gear_4th_by_boneby-d8sak07I am going to give my thoughts on Haki usage and its limitations. Please bear with me, it’ll be a long read.

So let’s start with the basics, we need to know a few things before I can actually give this my thoughts accordingly to canon information. What is Haki, or more specifically, what is Busoshoku Haki? Secondly, what does it use to manifest itself? And lastly, how can one increase his Haki powers?

All these questions are based upon Luffy’s Gear 4th. Most of us want to know how Gear 4th could be improved in the future, as the latest chapter, chapter 786, showed us that Luffy needs his Busoshoku Haki to stay in this form. We have also seen it will take 10 minutes to recharge, thus comes the third question. To answer these questions, question 2 is the most important one to note in this case. If we know how it manifests itself, then we can predict how Luffy is able to improve his Haki in the future.

Let’s begin with the first question, shall we?

What is Busoshoku Haki?
Right of the bat, we need to know what this type of Haki actually is. We know we have 3 types of Haki, but as far as we know, Luffy only requires the use of Busoshoku Haki to maintain his Gear 4th.

Now then, what is Busoshoku Haki?

Also known as Armaments Haki, Busoshoku Haki grants the user to create a type of armour around them. The Haki allows the user to increase the power of his attack and even can create fire in Luffy’s case. The Haki can nullify Devil Fruit powers, may it be Logia, Paramecia or Zoan. The Haki can also be used on inanimate objects, like swords and guns (and even bamboo sticks). It can also coat bullets, which oddly stay embodied with the Haki even though the user doesn’t touch it. Quite impressive. Would be a nice topic to talk about in the future, wouldn’t it?

Fine, now we know what the Haki does, it would be nice to know what is uses to manifest itself. And no matter how much googling I did, it always came down to 2, not 1, things. The most obvious of these two is Willpower. But now it gets more… interesting.

The second power it needs to manifest itself is lifeforce. Now, as a dumb non-English speaker, I was wondering if there was a difference between the two. So once again, on the the deep web. To keep it short, it is not the same as willpower at all.

This lifeforce has many levels to it. Some of which were quite stupid to be included in One Piece, but there was 1 that caught my eye. May I present to you my best friend since 5 minutes ago, Qi!… Okay that was stupid. Anyway, back to my point. Qi is one of the many elements to lifeforce, one that actually focusses on one’s energy flows. The more a person understands this rhythm, the better this energy flows through one’s body. “Oh boy,” I thought to myself, “could this be one of the improvements Luffy has to make to maintain his Haki even more?”. The answer is… No clue at all.

You see, One Piece’s canon information only gives us that Busoshoku Haki manifests with Willpower and Lifeforce. Since we are not given what type of energy influences lifeforce, or let alone what Oda means by lifeforce, we can not determine it is in fact Qi that does the job. That is why this mystery is so hard to crack. However, since it is a theory, let’s just give it a quick thought.

Now let’s say Luffy’s main drive is indeed Willpower (and has yet to discover his potentional lifeforce), can he improve it by understanding his energy rhythms? No, he can’t, this Haki will stay like it is now, BUT! He can expand the long-term usage of it. You see, when it came to Gear 4th, he was given a timelimit to regain his Haki (very vague since we do not now if he only specifies that he needs to regain his Busoshoku Haki in those 10 minutes, but to be fair, all Haki are driven by the same force, so let’s just go with that). Now this timelimit rang a bell. What if his Haki isn’t like we thought it originally was after we saw how Luffy can not use his Haki for a set period of time?

Reader: “What are you even talking about?”

Let me get into it.

So I have mainly seen thoughts on Haki which all came to one point, storage. How can Luffy save his Haki for his Gear 4th? I want to scrap that and give a brand new thought. What if Haki was a force that can be used for only a set time period whenever activated and has to forcefully deactivate to retain its energy rhythms, which causes it to be unusable for a set amount of time?

The main idea behind this is that characters like Luffy, Doflamingo, Law, Sabo, etc., do not have this Haki storage, but rather a timelimit. To back up this thought, remember, why does Haki never run out? Because it never hits the time limit. The storage would assume it would run out after a couple of days and needs to restock, at least, that is what I think. That restock idea with the storage doesn’t make sense. How can you run out of lifeforce and willpower at the same time?

A timelimit based on willpower and their lifeforce would make sense to me. Haki uses energy from the lifeforce, like Qi, that would interrupt the energy rhythm. Willpower will also determine your amount of time you can use it. I have not found a solid translation on willpower, nor did I find a great definition of it, however, as far as I have seen in One Piece, it is determined on how much you want something, or how much you want something to happen. I want One Piece, I risk my life for it and I will until I have found it. I want to protect my friends, but before that happens, I need to train myself. Etc.

