, but I’m not gonna leave it up in the air either. That would be lazy of me. So let’s try to explainFoxFire style. I’m gonna theorize here and say it’s done in a similar way that Luffy generates fire with his Red Hawk. A mixture of an extremely high speed slash and haki that creates friction with the air, enough to ignite it. Also of note is how do One Piece swordsman create an air slash?The best example we have ever had is the idea that they slice the air, using their blades so quickly, they create a small momentary vacuum space where the blade has passed through, that when air closes in, it becomes compressed and takes the shape of the slash and continues along the initial direction of force. That’s getting really theoretical, but it’s the only explanation that makes any sense. That and of course, it’s MANGA DERR!!!:faceplam:Now recall that the admirals create an invisible haki barrier against Whitebeard that manifested in the air itself.

        What if using haki and the blade as a conduit, just like the admirals used their hands to create a wall, you create a wall width out of the blade. Then the Foxfire style uses that width to have an influential area of the blade’s vacuum slice that is larger, which then can cause Fire to be sucked into it and extinguished? Using the same idea, but in a different manner. We are spit-balling here but bare with me.

        I’m thinking this style was created by Ryuuma, to combat Dragons in particular. After Ryuuma created the FoxFire Style, he showcased its power against the Dragon attack and saved the people. Like the original Monsters One Shot, Ryuuma was thought to be a no good samurai, with no skill or worth. A clutz. But he proved them wrong, by saving the Samurai, and eventually dragons stopped attacking Wano altogether.

        But he knew something was wrong. They only chased away the Dragons. They didn’t exterminate them. If they weren’t attacking Wano, where would they go?

        Credit to Arcxana from DeviantArt for the amazing picture of Zou at Sunset

        Yes Zou. Look at this tropical climate. My idea is that either they went out on their own and tracked down Zou or at some point a Dragon came to Wano and collapsed and died, and attached to it was a wounded Mink, who held on for his life. Then it gets revealed to the Samurai that the Dragons they chased off, were now tormenting the Minks.

        Why would it go to Zou? Because as we know, Zunisha’s water rain showers bring with it tonnes of food and fish. This could be easily seen as a free meal for a flying predator. Especially one who lost it’s main food source.

        Doesn’t look like it would as a Dragon’s next, but my idea stems from the those giant towers in the picture above. Why are they there? What purpose could they possibly serve? The Minks seem to live in the city and the Night Minks have their own residential district at the base of the Whale Forest. None of the Minks seem to live there at all, so what possible reason could they have for building such gigantic structures? My idea?

        To shelter from the onslaught of the Dragons centuries ago. Fortresses shrouded in bush would never suffice against the flames of a dragon. So they built structures out of the silt that Zunisha brought up dumped on its back to create shelters that could withstand the heat.

        While simultaneously fighting for their survival. Now the Kogetsu Clan and their samurai, led by Ryuuma, went out to defend Zou from the Dragons.

        That clan and the Minks bonded and almost brought the Dragons to an end. Now this doesn’t contradict with my other theory on the Minks and the Samurai being enemies at one point in history, because that’s in the Void Century Era. I’m suggesting hundreds of years later, this happened that could have mended relations, specifically with the Kogetsu Clan.

        Nekomamushi did say this chapter that the Minks and the Kogetsu Clan, (not all Samurai) are friends. Note also, as I mentioned above, the Daimyo were made up of many different clans collectively.

        As for how Ryuuma died, I can’t possibly say. It’s best not to push it too far. This is an unsubstantiated theory after all.


        This section will just highlight some strong parallels that would explain why Zunisha would have this kind of history. And it’s mainly the fact that it shares lots of similarities with Skypeia.

        • Skypeia and Zou both follow two arcs that are also very similar (Dressrosa/Alabasta)
        • They both are islands where the people live at high altitudes.
        • They both are extremely hard to reach
        • Both involve groups of people who are connected to legends from past individuals (Norland/Ryuuma)
        • They both appear to be very closed off societies at the beginning.

        I feel like Ryuuma is very much like Norland, in that’s he’s historical, butnot Void Century historical and an important part of some story Oda wants to tell. All of what I said could be wrong, but it’s fun to speculate.


        So to summarize, the Kogetsu Clan are the main clan that oppose Kaidou and the Imperial rule on Wano. Momonosuke is the last heir to that bloodline and Kinemom, Kanjuro and Raizou are all loyal to that family and trying to protect him. They wanted to come to Zou to enlist the Mink’s help in taking down Kaidou’s rule. They also have a group of Samurai back at Wano willing to fight.

