Now this is something that has made me kinda upset for a while now, we have little to no main-female fighters in the crew. Nami and Robin don’t get , nearly as much attention as Luffy, zoro, or Sanji; this is why i believe that the next female straw hat should be on the same level as Luffy, zoro, or sanji. That is why i believe that Boa Hancock will join the straw hats
Why Hancock? I know many of you will disagree, so just listen to my points


Now i want you guys to take a close look at Nami’s outfits. I believe they are foreshadowing future strawhat members, let me explain. See the outfit Nami is wearing in the top right corner, it looks very similar to the outfit Robin wore when she was Miss all Sunday

now take a look at that picture again

see the top left panel; who wears a dress that is similar to that which nami wore? Boa Hancock

In short, i believe their will be a tragedy at Amazon lily
here Luffy says that he will return the favor that Hancock gave him. I believe that this is foreshadowing a future event.
we also know that both marine admiral Fujitora and vice admiral Smoker are currently trying to stop the Shichibukai system. Due to the world knowing about the situation of dressroa; because of this, i believe it is likely that the Shichibukai system will be abolished during reverie. So if that happens, what’s going to happen to Amazon Lily[​IMG] I believe Gloriousa described it best(foreshadowing?). Without Hancock’s title as shichibukai, Amazon Lily will be known as a pirate’s country; because of this, it will be deemed a threat by the WG and will be targeted. The marines will send a navy admiral as well as a buster call to defeat the pirates; this will be a complete tragedy. Many innocent people as well as kujas will be killed by the Marines, Hancock is powerful but wouldn’t be able to defeat an admiral; she will lose and be forced to surrender. By the end of the battle, many will be dead; but what will happen to those who are living? Well i believe that they will become slaves for the CDs.So here’s where Luffy’s debt comes in, i believe that Luffy will lead a raid on Mairejois in an attempt to free the slaves as well as the Kujas. How did i reach this conclusion? Well for one, Hancock actually mentions parallels between fisher tiger and Luffy
Furthermore you got the relationship to Sun Wukong.Did you ever wonder why Luffy’s surname was Monkey? Well that’s because he is based on the monkey king, Sun Wukong. Now i am not going to go too in depth with these connections, however if you disagree with the idea that Luffy is based on Wukong; please PM me and we can have a long, good conversation about it. Anyways in the book, Journey to the west; Wukong rebels against heaven and defeats heaven’s army. In one piece Luffy=wukong and Mariejois=heaven, so it makes sense if Luffy were to do a raid on Mariejois.Furthermore their have been a few arcs in the New world that paralleled with arcs from the first part of the grand line, most notably the connections between dressrosa and alabasta. So wouldn’t it be fitting for their to be an arc that parallels enies lobby? Well i believe that arc will be the “attack on mariejois arc”, in which Luffy will raid mariejois in an attempt to free hancock, similar to enies lobby where luffy raided enies lobby to free robin.

Now who will be the main antagonists of this arc?
I believe it is likely to be Cp-0 due to the fact that they serve directly under the CDs and due to similarities between this arc and enies lobby.

Once Luffy beats Cp-0 and frees the slaves, he will have an encounter with akainu or Kong; but will shortly be saved by Monkey D Dragon. Monkey D Dragon will finally meet luffy and tell luffy about his mother; this makes sense as during enies lobby, Luffy met his grandfather and learned about ,his father so it makes sense that after the “new world version” of enies lobby, luffy will meet his father and learn about his mother .

Once dragon saves Luffy; all of the Kuja bar hancock will become revolutionaries, hancock will join the SH crew. Why will Hancock refuse to join the revos? well here are the reasons

  • during this arc, Hancock’s secret past would have been exposed, hancock said herself that she couldn’t be around the other Kuja if her secret was exposed [​IMG]
  • to follow her dream of marrying luffy(ik it sounds weird, but i promise i’ll explain it later

As i said before, i believe that Hancock’s dream will be to marry luffy. Now i know this will sound really wierd; most of you will probably give me this response: “luffy’s asexual and therefore will not get married……BAKA”, i get it just let me explain. I believe that in the EoS, Luffy will marry Hancock; HOWEVER he will not be “in love” with hancock. Luffy will simply act on a whim. The relationship between Luffy and Hancock will be made by Oda in a way that seems not romantic but rather comical. I imagine a scene similar to this