Now this causes a problem. Eventually, your willpower will diminish. For example, we have found One Piece so I do not have to risk my life for it again, etc. This will weaken your Haki, which is why this lifeforce is so important. If you have greatly managed your Qi in a way that the interruptions in its energy will diminsh very slowly, you will have more time to use it, even though your willpower is not as strong as it used to be. Now, this may sound like a load of crap, but it can honestly happen.

Now before we go on to an example I purpose to you to think about, let’s answer question 3, how can Luffy actually improve Gear 4th? I think he can with two things:

1. Luffy yet again gets a great impact on him (not a death but something that makes him realize that he is still not good enough). I was thinking of an utter defeat of his crew and a narrow escape (sounds like an arc we have seen before the timeskip…) or, if absolutely needed, the death of a dear friend (maybe Jimbei). As long as Luffy finds a motive to once again want something, then his Haki can be improved. Highly unlikely, but a possibility nonetheless.

2. Luffy needs to understand the rhythms of his energy. If he does so, he can gravely improve his Haki usage. I think it is a great backup on his willpower and fairly plausible as well.

Let’s look at arguments people will use against this… Actually, I could only think of one:

Law said in chapter 785 that he is using too much of his Haki. How can this relate to your theory?

Quite simple actually. The more Haki you use, the faster the energy rhythms will be interrupted and blocked for a set amount of time. People like Vergo who go Full Body Busoshoku Haki will run out of time faster than Luffy does with his Red Hawk. Law’s statement also backs up my theory. This is no limitation to Strawhat only, it is a limitation to all of the Haki users in One Piece. Law knows this, as well as Doflamingo, who not only tried to understand Gear 4th, but also did something very obvious during his fight with Luffy.

He waited.

The moment he was knocked into that wall, he knew it was best to wait a while until Luffy ran out of time to use his Haki. at that moment, Doflamingo could finally finish Luffy like he should have, that was his plan all along… until gladiators started to back up Luffy, whoops!

Long story short, I believe Haki is not a ‘storage-able power’, but rather a timelimit-type power. The user can only use his haki for a set amount of time. The more he uses it, the quicker the time runs out. This is based on the person’s amount of Willpower and the amount of control over one’s Energy Rhythms (Qi).

*Theory by CreeperFace


    Just a quick thought that just passed through my head, but now I believe that Kuina is indeed Tashighi, and because you scream “nonsense!” let me explain what I think really happened and why.
    I always had the doubt that perhaps Tashigi is Kuina, but I just couldn’t find anything to support my claim, until now.
    Well you see, I noticed something very interesting about the way she apparently died:


    Note several things:
    A. A towel is covering her head
    B. She is never seen buried
    C. Koshiro doesn’t seem very sad
    D. The only was we know she is dead is through Koshiro’s sentence right here.
    This is a very detail-less type of death, I don’t think something would be like that especially when afterwards a character near identical both in personality and appearence appears later:


    So here’s what I think happened:
    Kuina, after making the promise with Zoro goes back home, now filled with hope for her future, someone finally believes she could indeed be the World’s Strongest Swordsman and tells that to her father, who immediately tells her she speaks nonsense, she was very hurt and upset by her father’s reaction- not only he discourages her but after that he tells her that perhaps being a Swordsman at all isn’t good for her as she begins developing false dreams and now forbids her from being a Swordsman any longer, she becomes very upset and runs away, however in her running she falls down the stairs and is knocked unconscious.

    Now she is in a coma, the doctor says she will live and even likely to awaken, however it is unlikely that she’ll be remembering anything.
    Koshiro now knew, that would mean she would forget Zoro and her’s promise and knew that would hurt him really badly, and he also knew that would mean she’ll no longer posses any knowledge about Swordfighting, so he decided to do the following thing:
    He told Zoro she was dead, put a towel on her head while showing him her “dead” body, because if you see the face you can clearly see she is just unconscious and not dead.
    Later, in order to prevent her from chasing “dreams she cannot accomplish”, he decided, in his eyes, to grant her a better life and asked another family to take care of her, they renamed her Tashigi.

    When she woke up Tashigi couldn’t remember anything, not even Zoro and their promise, however, despite that, her soul, her entity could still remember the promise and she continued to keep her promise without even being aware of it- that either her or Zoro will be the WSS- so she became a Swordsman and joined the Kaigun and the rest we already know.

    Now, on top of Kuina’s very detail-less death, Tashigi is identical to her, and also her age- don’t you think it is kind of a coincidence that there would be 2 people that are completely identical to each other in that manner? I don’t think so, and I also think that Oda even gave us a clue- both Tashigi and Kuina are names of flight-less birds, metaphors to her being a Woman keeps her down.

