Oda revealed who in the Straw Hat Pirates can use Haki

D: This might be out of nowhere, but who in the Straw Hat Pirates can use Haki? It’s bothering me and I can’t activate my “Love Hurricane”.

O: It’s these three. Their specialty haki color is in the parentheses.


*Luffy (Haoshoku Haki) *Zoro (Busoshoku Haki) *Sanji (Kenbunshoku Haki)


  1. And what about Usopp awakening haki to save Luffy and Law?

    • maybe this question was asked before the second half of dressrosa

      • Even since PunkHazard, when Luffy says to the crew not to fight Ceasar, and only Zoro and Sanji could do it.

        • Although neither Zoro or Sanji being immune to poison like Luffy, they probably would have had a much harder time!

          Also not sure if Zoro is as fast as Luffy (Thus might have not been able to dodge all the lasers and explosions that come with fighting CC as well as Luffy did.) And though I think Sanji IS fast enough, HE doesn’t quite have any ranged attack options. (Putting him firmly in the position of being surrounded by poisons or oxygen-less environments (Which’d also snuff out his firekicks as well with no oxygen. (Or alternatively make the area around Sanji explode.)

          Though CC showed a pretty decent ability to soak up damage, it’s not really his physical prowess that is the problem in this case. It’s just CC has an EXCELLENT powerset. Gaseous chemistry is incredibly versatile.

          Luffy’s was just better set up to fight CC. And even he actually -lost- the first fight, with CC succesfully choking him out. Honestly I think Sanji’d probably have lost (in spite of being able to hit CC and possibly doing some damage, it’s tactically a bad power matchup for Sanji.) And with Zoro… I could see Zoro KOing CC with one of those big slashes only to still get badly poisoned in the process.

          Some OP fans seem to think Zoro and Sanji are up there with Luffy, but I never thought so… I mean compare Sanji and Luffy’s fights with Doflamingo. Dofla pretty much blocked all of Sanji’s attacks and disabled him very quickly and would have killed him if not for Law. Luffy had a really HARD fight against Dofla that he definitly could have lost… But Luffy did WAY better then Sanji.

          I love Sanji, but Sanji said himself he had a very hard time in that skirmish with Vergo. Sanji does have a level of mobility that Luffy only has in G4, but on everything else, Luffy just does better. In fact because Sanji and Luffy are both brawlers and Luffy can use fire attacks to nowadays, poor Sanji in PARTICULAR is quite… Luffy-lite in terms of raw power. (Whereas the rest of the crew tends to have more abilities Luffy doesn’t have even if he’s got more raw strength.) Sanji can hit hard? Luffy can hit harder and at longer range. Luffy’s armament haki is better, Luffy can use fire too, and Luffy’s incredibly fast too!

          Back to CC though…. It might be possible to use CC’s logia power against him though without haki. Like if you had a system to suck him up into some container, you could just seal them there. Logia’s aren’t incorporeal and can’t phase through walls. (See Caribou being sealed in a barrel.)

          Even so I think CC gets underestimated because he’s not a brawler and can be quite comical. But really the guy’s hax as all hell. (And really doesn’t give a shit about nonsense like ‘honourable single combat’ either.)

      • It was asked prior to that yes.

        Usopp however almost certainly can’t control his haki yet.

  2. If this is a really old question
    That would explain Oda not mentioning the future of Sanji’s Busoshoku and Zoro’s Kenbunshoku
    I mean they both probably have it Zoro definately can sense his enemies (so he probably has some level of it)
    And Sanji is one of the trio he has to have the (in my opinion) Basic form of haki

    • In fact, this only tells their forces basically, of course Luffy have all 3, but conqueror best
      zoro have 2 but proeminent in one more than the other, same for Sanji

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