Tag Archives: sanji


Zoro leaving the SH crew has been brought up from time to time, but never have I agreed with any of it because it just seemed….unlikely. Like what is the point of Zoro leaving? After re-reading a couple opf chapters, I came to the realization that Zoro defect is highly plausible. So much so that I think his defection has foreshadowed for a while. Everything I found has led me to believe that Zoro and Luffy will have a fallout in Zou. Why in Zou?

Because that is where the grave of Ace is located. Things are bound to get emotional and Luffy and Zoro has some flaws that might lead to a fallout.

Luffy vs Zoro

Chapter 112-113 for those who don’t know. As you can obviously tell by the scans, Zoro beat up 100 people at Whiskey Peak because he discovered they were assassins. Angry, Luffy attacked Zoro out of the blue without even listening to Zoro’s side of the story. Even when Zoro was finally able to tell Luffy the truth, Luffy said he was a lair because “people who feed you aren’t bad.” Luffy was dead serious about brutally assaulting his own crew member over a simple misunderstanding. Luffy is lucky Zoro didn’t defect then because of his naïve and unreasonable thinking. Luffy was entirely at fault.

Luffy vs Usopp

The theme of Water 7 and Enies Lobby is leadership. Water 7 shows that Luffy is somewhat of a poor leader as he couldn’t even calm a dispute. In fact, Luffy made it worse. Usopp was visibly upset and in denial about the Merry but instead of taking things slow and come to some kind of agreement, Luffy kept adding salt on Usopp’s wounds by saying that the Merry is dead, that there is nothing Usopp can do and that he should leave if he doesn’t agree with his captain. The last part is something Luffy should’ve never said as it drove Usopp to leave the crew and challenge Luffy to a fight. Luffy pretty much told Usopp “The Merry is going to die and you are powerless to stop it. If you have a problem with that then get the hell of my ship.” However, Usopp was more at fault because he knew all along that the Merry was done for but yelled at Luffy anyways because he couldn’t let go.

Zoro in Water 7

Zoro here explained that there is respect and dignity that comes with being a captain. A crew who’s captain has lost his dignity will surely collapse. Zoro directly that if Luffy continues to humiliate himself, then he will be the next to leave the crew. Power, respect, pride and dignity is what makes a pirate captain. Of course the crew members respect their captain but at the same time, the captain should respect and appreciate his crew members’ dignity in return.

Zoro also believes Luffy is too careless.

Zoro isn’t necessarily wrong……

Luffy vs Bellamy

The reason I bring up Luffy’s naivety and carelessness is because that might be brought up in their dispute.

Of course its not like Zoro’s any better with emotion. His seemingly uncaring nature makes him come off as insensitive or harsh.

What can we conclude with everything I’ve said so far? That not only is Luffy naive and careless, when emotional, he says anything and everything and is prone to getting violent. Zoro is too serious and harsh.

In Zou, Luffy may get sentimental at Ace’s grave and Zoro may something that Luffy misinterpts as insensitive and gets pissed off. As things get heated up, Luffy may say something unforgivable. For me, I think Luffy may spit on Zoro’s dignity and pride by saying something like “What have you sacrificed!? What have you lost!!” Zoro sacrificed his pride, self respect and dignity but bowing his head and begging his greatest enemy for power all for Luffy’s sake. What Luffy just said is unforgivable and he just destroyed some of his own repsect and dignity. Luffy just humiliated. Tired of Luffy’s carelessness, Zoro will leave the crew and of course, everyone else will be devastated. Luffy will be the one mainly at fault. Zoro is the SH who is closest to Luffy and that is exactly why he left. The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to hurt them. No matter how close you are to someone, there are some things you should NEVER do or say.

Zoro will become a SHs again of course but that won’t be until after Kaidou is beaten. In the meantime, Zoro will decide to go after Kaidou by himself. Kaidou is a dragon zoan and Zoro is represented by the tiger. In Japan, the only crrature that can stand equally with the dragon is the tiger. Not saying Zoro will beat Kaidou, but Zoro will save Wano from his forces and will become Wano’s gratest hero. In the meantime, Luffy’s experience with Zoro will cause him to become more serious and when Kaidou is beaten, both will have a heartfelt reunion and apology.