    So, what do you guys think?

    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku


      Atlantis was a fictional island which was ruled by Atlas – he was a titan that holds the sky
      Atlas was a son of God named Poseidon – Poseidon chose that island as a main domain
      Atlas’s daughter was Calypso

      Now why do i believe that Oda used Atlantis to be Raftel ?
      In Atlantis we have 10 kings that met every 6 years and made rules and laws
      But one day something happened beetween them and they started war with the whole world
      Of course Atlantis lost,but why,that’s what i don’t know..

      Now some say that Atlantis was destroyed because: A) they made Gods angry and then they destroyed island,in One Piece “D” are enemies of the God and “D” probably has a lot of connection to Ancient Kingdom of One Piece


      B)some say that destroyed themselves with their own weapon and earthquake..
      Now as i said Atlas(Joy Boy) was king of that island and his father/mother was Poseidon..Poseidon is known as God of Sea,but he/she is also known by the name “Earth-shaker”,so i believe that he/she destroyed that island
      but now we ask why ? It’s because they hid something there and they didn’t want for Gods(world government) to find it – Earth-shaker is almost same as Whitebeard’s devil fruit

      Now at the beginning is said Atlas’s daughter was Calypso and she was a nymph..she detain Odysseus for few years.
      And there are theories here that say that Luffy is based on Odysseus..Boa – Luffy
      Now i don’t say Boa is daughter of Joy Boy..but might be in relation with him

      Emerald city is capital city in Wizard of Oz,so i believe it will be the capital of ancient kingdom
      But in Crocus’s memory(if it was a flashback),Raftel is on the water,not underneath it..i believe that island he thought of WASN’T was entrance to it,that’s where Blackbeard will fight Luffy (or Shanks will fight Blackbeard)


      Also why i believe Raftel is’s because i think Rayleigh gave plans on how to coat a ship and he said something like this “Take this,you gonna need it” – for the there are a lot of winds there on that island,it’s because wind always bounces back of the Red Line and it would be impossible for a ship to get there,so we need someone who will control wind – Nami,maybe in the future she will
      Also why doesn’t the WG never go to’s because they don’t think there is something special there or they think Ancient City was destroyed and only thing left was that island..but in the end of One Piece,Gorosei will find out that the secret they kept in the Emerald City will destroy them..which will cause their panic and quick reaction to kill every pirate,but with Rio – somebody will tell marines,the true nature of Gorosei and some of them will turn to Pirate’s side(which is evil side,but will actually be the good one) and the marines who stay will be evil not the pirates..and i think that’s what Whitebeard meant by “World will turn upside down” – good become the bad and bad become the good one..

      *Theory created by Cleveland


        (disclaimer: this theory makes absolutely no sense in OUR world; however this is One Piece so really anything is possible)


        Since Kizaru and Sanji both have powerful leg attacks, it is very possible that Kizaru will be one of Sanji’s strongest opponents, even possibly being his final opponent. So how could Sanji beat Kizaru? Well as we know Kizaru is light, meaning that he is both insanely fast and hits insanely hard, so how would Sanji beat Kizaru? Well i believe that to beat Kizaru, Sanji will travel faster than the speed of light.


        Sanji said himself that it was one of his dreams to be invisible. As you know, One Piece is all about people following and achieving their dreams. So i believe that Sanji will try to become invisible without a DF. How? Well as you know, you can only see things because light bounces off a surface and into your eye. However, if you can move so fast that light cannot hit you, you would be unseen by the human eye. So by going faster than the speed of light, sanji would have achieved one of his dreams.

        Now i cannot logically explain how sanji will go faster than light, because it is impossible in our world. However as i said, this is one piece; the law of our world are broken all the time in one piece so going faster than light wouldn’t be impossible. So rather than explaining how sanji actually goes faster than light, i will rather explain how his technique works. I believe that Sanji will focus all his energy, fat, muscle, and haki into his legs(life return); he will then release a powerful rokugan with his legs. When combined with diablo jambe, this rokugan would propel himself faster than the speed of light(don’t question it). He would then launch a powerful kick that contains the force to destroy even islands. However his legs would be severely damaged after this technique and he would be unable to walk for an extended amount of time(at least a day), he would also be unable to use haki during that time period. This technique could possible be achieved by using CoC to conquer the laws of the universe???

        *All rights reserved to knaal


          In this theory, I would tackle about Jinbe’s possible backstory way before he became a member of Fisher Tiger’s Sun Pirates and his original dream in which he would achieve by sailing with the Strawhat Pirates.