        Ryuuma was instrumental in saving the Samurai from the onslaught of Dragons in their past and the creator of the Fox Fire style. He and the Kogetsu Clan saved the Minks who were indirectly affected by their defeat of the Dragons and fostered a bond between the two groups.

        Hope you guys enjoyed.

        *Theory by TheConqueror

          CP0’S POWERS

          If CP0’s main trio that we saw in Dressrosa has Devil Fruit abilities, there is no doubt these will be incredibly powerful powers. Afterall, given their role and likely amount of power as the ultimate shield for the Tenryuubito and Gorosei against external threats, it would be ludicrous to think they would have less powerful Devil Fruits. Of course there is the possibility that they do not possess Devil Fruits, but I find this unlikely.

          In another theory of mine, I explain the significance of the name ‘AEGIS’, you can give that a read here:

          One important thing to note is that AEGIS is a defensive ability that the Ancient Greek Gods possessed. This and other factors considered, I will rule out Logia Devil Fruit powers for the following reasons:

          • Rokushiki is most effectively used when a users body is enhanced, Logias do not do this, however, Paramecia can and Zoans always do
          • There is a limited number of Logia fruits Oda can use at this point

          Now, as I said, as Rokushiki is a heavily body-dependent fighting style, the members of CP0 all likely have very powerful Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki.

          According to One Piece trivia, Oda has namedropped another Rokushiki technique called ‘Chokkai’, it’s name means ‘to bother’, although nothing more is known, whether Oda is joking or not is also questionable. If Oda is being truthful about this, having not seen this technique before, we will likely see CP0 using this. If Chokkai is real I suspect the technique will involve after images and immense speed the same way Rokuogan involved immense strength.

          From what we know so far, this is a list of abilities they likely have:

          • Busoshoku Haki
          • Kenbunshoku Haki
          • Chokkai
          • Rokuogan
          • Kami-e
          • Geppo
          • Soru
          • Tekkai
          • Rankyaku
          • Shigan
          • Combination of Haki and Rokushiki

          As for Devil Fruits:
          Aegis to our best knowledge has three different possible source materials in Greek Mythology. There are three of these CP0 agents and therefore I believe that they each have a direct link to every singular part of Aegis.

          The first instance will relate to this man:


          Basilisk Mythical Zoan – Hebi Hebi no Mi Model: Basilisk
          This is because, in myth, the shield first contained the skin and hair of a Gorgon, granting it incredible invulnerability as it could use Stone for protection and manipulate stone as well as turn enemies into stone. Although the ability to turn people into stone is taken by the Mero Mero no Mi and the Gorgon-based character is embodied in Hancock, a Basilisk Zoan is still very likely and powerful



          • Flight
          • Turn opponent to stone upon contact (not automatic)
          • Extra speed and agility
          • Size advantages
          • Greater muscular power
          • Regenerative ability to external wounds

          Secondly, the right hand man from the long arm tribe:


          Chimera Mythical Zoan – Neko Neko no Mi Model: Chimera
          Legend also states that a Chimera-esque creature of unspecified appearance had formed a part of the Shields construction. The creature is likely strongly related to Chimera. Therefore it’s highly probable that Oda would use the actual Chimera for this guys powers



          • Flame breath
          • Poisonous bite from tail
          • Claws of incalculable strength (swords slashing?)
          • Horns of incalculable density
          • Enhanced speed
          • Enhanced strength and power

          Lastly, the tallest of the three characters:


          Iron Paramecia – Tetsu Tetsu no Mi
          There was a giant killed by Athena called Pallas, and another called Asterus, both of whom had incredibly strong hyde/skin that was resistant to any mortal damage. At the time of the Greeks, Iron was the strongest metal discovered, hence this is a good choice. This guy is huge anyway and can be considered a symbolism the giants in question, his ability will greatly enhance his ability to defend himself



          • Enhanced defence (absolute defence? +Tekkai + Busoshoku Haki)
          • Greater muscular strength
          • Power and density increased greatly
          • Ability to create and manipulate pre-existing Iron
          • Slight magnetic properties

          Well, whether I’m right or wrong, these guys are totally monstrous, but this is a little bit of fun, hope you enjoyed! Do you like these choices of Devil Fruit?

          *Theory by L o g i a

            CAPONE AND JERMA 66

            Jerma 66, or Warmonger, is an evil ‘mythical’ army lead by Sanji’s family, the Vinsmokes, with Sanji’s father being the head. They are most likely very powerful, seeing Nami’s reaction. She viewed it as ‘a load of crap’, meaning that Jerma 66 was so crazy it almost seemed like the organization was sculpted out of a tall tale.