*Theory by Vandenreich



    Just a short thread, if you guys noticed, among all the people that was shown in this chapter, only 3 groups are in a “ship”

    Garp’s group, Smoker’s group and Capone’s group.

    Now, I believe Tsuru is going after Drake, so they would show up later.

    I want to talk about Sanji’s team., because I believe its going to be revealed on next chapter.

    Capone’s group, i’m almost positive he allied with Big Mom, and he said the line “our friends…they are doing pretty good aren’t they?”

    In mafias, “friends” meant enemies, and Capone seemed sarcastic.

    So from what I took out of it, it seems that Capone is on his way to assist Pekoms and Tamago in sinking Sanji’s team, probably because Sanji is putting up a decent fight.

    So I believe Sanji would be overwhelmed by 2 groups and that’s where Smoker and Tashigi comes in, if you guys follow my theory, I always said that Tashigi would rescue Sanji’s team, but Smoker being there, it actually made that theory better, because i’ve thinking a long time that Smoker also should be in Wano-Kuni.

    So yeah, I think Smoker and Tashigi would rescue the Sunny Team, but since Sanji and Smoker are injured, they would not put up much of a fight, and that’s when another player comes in.


    The Gorosei confirmed that Aokiji is working with Blackbeard, so I believe Aokiji will kidnap Ceasar but in turn he would also save the Sunny Team, mainly because Smoker is there (if Smoker isn’t there, he would freeze the Sunny Go as well)

    The Sunny Go would Coup de Burst with Smoker and Tashigi in there, and they would be dragged along the journey to Zou.

    Meanwhile, Aokiji successfully kidnaps Clown.

    He froze the sea so the Big Mom Pirates won’t be able to attack, and the G5 Marines takes the kids to Vegapunk, further making Vegapunk a mystery.

    I just cant see Oda passing up an opportunity for a female samurai and a character based from Edo Period policeman to not be included in Wano-Kuni.

    Plus Chopper is there to heal Smoker.

    That’s it for me.

    *Theory by ramenboy


      In this theory I shall talk about the true strength of Monkey D. Dragon. However, I cant talk about Dragon without discussing the Conqueror’s Haki.

      First of all, we know Dragon has his own fighting style as seen with Sabo:

      But once again, the Conqueror’s Haki is what makes Dragon truly fearsome. Dragon also has no devil fruit but for those who think he odes, do NOT be discouraged. You’ll see why later on.

      Now lets get into what CoC is and what Dragon’s(and others) real abilities are.

      Conqueror’s Haki is the ability to use your willpower as a weapon. It is truly the most powerful ability in One Piece and its even more powerful than the Ancient Weapons.

      There are multiple levels to Conqueror’s Haki can it can be broken down into 5 simple levels.

      Level 1: Using your will to conquer the will of others

      The most simplest and well known example of Conqueror’s Haki. It is very effective against fodder.

      However, contrary to popular belief, it is still useful against those with good willpower.

      Smoker of all people began to sweat against Hancock’s CoC. It depends on how strong your CoC is compared to the will of your target. Replace Hancock with Rayleigh or Shanks, Smoker might have had a worse reaction.

      Level 2: Conquering the Elements

      As simple as it sounds. Dragon used his CoC to conqueror the fir of Gray Terminal to give the people a path to escape.

      Doflamingo was completely incased in Kuzan’s ice but managed to use his CoC to conquer the ice and break free.

      This level can also be applied to objects.

      Level 3: Conquering the Weather

      The Cnqueror’s Haki has a certain radius. The stronger the will, the more range one’s CoC has and it can affect and manipulate the environment. That storm that saved Roger and destroyed Shiki’s fleet was because of Roger’s CoC and it is how Dragon summoned lightning to save Luffy.

      Level 4: Conquering yourself.