          Basically this is Jinbe’s “real” backstory, the other backstories where he was included back in the Fishman Island Arc is actually the backstories of Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger respectively.

          Let’s start.

          Firstly, let’s all examine Jinbe’s childhood sketch.


          Alright, the first thing you would immediately notice with Jinbe’s outfit is that he is wearing a Karate Uniform but the clothes are torn off and stitched up.

          And Jinbe also is filled with banded wounds and seems really dirty from what he was portrayed.

          With this things, we can make assumptions:

          We could assume that Jinbe is a rowdy and troublemaking kid, and the torn clothes signifies that he don’t really follow his master’s orders of just using “martial arts” when its needed.

          Jinbe seems to just fight anyone and use martial arts even in street fights. It was confirmed in the manga that Jinbe, Arlong and Fisher Tiger grew up at the shady side of Fishman Island which is the Fishman Island District so it’s safe to assume that Jinbe grew up in a rough neighborhood and grew up on getting to street fights everyday.

          I would assume that Jinbe had a master who tried to keep him from getting into trouble by teaching him Fishman Karate.

          And I would assume that Fishman Karate master had 2 more students aside from Jinbe, i’ll be discussing these 2 other students one by one.

          Jinbe wears a Karate Uniform, I think its obvious who wears the same uniform as Jinbe.


          Yes, it’s Hack the Revolutionary Fishman.

          And he is Jinbe’s first classmate.

          A lot of One Piece fans were disappointed on the Fishman Island Arc, mainly because of underwhelming villains, but the other reason was, because the heavily hinted Fishmen Karate Dojo was not shown.
          Well, there a reason why and because its going to be shown in Jinbe’s backstory

          Jinbe and Hack’s master’s dream is to spread the art of Fishmen Karate and bridge the gap of division between humans and fishmen by competing and winning tournaments in order to show that the fishmen are capable of winning fights through pride and honor.


          Jinbe and Hack acquired that philosophy, but that never sat well with the 3rd student of their master.

          This guy.


          “Heavy Drinker” Vasco Shot.

          Unlike their master and like the previous Fishman renegades Arlong and Hody Jones, Vasco Shot is another one of those Fishmen who went astray from the real issue between humans and fishmen.

          But Vasco Shot is way different than Hody and Arlong.

          While Arlong hates humans, he will never hurt his own.
          Hody’s hate for humans also extended to the fishmen who sympathizes even a bit to human, especially to the followers of Queen Otohime.

          Vasco Shot basically looks everyone the same, as long he can have something to gain from them, but unless Vasco can gain anything from someone, whether its fishmen or human, they are all trash in his eyes.

          Basically, Vasco Shot fell to the worldly desires that his master kept Jinbe and Hack from.

          And Vasco Shot committed the gravest sin of all.

          Vasco Shot killed his master with a few amounts of bribe (booze and money) from humans in order to let the humans freely infiltrate Fishmen Island to either raid towns and kidnap mermaids.

          Basically, what I would assume is that there are 2 main “bodyguards” of Fishmen Island that time.

          Fisher Tiger and Jinbe, Hack and Vasco’s master.

          Remember that at that time, Queen Otohime is probably as small girl, and Tiger and the Master are teens.

          The thing is, Fisher Tiger at that time of the said raid by humans, he is not on the island, so the Master was left to fend off any attackers.

          And Vasco Shot killed that master, so humans can freely enter the island.

          Jinbe tried protecting his master but Vasco Shot is way more powerful than him at that time….this is where Jinbe got his famous “lightning” scar.


          After these events, Vasco Shot probably escaped up to the surface and became a pirate and done some horrific deeds until he got captured.

          While Jinbe reached a breaking point and started on hating humans as well, and Hack also left the island and as we know, he ended up in the Revolutionaries.

          This is probably what ignited Fisher Tiger’s hate for human as well deep inside, not to mention he became a slave.

          So basically, after Jinbe joins the Strawhat Crew, that would be the first time in a long while that Jinbe will meet Vasco face to face.

          It’s the reason why right before Blackbeard and his crew came to kill Whitebeard, Jinbe was the one who Oda decided to carry Luffy and be out of the fight vicinity.

          And Jinbe fainted after that, so he never saw Vasco Shot.

          So basically aside from Jinbe wanting to bridge the gap between the humans and fishmen, his other dream (which I would make a theory of Strawhat Pirates’ “developed” dreams soon) is to avenge his master against Vasco Shot and clean his master’s and Fishman Karate’s name which Vasco Shot disrespected.

          Oh, and if you guys are wondering what kind of fish Vasco Shot is?

          He is a Blob Fish.