Luffy will simply marry hancock just because he feels like it, he would not be like Sanji. I know Oda doesn’t like relationships in his manga, but he does like comedy; which is why i really see this happening. Hancock would be the one who is really devoted, where as luffy acts as if Hancock was just another one of his nakama; which would be pretty funny if they were considered married, Oda has done something similar with Sai and Baby5 so i could really see him doing it with Luffy and Hancock. Furthermore after Roger found One piece, he did settle down and have a family, so considering the parallels between luffy and roger; i see it as a possibility.

well as you know, every SH has a role on the ship; so what would be Hancock’s? Well these are my idea

  • spy(her power compliments this…..and she’s hot)
  • secretary(by this time in the series, luffy would already have some territory that he protects(fishman island, dressrosa, and some kaido territories) so luffy would need someone who could moniter the conditions of those islands and receive incoming messages from those islands. )
  • maid(i could see her doing this just to please luffy)

Hancock, has had a chapter named after her; this is something all the SHs have in common



Hancock has a bit in common with the other female members of the SH

  • just like nami and robin, hancock was screwed over by the WG(nami: pirates were actually working for arlong, robin: ohara, hancock: she was a slave
  • just like nami and robin, hancock was luffy’s “enemy”( nami “stole” the going merry, robin worked for crocodile)
  • if my prediction is true; then just like nami and robin, hancock will be saved by luffy

Hancock is one of the few people outside of the crew whom luffy addresses by name, not with a nickname; this means that Luffy realls trusts hancock

Luffy doesn’t normally address people by their real name unless they are really close to them(example: he calls cavendish cabbage, he calls law tora-guy, he calls shirahoshi yowahoshi)

Will she be too overpowered?

If Sanji and Zoro get stronger by the time we meet her(and they will), then no she won’t be too OP.

She does in fact have a sad backstory, which makes her a good candidate for the crew

*Theory by knaal


  1. agree, and im like this theory 🙂

  2. I really want to see this happen. I wonder why there are only 2 girls in SH, its Oda after all and we know him =D . I think this could happen, yes, luffy is asexual, but he can marry her, he likes her and she gives him food =D and thats enough for him. She could be a perfect SH.

    • Monkey D. Bufford

      He’s not asexual, he’s INTERESTED in the beautifuln Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!!

  3. Monkey D. Bufford


  4. ChickenBob

    makes sense, good one, that could really happen…and i really would like it 😀
    nice work man good job (:

  5. Cool Theory but it can be Violetta too, when you look at what Nami is wearing …
    But I really like the Theory and hope it’s becomes true 😀

  6. Well this seems more like luffy x hancock fanfiction but i do see the possibility of some of the things you mentioned (if not all), i also had a similar idea that luffy would repay hancocks debt so i am kinda partial to this theory. except the marriage part or the hancock being a spy, secretary or maid (btw someone has a maid fetish, i’m joking) but other than that great work on the theory

  7. I like your theory but i also think that the next female candidate is viola, i like hancock more because of her connection to luffy but i think viola will be the next because she has clairvoyance devil fruit one of the most useful skill in every group or pirate ship and i think thats what oda has in mind. just saying…

  8. I personally think that she would be an allied pirate instead of a Main SH. But she should definitely have a complete arc. Her backstory has a lot of potential and her character is somethoing that shows a lot of promise. She is too big a character to be just brushed off as a support.

  9. I believe that Monet will probably be the next straw hat, there is a very convincing story on Youtube, Hancock just doesn’t fit imo 🙁

  10. i dont think so, as it would create conflict with sanji. however i think they will probably encounter a situation which luffy will save or help hancock and fully reveal hancock past

  11. I really think Luffy X Hancock will happen by the end of OP but by looking at her personality she will be one of SH allies. She can’t become part of the crew.

    • Monkey D. Bufford

      She will be his wife. In ch.798 she writes a love letter

    • BTW. A lot of people is shipping Luna. But I think that Luffy and Nami are in “friend zone”. So the only girl who fits for the future pirate king is “The pirate empress” also called “hebihime” (snakeprinsess). If they are not going to be together I actually think that Hancock is an unnecessary character, and why would she get the “love disease” for nothing? Hancock hates all the men except for Luffy, it has to mean something! Luffy and Hancock are literally made for eachother. They have to be together and get married in the future.
      This is my opinion. Sorry if I made it sound rude.

  12. I really want this to happend! I just want to say something about Luffy being asexual. I think that Luffy is to young to get married just yet, but he will start loving Hancock later. I have a friend that doesn’t feel like she is in love with anyone and she has never been. But she says that she might will in the future when she gets older. (She is 15)
    Luffy proabobly feels to young for a relationship right now.

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