      One with the Conqueror’s Haki can manifest his will/spirit in physical form. Your personal traits and characteristics that describe will become a physical weapon per say.

      Shanks has shown that Conqueror’s Haki can cause PHYSICAL damage to objects.

      Now then, there is ALOT more to Level 4 Conqueror’s Haki. Everyone’s spirit is different and can be represented by different things. Some spirits are like tigers, some are like ice and others can even be cocaine. Of course, only those with the Conqueror’s Haki can achieve this, but it can be done by those who haven’t unlocked it yet. The willpower of a person must very strong in order to achieve this feat though.

      Zoro spirit in physical form is Asura.

      Sanji’s spirit in physical form is Diable Jambe. Oda said that Sanji doesn’t get burned because his spirit burns hotter.

      Shanks’ spirit in physical form is red lightning.

      Kaidou may be a dragon zoan but his spirit in physical form may be a Typhon. The Typhon is the father of beasts and Kaidou leads an army of beasts.

      Level 5: Conquering Reality

      The highest level of Conqueror Haki. Only 2 people have achieved this form of CoC aside from Dragon. This level can only be achieved by those who are a direct descendant of D.

      The Conqueror’s Haki can conqueror ANYTHING and that includes time, space, light and dark. The concept of reality itself bends to the will of the conqueror.

      The distortion of reality, time and space is synonymous with air cracking.

      A Conqueror’s Haki clash is the sudden impact of two conqueror spirits and those combined spirits is strong enough to distort time and space for a short time.

      Now to avoid any confusion, a person can master level 1,2 and 4 but could still need work for level 3 for example. Some people can only level up so far not matter how much they try. Don Chinjao for example may be unable to use level 2 or 3.


      Of course you know, Luffy will be the greatest Conqueror of them all.

      Those with the Conqueror’s Haki are very common in the New World and it is the only way to climb to the top.

      However, those with the Conqueror’s Haki are the least of Luffy’s worries.

      “Blackbeard” Marshall D. Teach cannot use haki because of the Yami Yami no mi. Despite that, he can make sure that his opponents cannot use haki either.

      The Darkness Fruit consumes absolutely everything.

      We know Teach can neutralize devil fruit powers via physical contact.

      But with his devil fruit awakening, he can neutralize devil fruits and haki without needing physical contact.

      The only thing that can save Luffy is his Conqueror’s Haki conquering Teach’s darkness.


      Now then, what about Monkey D. Dragon?

      As I implied earler, Dragon’s Conqueror’s Haki is probably the strongest alive. It is the main reason why he is the most wanted man.

      Dragon’s conqueror’s haki(along with Shanks and Roger) is so strong that he can cause the air to crack without clashing with anyone.

      As for Dragon’s spirit in physical form, it is an actual dragon.

      With his CoC, Dragon can manipulate the weather and become a dragon. This is why I believe Dragon has no DF because he doesn’t need one. He is already a dragon in a literal sense. Dragon’s body wont deform and turn into a dragon itself if that’s what your thinking. Just his spirit will turn into a dragon behind or above him like an aura.

      This brings up a few questions though….what are CoC in physical forms of Roger?

      *Theory by Vandenreich


        In this theory I’m going to compare the SH to some people in the old generation but are still active. Once these certain people die/quit/etc I believe the Straw Hat I describe will take something similar to their role. This will be very weird, trust me


        Monkey D Luffy is the new Roger, old Pirate king

        I think this because, well, you know of course. Luffy carries on Rogers will, and becomes the new Pirate King. No trouble there..


        Roronoa Zoro is the new ..Dracule Mihawk Silvers Rayleigh

        Mihawk because of the World’s greatest swordsman. Rayleigh cause he’ll be the pirate kings right hand man. Many think he’ll awaken CoC Haki once he opens his left eye. I think that could be a possibility. Most likely after beating Mihawk or Shiliew, he’ll become the WGS.