            Notice their choice of words. She says ‘make believe’, with Pekoms telling her it does indeed exist. It most be widely known, and to assuage normal people’s fears, someone has been telling them it is make believe and a myth.
            The influence that they have is massive. They can easily get the WG to give/change bounties. This in my opinion can only mean two things.
            1. They have something the WG wants.
            2. The WG acknowledges them as a threat and gives them what they want before they lash out against them.
            What I am trying to make out of this is that Jerma 66 is a crazy strong organization that is feared by the WG and is powerful enough to be considered a myth.
            Now, to Capone. Capone has been in Big Mom’s ranks for an unknown amount of time. He is the leader of the Fire Tank Pirates, as well as a Mafia Boss. I have previously theorized about him betraying Big Mom, and I’ve been starting to think about a few things. What does Big Mom want that Capone have, or what she may have that Capone will want in the future? I think Jerma 66 may possibly hold the key to that.
            Right now we do not know much about Jerma 66 other than what we have already been presented in earlier chapters. But, I am leaning towards Jerma 66 having something the WG wants, since they would have to be absurdly powerful to rival them. I started thinking about the wedding/tea party. We don’t know much about the tea party, but I am assuming that they would be lavish parties that took a long amount of time to plan. Capone may have join once he heard that Jerma 66 may soon be affiliated with Big Mom.
            What does Capone want from Jerma? He may want to take over and use it to ascend to a higher ranking in the pirate world, or they may have something they have.

            *Theory by Fishman Ibra


              Alright, I would like to premise this theory first with a statement that I always thought that Luffy and his allies would ultimately clash with the World Government and the Marines at the final war (excluding the final battle with Blackbeard)

              But, some developments happened along the way and kinda made me think of possibilities so, I would get this out of the way immediately:

              The Marines (at least some of them) would breakaway from the World Government and execute a Coup d’Etat.

              Now this faction would be very different from the Revolutionaries.

              The Revolutionaries wanted to overthrow the government and got no problem affiliating themselves with outside forces like Pirates.

              But the Breakaway Marines (we will refer to them as X-Marines) are the guys who still detest pirates, the same way they detest the World Government.

              There are several instances in the manga why this thought came to my mind.

              First is the apparent disappointment of the Fleet Admiral over the decision of the World Government.

              Second is the desire of Admiral Fujitora to defy the government privateers called “Shichibukai” system and his obvious disdain for the World Government.

              Now, the other reasons I have are just a speculations, but I believe I got good grounds for it..currently in Zou arc, some parts of Sanji’s backstory had been revealed, and it was said that this “Vinsmoke Family”, which Sanji is a relative of, leads a group called “Warhouse / Germa Double Six”

              Now with the involvement of Capone “Gang” Bege, who obviously had been inspired from Al Capone, a famous Mafia Leader, it would be fair to assume that Capone was hired to bring the news to Sanji by another Mafia Group.

              Which is kinda confirmed in a way because they are said to be a “Family of Assassins”, well either way, moving on….

              With “Germa 66” name as well, I would assume that Oda used this name in order to reference a group/organization from the movie “Kill Bill”, by Quentin Tarantino (Oda loves Tarantino Films)

              The Crazy 88, which is led by a Mafia Leader / Underworld Leader.

              (wouldnt be surprised if the Vinsmokes hide their faces like this to hide the eyebrows. LOL.)

              I’ll dive into this topic in another theory (and Germa 66 connection to a card game), but lets just say, the head of Vinsmoke Family lured Sanji into doing what he wants by using someone Sanji loves as a bait.

              The point i’m trying to make (which is kinda confusing coz I rambled on) is that the Vinsmoke Family is a Mafia Family.

              I’ll just get straight to the point.

              Each of the Gorosei leads their own organizations, so that makes it 5 organizations including the Germa 66 and Cipher Pol.

              Simply said, in the game of chess, those 5 organizations are the real “guys” of the World Government.

              The Marines?: Pawns, disposable pawns who always get fronted in battle and dont know the real “identities” of the World Government, especially the Gorosei.

              So I believe some Marines would breakaway from the World Government and start a new faction.

              So in the final war, we have:

              1. The Strawhat Pirates and its Grand Fleet.
              2. The Blackbeard Pirates and its Grand Fleet.
              3. The World Government (Science Division, Germa 66, Cipher Pol etc.)
              4. X-Marines.

