Archivi giornalieri: 14/02/2016



As you know Nami has consistently been fighting with the clima-tact, however i do not believe the clima-tact has reached it’s final form yet. That is why i believe Nami well gain an ultimate clima-tact.

Well i have had 2 ideas

  • The ability to create iron clouds and merge them with her thunder clouds, to create a destructive lightning-

-Ohm’s weapon is made of iron cloudsword


  • She breaks up her new clima-tact; and straps each piece to her body. When this happens, she will be able to release thunder clouds just by moving; however she will gain a lightning tolerance and won’t be affected by the shock. She will then use fishman karate to manipulate the clouds.

I personally think both of these would be good clima-tact power-ups, since they would require little to no charge up time; something that all her attacks need.

This clima-tact works by Nami breaking up a clima-tact(not the clima-tact she currently has) then strapping each piece to her body. With this she will be able to create different clouds depending on how she moves her body. She can then use fishman karate to create different techniques such as tornadoes, hurricanes and lightning punches

I believe this would be a good power up for Nami for a couple of reasons.

  1. She doesn’t need a huge distance to be effective- for most of her attacks, she needs to keep a distance since it takes a few seconds to create lightning and in those seconds she is very vulnerable. But with the new clima-tact, she won’t need to run away from her opponents to gain distance. Rather she could run towards her opponent; by moving her body she would create more thunderclouds around her, she could then use fishman karate to use enel-like techniques by launching all the lightning clouds at her opponents.
  2. Would increase hand to hand combat, Nami is really bad at this so it would help her a lot; it would also allow her to use CoA more effectively

This clima-tact works by creating island clouds inside itself, compressing the island clouds; then creating iron clouds, which can be turned into thunder-iron clouds to give them lightning properties. How would she make a clima-tact like this? Well if you didn’t know, island clouds are created by sea stone 

This leads me to believe that she will get a sea stone clima-tact. I believe this is very likely because the SMILE factory is coated in sea stone and when it’s destroyed Franky will most likely take that sea stone to make weapons. I also believe she will use a breath dial, as sea stone only creates island clouds when a certain compound is released due to high temperatures. With this sea stone clima-tact, she will be able to create large amounts of island clouds rapidly. Then due to the narrow space inside the clima-tact, these island clouds would be compressed and turned into iron clouds. She could then spin the iron clouds rapidly to turn them into iron-storm clouds that shoot lightning.
Here are just some of the techniques that she could do with this:

  • iron-lightning blasts; same thing as her wind gusts, but with iron lightning instead.
  • iron-lightning sword; creates a long sword with iron lightning that can be used to fight with
  • iron-lightning island; creates an entire sky island of iron lightning; she could use her clima-tact to launch this island at opponents
  • iron-lightning tornado; creates a tornado of iron lightning. Imagine a regular tornado, then image what would happen if the air inside that tornado was as hard as lightning and shot out electricity

*Theory by Monkey D Theories

    One Piece [AMV] Yonkou – Four Emperors Of The Sea

      Why is Sanji addressing Nami with “San” and Robin with “Chan”?

      D: Oda-Sensei, After I started watching One Piece, I thought of it all the time, but why is Sanji addressing Nami with “Sanand Robin with “Chan”? Yet it is Robin who’s the elder!! Is there any deep meaning behind it!?

      SBS80 2 Sanji Nami Robin

      O: Well I actually didn’t think anything of it. Before there was a staff member in our workplace who asked us something interesting. The wish to treat a woman older than you as if she was younger, and a woman younger than you as if she was more of an adult….Is Sanji acquainted with this feeling? I replied, “O, Ofcourse. That is right”