Theory: CP0 will kill Doflamingo

Warning: Contains spoilers about Chapter 786!


First, we know Oda announced the Zou-Arc for September this year, which means, there are only about 13 Chapters left (including weeks without manga), so everything that will happen now will happen really fast!

We saw that Doflamingo ist still able to fight and Luffy needs at least 10 minutes to recover. Sabo, who will fight Burgess, is to busy to mess with Doflamingo. And, to be honest, all the former Colosseum-Fighters cannot keep Doflamingo for even two minutes busy. So how will Luffy beat him?

The answer is: he will not! There is one Group on Dressrosa which didn’t make it’s turn until now. And this is the CP0! They will attack and kill Doflamingo, but are not interested in fighting Luffy or Sabo.

So, why would a Governmental Organisation fight a Shichibukai? Doflamingo ist no ordinary Shichibukai, as a former Tenryuubitohe knows all the secrets of the World Government and ist one of the biggest threats for them. The reason to kill him so is clear. But still, the CP0 didn’t come Dressrosa to eliminate Doflamingo, but to keep Dressrosa in Peace. When trying to kill Doflamingo, they have to get direct orders from their Boss! The Den Den Mushis don’t work because of the Birdcage. So, the Leader of the CP0 must be present on Dressrosa!

And why are the CP0 Agents not interested in Luffy or Sabo? Let’s just say, they are not their first priority. Sabo will easy beat Burgess, or at least escape him, he will take Luffy and gets him out of Dressrosa. After the Death of Doflamingo, the Birdcage will collapse and the People will celebrate. But the Pirates (Law, Batholomeo, Robin, Usopp etc.) will escape as fast as they can. They will first meet again on the sea.

Dressrosa will become property of the World Government, either under Control of the royal family or with a new King.

*Theory by Borschtel


  1. Bobby D. Smalls

    Dude u forgot that zorro and the others keeping the birdcage away !!!! its 4 minutes till Ruffy Recovers Even the chapter was named after that and its 3 minutes for the birdcage to fade all the people on the Island, that means Zorro (WITH HAKI *_*) and the others will force the birdcage away till ruffy recovers the colloseum troup will get heavy damage from the fight vs doflamingo till ruffy recoverd fully to BEAT HIM TO WHERE HE BELONGS !

    • Ras Al Gul

      I dont know you are dumb or what. you keep on typing “RUFFY” When in fact its really Luffy not Ruffy. Do you even know the difference of R and L? Dumbass.

      • He isnt dumb. Luffy is named Ruffy in germany and soem other countries. No need to be that offensive.

      • plus at times it seems like jinbei(jimbei) says Ruffy due to his accent. even in japanese “L”s at times are pronounced as “Rl”

      • Who’s the dumb one now?

  2. Taking in consideration what happened in almost every arc that Oda made, Luffy will beat Doflamingo and King Riku will take his right to the throne again and everyone will be happy, probably CP0 is there for Burgess more than the others because the BB pirates are a bigger danger than other pirate group so far.

  3. Well the cp0 is present there for reasons unknown or there are possiblities they will try capturing nico robin! But thats not the point it is even possible that the admiral might attack doflamingo and take him down, as the bird cage is also a threat to his life and the marines with him!

  4. This won’t probably happen, cause if it will One Piece fans would be totally disappointed.

  5. Luffy is going to beat the shit out of DD and when he is done for good the birdcage is going to disappear. Which will allow the den den mushi, the CP0 will report the situation and the Gorosie will order them to finish off DD so no evidence is going to remain about their secret. Further the all the events will be covered up and the credit will be given to Fujitora, who will start despising the WG. Not much will be shown between sabo and luffy except their meeting in the Colesseum. Jesus is going to escape like a little shit and the sh might just stay in dressrosa for a while as the DD family will be arrested. New bounties, Ussop = 100 million. THERE YOU GO!

  6. My nigga Doffy immortal!!!!

  7. Nice theory

  8. Why a goverment org like CP-0 will kill Doffy, a tenryuubito? Or did you forgot about that little inconvinient?

  9. Hey dude! Very wrong theory!1st CP0 will not kill a Celestial Dragon.CP0 is there to keep in peace. Maybe Doffy requested for them. 2nd Akainu sent Fujitora in Dresrossa to protect such a guy liKE Doffy.3rd Luffy will definitely defeat Doffy’s ass. Soooo where are you coming from? haha!

  10. It can be like that , after the birdcage dissapear cp0 will take orders to kill doflamingo because of his father was banished and doflamingo can be a threat with secrets and after all this schibukais will be done by fujitro but there is a new schbukai he is the mistery for my theroy so i assume he has connections with marines like rob lucci but i dont think so

  11. Rio Trafalgar

    You are drunk dude,,, Luffy said “I will kill Mingo” , it would be

    • First of all, Ofcourse the WG won’t kill a Tenryuubito (T). However DD is not a T, further the WG tried to kill him as a child but failed and since then thery have kept trying, but he always escaped (manga readers would know about it). This is what DD said himself and the only reason he holds such power as a T, relocate CP0 and print a fake article in the newspaper is the same why WG tried to kill him – he knows about their secret (national Treasure).

      Mr. Rio Trafalgar, Luffy has never used the words ‘I will kill him,’ in the entire series. If you still not agree just go through the recent SBS and read or watch from a reliable source.

  12. maybe the CP0’s died because of birdcage! ^_^

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