              And yes, I don’t believe the Red Hair Pirates and the Revolutionaries would be there for the Final War…

              *Theory by beck



                I would first like to state that there are a few things that make the StrawHat Grand Fleet different then most fleets we’ve seen so far

                1- They don’t stay together the entire time, each division of Luffy’s fleet travels the New World on their own adventures which will help them develop in different ways.

                2- They all joined Luffy not out of fear but out of respect

                3- A lot of the individual captains/commanders have their own goals/dreams, they might not be as big or important as the straw hats but they are dreams

                1 Cavendish wants to be a star and a great pirate known all over the world
                2 Bartholomeo wants to be of use to Luffy and help him and the crew in every way
                3 Sai wants to raise the happo navy to greatness
                4 Ideo wants to be a great fighter kinda like Ussop wants to be brave warrior
                5 Hajrudin wants to rebuild the giant pirate crew
                6 Leo and co want to help Ussop and Luffy as much as Bartolomeo
                7 Orlumbus seems to love adventure like Luffy

                Now their potential growth is the main point of this theory

                But first i want to bring up one of my theories on kings haki and haki in general. Now i believe the reason why we have not seen a Marine or any strong member of a Yonko’s crew with king haki is because they serve under someone, kings do not serve others. Also ranking systems are in almost every crew or organization in One Piece except the Straw Hats. In this way the Straw Hats are all on equal ground with Luffy, they do not shy from making their opinion known like in most crews, Luffy has been shown to take their advice when making important decisions like with Ussop on Water 7 and Sanji here on Zou.
                With this freedom i believe that the Straw Hats and fleet members are not limited in how strong their haki can be trained and developed. I believe that the fear to constantly please and obey Yonkos like Big Mom and Kadio limits the overall power of someones haki because haki is a form of willpower and fear weakens willpower. In saying that I do not believe Yonko crew members are weak just not as strong as there maximum potential. The Straw Hats and fleet do not serve Luffy like most fleets serve there captains, they assist Luffy in his quest to become pirate king, this change in mind set can cause many of the main fighters to develop new attacks and unlock higher levels of haki like with Ussop when unlocked his coO haki.

                Sai could improve his dragon drill tech adding the power to his staff gain kings haki like Chinjao.
                What if Hakuba is Cavendish’s personal haki demon like the Zoro has and he learned to control him?
                Barto could learn to crate more then one barrier and shape them into weapons animals or other shapes..
                Others could develop spiritual power up like Sanji’s fire, Brook’s ice, Fishman Karate and unknown tech

                Please let me know what you think below

                *Theory by alwaysrollinup

                  BIG MOM DEVIL-FRUIT THEORY

                  There have been alot of good theories about Big Mom’s devil fruit being either related to Witch-Craft or Acid but i wanted to go a litle bit deeper and share my ideas.

                  I agree with the idea that Big Mom’s power is witch-craft related but there are a couple of things i havent seen anyone talk about. I would like to start off with Big Mom’s ship.

                  The singing head looks like a cookie in my opinion. And its something Oda has hinted at before. Take a look at this Panel from Fishman Island.

                  Now if we talk about living cookies then ofcourse we have to link that to the Gingerbread man.

                  This picture from Shrek was the best i could find.

                  I believe Big Mom’s ability lets her turn Sweets, Cookies and Candies into living objects. This is similar to how Brook’s devil fruit works.

                  His soul emits a powerful “substance”-like energy which allows him to live. I believe Big Mom can also emit a substance-like energy which is her drool.

                  With this she can turn candies alive (if it enters the candy for example) which would explain her eating her crew (which were basicly candies or cookies). If we look at the panel where she eats them we have the crunching sounds (her eating cookies) and we see small parts falling down.

                  This substance, lets say her magic drool for now, comes from her stomach, which could be a witch’s cauldron.

                  Since Big Mom’s is most likely a paramecia this would fit in nicely.

                  Now this magic drool can also function without entering something and i believe Oda drew it next to the three-eyed girl.

                  (just a small note on the side: If the three-eyed girl is pudding it might be she is a adopted daughter and gets married against her will. It would be something a evil witch would do in my opinion, kidnapping kids, forcefully adopt them and them marry them off to increase her own influence. Which would basicly make pudding a hostage and Sanji the prince on white horse which goes to save her but thats a different topic).

                  Now if we take it the Blob thing (Magic Drool) is Big Mom’s power then we could also bring Ceasar into the mix. As we know Ceasar was asked to do research for Big Mom but he blew the funds somewhere else.

