Ener Theory

*Theory by Christophe Huys

(you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


Ener could be the seventh Lord of the sea with his new crew. Indeed, before the Dressrosa arc, there is a summary of the lords at the Marine QG. But in this summary are called only 6 of them, stating that there’s a seventh of which “we talked earlier.” Ener was not known on the earth, so it could be him. In addition, he has a new crew and we don’t know his objectives. He could therefore have come down to earth to fulfill a purpose and the status of lord could help him to do what he has to. Oda said we will see Ener again in the series, and it would be an excellent way to introduce him.

What do you think of this theory? Do you support it?

7 commenti

  1. Enel killed himself by going to the Sun right? He was so obsessed of that

    • i think its the moon hes obsess with and oda really said enel will be on the future series


      Oda san already says that we will see Enel again in this series, right ?
      And I thought that was an excellent idea, also an story of revenge ^_^ AWESOME!!!

  2. No, he’s on the moon right now and as Cristophe said Oda already said that he’ll come back. :)
    Nevertheless I don’t think he’s a shishibukai now.

  3. ^
    not sun he was going to the moon LOL just can’t stop laugh at your comment

  4. Fuckthistheorie

    You forgot on clue. The Seventh Shishibukai cut off the arm from Zephyr due the timeskip. One thing is right, it was a DF user, but Enel’s (Eneru) DF isn’t able to cut things. But i don’t want to say, that this Theorie isn’t true, actually i like this Theorie a little bit. But Sir Crocodile as Re-Shishibukai would better fit on Zephyr’s describe. I really hope it is enel.^^

  5. Giancarlo

    I think is more likely to Enel then appears in a film of one piece.

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