First i like to start with 790 cover page story


As you can see

in an SBS question, a fan asked if the Straw Hats were real, what nationality would they be of. Based on their appearances, Oda gave the following as a reply

On the color Cover Page of Chapter 790, the Straw Hats are dressed up in the stereotypical national clothing of various countries, most being different from the SBS nationalities displayed above, with

Why oda change there nationalities in cover page? There are many possible theories to explain this. So i’m not gonna explain it here. Let’s focus on Robin

She is wearing an indian sari. So we can assume that next female nakama from India. If she is from India do we know her? Yes i think we already know her


That is 3 eyed girl (vice captain from BM crew)

How can we say she is inspired from India?

Durga(Kali Maa)



And let’s again foucus on cover page 790. Can you see the Bindi on Robin’s forehead. What does it mean?

Can you see the shape of Bindi. Its shape is similar to an eye.

Bindi is a colorful dot that is placed on the forehead of both men and women in Hindu Dharma.

On a spiritual level what does the position of the Bindi signify?

The Ajna Chakra is considered to be the place of the “third eye”where one applies the Bindi. The Ajna Chakra is the site where one finally loses Ahamkara(ego or sense of inidividuality) when one achieves self realization or reaches a higher level of spirituality. It is a way to remind one another in the society to see through the mind’s eye and see the bigger picture of attaini

And there is something significance in nakama joining pattern

I think it’s not necessary to tell about nakama theory based on MFMM pattern.

As we know except Luffy first four members are

after that


But when we consider about female joining pattern every female introduce until now left the group at some point and joined again

In Nami’s case she left after first 3 members introduced. I mean except Luffy [Zoro Usopp Sanji]. I know Sanji officially joined after arlong incident but the thing is he was with SH when arlong fight happens

But when it comes to the Robin’s case only 2 members were introduced [Chopper, Franky]

When water 7 arc was going on we haven’t seen Brook and he was not introduced.

If we consider these facts according to the MFMM pattern after a new male recruit we can see the new female nakama. But she will not get a separate arc. She will officially join SH after she choose as a SH. Why is that because i think Luffy plus crew already save her from villain group.

As we know Oda is a master of foreshadowing most of every nakamas foreshadowed before like Brook and Franky etc. But as i mentioned before Brook was not introduced, before Robin’s official join i can see that we may not get a chance of seeing last two male nakamas before female character introduction.

Let’s again focus on 3eyed girl first introduction. You can see her trouser that is a harem pants normally wear by belly dancers. As we all know luffy wants a dancer as a crew member can she fill that space.

*Theory by sahan1993

13 commenti

  1. totally unconvinced.

  2. Monkey D Ody

    Nah… It’s Impossible since she is in BM crew… Rebecca is more likely to join SH together with Kyros rather than her…

  3. Agree with Ody 😛 But the patterns do look right, so if Jimbei officially joins some time soon, we may see a new female nakama, or maybe not Jimbei this time (he might join after the new female one) but either a random new guy or someone we have already seen, since Straw Hats are very influential on others when they fight, so yeah, maybe it will be someone from older encounters 😛 just sayin

  4. of course it will be a fucking girl but not in the BM crew or rebecca… and also it will be devil fruit user because
    4 df user and 5 none df user in straw hat member…it will be balance and the talent i think it will be tricky or something that can make luffy laugh…

  5. Kurogami Fee-jay

    .. i think this theory is feasible, though a little far fetch. what i have in mind is Viola joining the mugiwara crew. 😀 she’s a dancer as well.. and her clairvoyance would be of great use. and just a gut feel, but i think she will really join the staw hats.

    about the yonkous, i think the battle between luffy and big mam will be just an iniitial stike of a matchstick.. it will not develop further. after some fights and everything, nami will realize that the Vivre card Lola gave her ( thriller bark arc ) is actually pointing to big mam. yep. i think big mam is lola’s mother. the looks say so as well. xD probably, if not being offered an assistance, big mam will leave the strawhats be. 😀

  6. Aku Soku Zan

    most of luffy member got big issue…
    zoro – world best swordman
    usop – world best sea worrior
    nami – world map
    sanji – all blue
    tony – world best doctor
    robin – void century history
    franky – world best ship ( dream ship )
    brooke – laboon promise

    if new member want enter he / she must have big issue too..

  7. Maybe it is time to stop smoking.
    It is nice theory but it starts from a wrong assumption. “She is wearing an indian sari. So we can assume that next female nakama from India.”…well, nonsense…

  8. Hmmm if your refering to B.m crew i think it will land on Jewelry Bonney, i just think of that since luffy want’s a revenge on akuino and jewelry like that too.. He save’s zorro from danger too i think she will be perfect as a new Female nakama.. She hasabig issue too Revenge

  9. Good theory. but the first assumption about indian girls are totally wrong i think

  10. ArmieBless

    NAHHHH, I think Viola would be the last female to join SH. Rebecca could not possibly join SH but Viola does. Viola is already a pirate and that fact could be one of the reasons to join SH and BTW he trust the SH just like SH trust their crew.

  11. you’re thinking way too much into this. its not that complex

  12. I guess thier new nakama will be the girl that they saw on the last previous chapters 897 or 898 .. the girl with that strange look .. and i guess one of them will die .. probably chooper .. :) just guesing.. the ability of thier new nakama (girl) will be same as chooper .. i mean she’s a doctor or has a knowledge about healing .. :)

    • Nobody is gonna die because its One Piece, and if anyone does it’ll be Usopp and right near the end and he’ll die protecting the crew.

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