          LOL! :tearsofjoy:😀

          *Theory by beck26

            ZORO’S POWER UP

            This is a very short theory.

            We’ve all noticed Zoro’s injury in his left eye:


            I’ve read theories from being an eye sealing a demon all the way to sharingan (Yep, despite it being obviously the wrong manga for this theory lol), but I think about something more simple.

            What if Zoro’s power is far beyond what we’ve seen so far? And the only way for him to train his instincts and give him some sort of competition is by only using one eye?
            Yep, I think that he cut around his left eye as a reminder not to open it unless he has too.
            It also makes sense, so far, through the New World, he has yet to break a sweat, he is yet to be at his limits.
            I think his true powers and abilities will be revealed probably at Wano, it is quite a consensus that Wano will be Zoro’s arc, and there he might meet powerful Swordsmen, and he’ll have to use everything he got.
            It will be interesting to see Zoro giving all he can.
            He will probably be far far quicker than he is now, I mean, in terms of brute force- not using one eye has no influence on that- but it probably restrains the speed by a lot and also forces him to rely more on his instincs and CoO Haki, as his left side is a blind spot.

            So yeah, I know, quite basic, it’s just some random idea I had now.
            What do you guys think?

            *All rights reserved to Jewish Kaizoku

              THE RETURN OF CP9

              In this theory i’ll be discussing the return of the former agents of Cipher Pol 9.


              Last time we saw CP9 was during their cover story adventure.

              They became outlaws to the WG due to Spandam’s lies


              CP9 developed a true sense of companionship when on the run. The other members went of their way to save Lucci when they really didn’t have to.


              They fought their pursuers Very Good and other marines and left on a battleship.


              AFTER Rob Lucci told Spandam “Someday we shall return.”


              Now the question is, where are they now? The former CP9 agents, well at least Lucci, Kaku and Jyabura, are apart of Kaidou’s crew.

              When fans first started to say this, it really annoyed me. Almost as much as the theories of Dragon being or having the Uranus. Lucci n’ company being under Kaidou was in a way too obvious and “uninspired,” with them being zoan and all, but it started to become plausible the more I thought about it.

              Remember Kuzan line on Punk Hazard? And I quote “I can pursue justice without the veil of the marines. They say the grass is greener on the other side. In my case its actually true.” Its the same for CP9 and guess what? They are in an alliance with this guy:

              “Red Flag” X. Drake


              Like CP9, Drake is no longer with the WG. Like the top 3 CP9, Drake is a zoan. Like CP9, Drake is pursuing his own justice on the greener side. Like CP9, Drake left the WG with a battleship.

              Why would Drake and Lucci work together?
              Because they are both pursuing justice for the better of the world and their positions are quite similar. Both of them are criminals to the WG. CP9’s esteem for the WG was already butchered since the WG could be fooled by an idiot like Spandam and don’t forget….


              Lucci still fights pirates even after he was betrayed by the WG. The destruction of pirates/criminals is Rob Lucci’s justice. Drake is after Kaidou because he is shipping weapons to the WG in exchange for SMILE. If Drake told CP9 that they will definitely help him.

              Drake and CP9’s plan is already in motion; infiltrate Kaidou’s ranks and kill him. Don’t forget that CP9’s specialty is infiltration and assassination.

              Drake has already made it into Kaidou’s ranks but he was assigned to guard duty away from Kaidou’s base. Its quite difficult to get reliable info on the main your trying to kill when your not even around him nor his top officers that much. That’s where Rob Lucci comes in and he’s made better progress than Drake.

              Rob Lucci is Kaidou’s underworld broker representative.


              Take a look a this panel with the brokers.


              Big Mam’s represnetatives are obviously Pekoms and Tamago. The guy at the bottom right is Blackbeard’s representatives Avolo Pizzaro. Shanks doesn’t seem like the kind of person to be interested in the underworld so that’s eaves Kaidou. Kaidou is a key figure in the underworld so surely he has a representative too. It is Rob Lucci. Whatever this “league” is I do not know, but he wants the info of Caesar being captured by Law-Luffy alliance to be known because its too big to be covered up in the underground and he’s still trying to lower damage caused by pirates. That’s how the Luffy-Law alliance became public news in less than a day.

              Make no mistake, Lucci is still a blood-thirsty wildcat:


              Because of Lucci’s intimidating reputation and aura, his brutal and blood thirsty nature and his unparalled ability to follow orders without fail, it’ll be no surprise to me if Lucci is one of Kaidou’s favorites since Kaidou himself is all about intimidation and power. Lucci is currently buying his time and waiting for the PERFECT chance to strike because one slip up means certain death.