                  On Punk Hazard he had multiple things going on. First the SAD which is used to make Smiley Devil Fruits. Secondly the kids who he tried to turn into giants. And at last he had the gas weapon. Now the Sad was for Doflamingo, which later went to Kaido. The kids were basicly a old research project from Vegapunk for the World Government, which Ceasar made his own to proof he was better. And we know Jack bought his gas weapon in the past. Now Ceasar said he blew the funds somewhere else which means he didnt do the research Big Mom asked him to do. So what did she want him to research? I believe Big Mom was interested in the old version of the gas weapon. Ceasar used this version to destroy Punk Hazard four years ago.

                  Smiley was also made out of Blobs (really dont have a better word for it sorry).

                  Now what if Big Mom wanted Ceasar to give her power extra functions like for example the exploding when in contact with fire. We know Big Mom’s crew watched the experiment.

                  And when Ceasar was defeated they called Big Mom. But it could also have been because they figured he had not worked on her research orders but instead improved the weapon to turn into gas. This would explain them coming after Ceasar in Dressrosa.

                  These are just my thoughts on how Big Mom’s fruit might work. There are alot of things that can be linked to witch-craft but if Big Mom is a paramecia then it should still have something to do with her body. Her being able to food into living things might explain also why she wants candy so much. She can turn them into her own litle army just how Kaido is making a Zoan army. We know Blackbeard is out there hunting devil fruits and to make up the balance i believe Shanks is recruiting powerful Haki users like for example Rocksta who we saw with Whitebeard.

                  Hope you enjoyed the read!

                  *Theory by FrankyG


                    During the development of this new chapter (Chapter 814), I think its becoming clearer on how to kinda assume some things for the future of the story regarding Kaido and Big Mom.

                    In this chapter, there was a certain scene that gave a good feel of the status of the strawhats, specifically the scene where Zoro and Luffy argued about on whether going to rescue Sanji or not.

                    I think that Strawhats would get a vote off (Luffy and Zoro would have a big rift) and the Strawhats would split with one team going to Wano-Kuni and the other group rescuing Sanji, of course, this group is Luffy’s.

                    If im gonna give a guess on who goes with Zoro and who goes with Luffy, of course the ones that goes with Zoro are the reasonable ones, the more practical ones (you already can sense it with their dialouges last chapter)

                    Zoro = Robin, Ussop and Brook.

                    While the guys who would go with Luffy’s group are the emotional first ones.

                    Luffy = Nami, Chopper and Franky

                    And THIS division is actually really interesting.


                    First of all, please take at look at the possible group of Zoro which would go through the original mission and go to Wano-Kuni.

                    Of course, its never more obvious that they also are going to Kaido’s path.

                    Nevermind that for now and focus here, Zoro is gonna be with Robin, Ussop and Brook.

                    They are going to Wano-Kuni, and it seems that Zoro’s group references some yokais

                    Robin = Robin actually got a lot of possible yokai reference, i’ll just leave it like that.
                    Ussop = tengu
                    Brook = gashadokuro

                    Well of course Zoro is a samurai, and along with Kinemon, Momonosuke and Kanjuuro.

                    The question is, who would accompany Zoro’s group?

                    Obviously, the clear guys are Law and the Heart Pirates.

                    It’s also interesting to note that Fujitora might possibly be in Wano-Kuni (and Jack, Sengoku and Tsuru as well) who also are referenced after some very japanese stuff.

                    The possible opponent in wano-kuni? = Kaido or Jack.

                    Wano-Kuni would be the biggest spotlight of Zoro. and he would get the first crack against Kaido.

                    Which other guy would go with Zoro’s group?



                    Now let’s focus on Luffy’s group.

                    More than referencing the guys in Luffy’s group, in this group, i believe this determines which people would tag along their group….which some of them also would be involved in Wano-Kuni arc.

                    Let’s get this out of the way first, Bonney & X-Drake would appear in this Sanji arc. at least what i believe….because of Big Mom.

                    Nami = Absalom & Tashigi
                    Franky = Vegapunk
                    Luffy = Smoker & Moriah
                    Chopper = Hogback & Vegapunk

                    Zou would be the biggest spotlight of Sanji and he would get the first crack against Big Mom.


                    Basically the point im making is that i believe Luffy would take a backseat in this Big Mom/Kaido mess and that Zoro and Sanji would shine in these arcs…especially the first parts of the arcs.

                    (although at the end Luffy would be the one to end them dont get me wrong, and i believe their alliance will grow with 2 more people with X-Drake & Bonney)

                    *Theory by beck