If the Straw Hats were different prefectures of Japan, what they would be?

D: Mr. Oda, hello! If the Straw Hats were different prefectures of Japan, what they would be? For example, would Nami be from Ehime, I’d love to hear from you! P.N. T. Rina

O: Tell you what, I’ll answer these both at the same time.

SBS72 2 Luffy SBS72 2 Zoro SBS72 2 Nami
SBS72 2 Usopp SBS72 2 Sanji SBS72 2 Chopper
SBS72 2 Robin SBS72 2 Franky SBS72 2 Brook

O: I think that should do it. Some of those prefectures were probably influenced by the voice actors’ hometowns. (laughs)

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