              After Kaidou’s defeat, CP9 along with Drake will join the Revolutionary Army. Drake is a given but CP9? Once they learn that Kaidou’s army only came to be because of the WG supplying him with SMILE, they won’t be pleased. The WG wants criminals so that they can pretend to be justice. As long as there are outlaws, the WG has a steady source of income.

              CP9 will come to the conclusion that as long as the current WG exist, there will be no shortage of criminals. They will join the Revolutionaries with the goal of bringing down the WG to spread real justice.

              As revolutionaries, they will teach Sanji and Smoker the Rokushiki technigues. As revolutionaries, they will reconcile with Nico Robin and act as her bodyguards when she discovers some parts of the history. As revolutionaries, they will help Franky and Galley-La company create the Pluton for the final war.


              *Theory by Vandenreich

                The Three Great Weapons & One Piece Universe Theory


                We know the name of the three great weapons, and they are:

                1) Pluton 2) Poseidon 3) Uranus

                It’s been confirmed that Pluton is a ship and Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess, but Uranus is up-in-the-air as it were, and that is the main point I wanted to talk about.

                To give a brief history of these mythological gods:

                • Pluton (or Pluto) is the god of death. To traverse his domain, one needs to ride with Charon on the river Styx to get to the judgement place. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
                • Poseidon is the god of the sea. He rules all things in the water, can communicate with all forms of creatures there, and in general is just the most powerful being in the sea. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
                • Uranus, along with Gaea, is the creator of the world. He was overthrown by his children, the Titans (mostly because he hated them) in collusion with their other brothers, the Cyclops and the Hekatonkheires. After he was castrated, the world was filled with all manner of creatures, the Giants, the Furies, etc. He is NOT one of the three great god brothers, but their ancestor.

                Now, the last part should be a bit odd, because it doesn’t fit into the theme of the weapons being named after the god brothers and each having their own domain: Zeus controls the skies, Poseidon controls the seas, and Pluton controls the underworld. This is an important point, however, since the domains are STILL split up:

                • Uranus is the Sky
                • Poseidon rules the Seas
                • Pluton rules the Underworld

                And so, to connect this to One Piece, we have to consider certain aspects of this:

                • Pluton is a large Ship that can destroy Islands.
                • Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess who controls the Sea Kings and all creatures below it.
                • Uranus is ?

                Pluton and Poseidon have clear, direct parallels to their Greek roots, so on that basis I think Uranus must also have the same roots in Greek mythology.

                I also want to take note, that Pluton was essentially created on an island in the Grand Line and Poseidon was a power that manifested in the Mermaid Princess, and both of these are powers that existed in their respective realms (i.e. the realms Greek mythology would have them exist). On that important note, I think Uranus is in one of the Sky Islands.

                Another thing to note, is that Uranus mixing with Gaea lead to the creation of all the exotic creatures in the world. However, in the One Piece universe, we don’t have too many nuanced creatures besides Giants. Except, its not realistic for the power of Uranus to be “control the Giants” because that contradicts Uranus’ personality: he hated all his own offspring.

                So here’s my theory on Uranus, and in extension, where Raftel is, why no one has ever reached there besides Gol D Roger, and why the World Government was able to overthrow the previous civilization:

                DISCLAIMER: at a certain point, this will obviously become guesstimates because the future parts are contingent on the previous parts happening which could also not happen

                • Uranus is not a ship, or person, or anything like that, but is actually a tree in one of the Sky Islands which “drops” the Devil Fruits onto either the ground or on one of the lower Sky Islands. It is the highest Sky Island, from that logic, so it can “drop” its fruits anywhere. This is supported by a small point:

                All the devil fruits in the world have been accounted for.

                This is, from a logical perspective, an impossible thing to catalog. Even if you got all the devil fruit users named, how do you know that there aren’t other devil fruits available that no one has ever been able to arrive at? The only way to do that is if you knew the total amount of fruits a priori (before the fact).

                • And this is the part where I guess that the Sky Island Uranus is on is actually called Raftel.

                This might seem totally random, but I actually have a reason for this:

                Sky Islands are remarkably hard to arrive at, not just for the route to get there but because even getting the Sky Island on your map requires A LOT OF LUCK. Think about Luffy getting on Skypiea: this feat was just pure luck that his compass started to point up. This normally never happens, which is why we didn’t see other pirates on Skypiea besides the people who already lived there, because it just so hard to get there. If Raftel was on the sea, then why wouldn’t some person just randomly get Raftel as their next destination point? It only seems logical that when people normally do get Raftel in their destination point, it seems like their compass is just dead.

                Which, also being a pure guess, gets me the next point:

                • Raftel is an Island that moves.

