Archivi giornalieri: 27/08/2015

Inspiration for Sabo

Sabo is based on something Oda-sensei likes : The character Artful Dodger from Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, who is a part of a gang of child thieves and uses a trademark – a top hat was the main inspiration for making Sabo.

olivertwist1922 sabo 1 sabo 2


    Kaido’s Daughter & Crew – Inspired By Genghis Khan

    Kaido has been revealed. Many people are comparing his appearance to Genghis Khan, a Mongol.

    Just like Kaido, Genghis Khan had the fu manchu mustache, which originated from the Mongols. They also have dark hair, and both represent extremely strong warriors.

    Did you know that Genghis Khan had a great-grandson named Kaidu? Is the legendary Mongol ruler named “Kaidu” the inspiration for Kaido? After all, Kaido does resemble a Mongol warrior, and he does share a similar name to this famous Mongol ruler.

    In the tales of Marco Polo, one in particular was the story of him meeting Kaidu and witnessing two beasts (described as dinosaurs) pulling his chariot. (Note: Marco Polo mistook some of the animals he saw as dinosaurs. Does that ring a bell? Even though they were probably not real dinosaurs, it could still be inspiration for Kaido’s crew.
    Therefore, we’ve found another parallel between Kaido and Kaidu. X Drake (who has the powers of an Ancient Zoan DF which enables him to transform into a theropoda dinosaur) seems to be affiliated in some way with Kaido, and the great Kaidu had two dinosaurs, according to Marco Polo.
    If Oda keeps the parallel going, then we could be very likely to see another Dinosaur Zoan in Kaido’s crew.

    Did you also know that Kaidu had a daughter named Khutulun? İmage
    Khutulun, Kaidu’s daughter, was one of Kaidu’s greatest warriors. Apparently, no man could beat her in a wrestling match, and she was undefeated in thousands of battles. Any man who wanted to marry her had to first defeat her in wrestling. If a suitor lost, he had to give her his horse. By doing that, she won 10,000 horses.

    Since Oda seems to be basing Kaido off of “Kaidu”, will Kaido have a strong daughter as well? I believe so, and we saw her in ch. 795.
    I believe this is Kaido’s daughter, and she seems to be fierce and strong just like Khutulun. She also seems to be the leader of this particular group, and Khutulun was also a military leader.

    Also, we know she’s part of Kaido’s crew due to this JR, and she has horns like Kaido.

    Conclusion: Kaido bears a striking resemblance to Mongol warriors, and his name is similar to the Mongol ruler named Kaidu. Due to this parallel, Kaido could have a strong daughter inspired by the famous Khutulun, who is Kaidu’s daughter. I believe that daughter is the woman we saw in ch. 795, and she will be a very important character.

    *Theory by Alpha2late17. Here’s the video of the full theory:


        They die smiling :'(

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          The Most Badass Character!


            Zoro & Luffy XD
