How old is Corazon? Why is it that Sugar isn’t present in the Dofla-family flashback scenes?


D: How old is Corazon? Why is it that Sugar isn’t present in the Dofla-family flashback scenes?                                               P.N. Roronoa Romugen

SBS77 4 Monet and Sugar

O: Corazon is 2 years younger than Doflamingo. He died at the age of 26. So Sugar and Monet would end up joining after this incident. These two were rescued from an extremely misfortunate environment by Doflamingo himself, and as sisters aged 9 and 17, they resolved to throw their lives away if it were for the sake of the Family. They were provided with Devil Fruits after joining. You see, Doflamingo is very observant of the “environments” that people grow up in.

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