                If Raftel were just a Sky Island that stayed put, it would be easy for some people who did get Raftel on their maps to consider Raftel a Sky Island and go there and find Gol D Roger’s treasure. This hasn’t happened, so Raftel must have another layer of complexity the likes which has never been seen. Additionally, because Devil Fruits can be found anywhere, Raftel must be floating if Uranus is on it so that Devil Fruits can be found anywhere.

                Additionally, from all this, the treasure that Gol D Roger held was not a huge pile of booty. I can only assume this, because no major pirate or the Marines (who have the infrastructure) have been randomly digging in any of the islands. Not a single person, in fact, has been shown “treasure hunting.” For instance, what if Luffy found out that One Piece, the treasure, was in Log Town? That would be crazy stupid, because you actually would never have had to cross the Grand Line to find One Piece. People assume that One Piece should be very difficult to get to, but what if it was just a simple place to be? Additionally, how much wealth would really be in One Piece? Let’s say One Piece was worth 10 Billion Beri. Well, who wouldn’t have noticed Gol D Roger depositing large amounts of treasure onto an island that he stayed on for a while? Shanks and Buggy would surely have known about the treasure of One Piece and Buggy would definitely have taken a part of the treasure for himself after Roger died. But Buggy didn’t, in fact, Buggy doesn’t give two shits about finding One Piece, and I can only find a reason for that if:

                • One Piece isn’t the name of the treasure he had, but it is the name of the PAST CIVILIZATION found in the poneglyphs.

                That’s the only sensible way that Gol D Roger would have found both the True History and also One Piece on the same journey.

                • This next prediction has no rhyme or reason, but it is my guess as to how the World Government toppled “One Piece”: the World Government used Haki to defend against the Devil Fruit Users, they sent Posiedon to the seas also through Haki and Devil Fruits they had, and forced Pluton away by using a combination of Devil Fruits and Haki users.

                *Theory by Manlymysteriousman


                  This is a theory about the origins of Akainu and Kizaru.

                  -The toughest but the slowest
                  -Motto: For the Government
                  -The most versatile but least durable
                  -Motto: For the People
                  -Fastest but most exploitable
                  -Motto: For Me(monkeys are known to do tricks and favors in exchange for food. Kizaru’s “food” is money so he works for the WG without question in return)

                  As you know, the original 3 admirals were a logia trio. I’ve always found that to be too coincidental.


                  Especially since they were logias as VAs(assuming with Akainu of course)


                  We know that non-df users are given the option of eating a df when they become an admiral, but I believe that Sakazuki, Kuzan and Borsalino were special/unigue and were given logia DFs because of that. Once again, I say this I because I find to strange that these 3 guys suddenly found 3 of the most powerful DFs in existence and are on the same side.

                  If you read the theory about Aokiji’s past, you’d know that it was Garp who influenced him to become a marine. That in a way made Aokiji special. Even as VA, Jaguar D. Saul who was a fellow VA, said Kuzan was especially strong.

                  In this pic, you can all the admirals as children. To me, it reveals a lot about their backgrounds.


                  The 3 admirals come from very different backgrounds as you can see.

                  “Kizaru” Borsalino
                  Name Trivia: Borsalino is the name of a hat company famous for its fedoras. Remember Borsalino’s fedora as a VA?


                  Kizaru is by far the least raggedy-looking of the admirals. In fact, he is isn’t raggedy at all and looks rather…clean. He has books, a candle lamp, a desk and most of all he’s happy and writing. He really doesn’t look poor.


                  As a recruit, Kizaru didn’t wear the proper uniform.


                  The most confusing thing about Kizaru is his personality itself. He told Basil Hawkins that he can’t let a bounty like him get away, he got upset when he was ignored, he is quite brutal, rather humorously calls his opponents scary and is just laid back in general as f he takes nothing seriously. Its quite difficult to figure him out right? Remember what I said earlier though?

                  -Fastest but most exploitable
                  -Motto: For Me(monkeys are known to do tricks and favors in exchange for food. Kizaru’s “food” is money so he works for the WG without question in return)

                  Kizaru is simply a nonchalant person. He doesn’t care about pirates or the WG per say but he faithfully follows his orders simply because its his job. He is very professional that way. Remember whne I said Kizaru’s real name is that of a company? A company is a business and Kizaru is quite the businessman.

                  Now lets get to Kizaru’s origin. He was born in the City of Marineford. How does that make him unique? He lived with Sengoku when he was younger. We know Sengoku takes in abandoned kids(as seen with Rosinate) and Kizaru’s dialogue with Sengoku made me wonder but I could be overthinking things.


                  Since he lived in the City of Marineford and was ‘raised” by Sengoku, Kizaru was exceptionally strong the WG gave him a logia and saw a lot of promise in him.


                  “Akainu” Sakazuki
                  Name Trivia: Sakazuki is a yakuza ceremony when the new comer becomes known with the Father and drinks sake with him.


                  As a kid, Akainu was a mess. He looks pissed, is holding a knife and is covered in blood.


                  Doesn’t Akainu remind you of someone else as a kid?


                  As a child, Law wanted the whole world to burn and has no qualms with killing anyone. He even tried to murder Corazon with a knife. Akainu was the same way but instead of being angry at the world, Akainu hated pirates with a passion. Whatever happened, I say pirates/criminals took everything from Akainu and he fought and killed pirates on a regular. He made a name of himself and it caught the attention of these guys….


                  Its the reason why Akainu’s and the Gorosei’s political ideologies are similar. The Gorosei quickly gave Akainu the Magu Magu no mi cause he was exceptionally strong in his younger years.


                  Know Gorosei Gandhi with the swords? He wears a typical Japanese robe(forgot the real name). Akainu has a Japanese pine tree that he takes cares of.


                  Jinbe also said that it has the higher ups of the WG that supported Akainu. The highest political power in the WG are the Gorosei. Sengoku told the Commander-in-Chief that he recommended Aokiji and the only person higher than Kong are the Gorosei. Hell, Akainu even directly went to the Gorosei to discuss Doflamingo’s position.


                  *Theory by Vandenreich

                    Theory of the Next Arcs and the End

                    I think my theory about the end of one piece is more close then any other theories. It is based on watching one piece 4 times and reading its manga. There are some holes in my theory just like in other theories. But read it from big picture view of one piece and I’m sure you’ll love it.
                    There are four emperors in one piece who are most powerful pirates and after them there are warlords. In navy there are admirals who are pretty powerful too. So they all have to lose somehow and I’ll tell you how will it happen.


                    Luffy is fighting doflamingo now and he is about to win against him. After he beats doflamingo there will be no more warlords to beat for him because he beat some of them already and others are his friends except one whose identity is unknown right now. Well it doesn’t make much of a difference.

                    So he dealt with all warlords and about to destroy doflamingo and when that happen kaido will be pretty pissed with him since he also stops production of smiles thus stops him from creating his army of zoan type.
                    After defeating doflamingo luffy will gain some new friends and some new allies too.
                    So after this arc I think luffy will head for zou island to fight with kaido. There he’ll meet his friends and law’s crew and also I think he will form an alliance with drake too since he wants to destroy kaido.
                    After all that he’ll fight kaido and by that time I’m guessing that zinbe will also join his crew. Drake, law and his crew will fight against kaido and and his crew and somehow luffy alone will end up fighting him and I think he’ll use gear 5 there to win that fight because I don’t think gear 4 will be enough.


                    Somehow they will defeat kaido and the news will reach to all the world but kid will find out before that somehow that straw hat is going to fight kaido so I think he’ll fight big mom with his pirate alliance and he’ll somehow defeat her.


                    After 2 of the emperors defeated the world will know luffy and kid’s power and I think they will face each other but I can’t say when because I can’t think of a best time for them to fight. But they will fight each other since there ideals don’t match and they both want to be the king of the pirates.
                    Before luffy can meet shanks I think shanks and blackbeard will end up fighting and I think dracule mihawk will fight with shanks against blackbeard pirates. Somehow shanks(red-haired pirates) will lose that fight and I think some of them will die I can’t say what will happen to red haired pirates exactly after their defeat.


                    The news will reach luffy and he’ll get more angry at blackbeard for doing that and he’ll go to fight him. Before he could reach bleckbeard I think that marines will try to block his path so he’ll fight them too.
                    But I don’t think that there fight will be to end because they will be stopped by revolutionary army and dragon will fight marines while straw hat pirates will fight against blackbeard pirates.


                    When straw hats were fighting BB pirates then the whitebeard pirates will show and join the fight against BB pirates and support luffy. Marines will lose to revolutionary army and bleckbeard will lose against luffy. After that luffy will become the most powerful man and gain fame.
                    When all these fighting finally ends then he will reach raftel somehow and met one more crew member of rogers crew. There they will find out about void century and one piece. Luffy will find a good reason to destroy the red line and will destroy it. Doing so he’ll make the whole world connected by one giant sea and sanji will find his all blue since all the four seas meet together now and brook will meet laboon.
                    Since luffy did all that he’ll become pirate king and the most free and wanted men on sea. So everyone’s dream will be complete and thousand sunny will be the ship that sail through out all the seas.

                    *Theory by Sunil Dewna