        Sanji could be the new .. Red Leg Zeff Monkey D. Dragon

        Yes, you saw it correctly. Monkey D Dragon. Now, put down your pitchforks. Remember this scene:


        Now I believe Oda put that for a reason. This could be major foreshadowing for around the end of the series. And Dragon is currently the most feared man, so Sanji taking his place is like being the new Dragon. Plus, many theories of Sanji being a Noble or a Celestial Dragon could affect the outcome of his future. Red Leg Zeff was put because, well, both cooks, same fighting style, the basic stuff. But I don’t think Sanji will have that revolutionary army and stuff like that. I think he’ll be feared for something.. Maybe his heritage?


        Franky, Cutty Flam as the new Dr. Vegapunk

        It was between Vegapunk or, Ceaser Clown. But CC is too much of a jerk and not at all like Franky. And Dr. Vegapunk is a similar scientist type engineer like Franky. This could be possible. But we don’t know much about Vegapunk and there could be some other people from Roger’s crew that could fit in. And Franky being the new Vegapunk would actually be really awesome.


        Nico Robin as the new Dr. Clover

        I chose this and not her mom because we don’t know much about Olivia, and I didn’t choose Kuma cause they’re nothing alike. Clover was the major archaelogist in Ohara, and Robin could carry on his will and surpass him, aiding the future Pirate King. A great fit.


        Brook as the new ..Brook

        Brook was already from the elder times, and is not really similar to anyone else. Brook will be his own man and continue on with his own goals. GO BROOK!


        Usopp as the new Shanks Noland Yasopp or Buggy

        Montblanc Usopp? Seems Plausible. Usopp is very similar to Noland, and his lies are all becoming true. He could actually be the Usoland. Shanks was just a cabin boy, but became a very strong person. Usopp could awaken CoC and become like Shanks. The usopp pirates and Usopp leaving them is similar to Shanks leaving Luffy and giving him his straw hat. Usopp and Yasopp are both excellent snipers; though Usopp will get stronger and surpass him. Buggy and Usopp both have great luck and have very similar personalities. Both make themselves seem super powerful, but actually aren’t as powerful as they boast. Lol.


        Tony Tony Chopper as the new Dr Hiluluk

        Chopper will carry his will of becoming an amazing doctor, who can cure any disease.


        Nami as the new Boa Hancock

        Both are pretty tough females and very pretty, and they do show off their body most of the time. Both have a deep love for something (Money, Luffy) and both are overall very similar. I don’t think Nami has CoC and will be a Warlord as well as an ex-slave, but might have a similar role at the EOS as Hancock does. Nami could become the most tough navigator and female in One Piece. I can see Nami becoming a queen-type person. Oh and if Nami becomes the head of Amazon Lily at sometime that’ll be hilarious.

        Law = Whitebeard
        Kid = Shiki
        Thousand Sunny = Oro Jackson
        Coby and Smoker are hard ones, but I think Smoker will join the SH.

        *Theory by Red Beard


          Viola is one of my favourite characters. This is my theory explaining every reason why she should be the next Mugiwara, how events will unfold leading to her recruitment and arguing against common remarks made to derail her support and chances.

          I understand you’ll probably disagree, but please hear me out, it’s worth a read

          Parallels with Robin:
          What stands out to me the most is her uncanny similarities with Robin in terms of plot role. This is not to be confused with physical similarities so many people miscomprehend, there are about as many physical similarities between Robin and Viola as there are similarities between Nami and the latter two. So anyways, Viola and Robin have very similar plot roles, a reason that works strongly in her favour:

          1. Nico Robin was working for the enemy, although for her own protection, this is very similar to Viola working for the enemy to protect her family
          2. The country of their recruitment arc is under the control of a very tactful Shichibukai
          3. Viola and Robin both sided with the Strawhats, initially in secret
          4. Both have very useful devil fruit abilities, it is important to note both are good at assassinations. All three (including Nami) are skilled with stealth, a pattern on the Strawhat crew which Viola fits very well
          5. Both fought the arc villain in a futile attempt to defeat them before Luffy comes to finish the job
          6. Both have nowhere to go after the defeat of the Shichibukai enemy is defeated, I will explain this in more detail later
          7. The port where she plans to leave is filled with Marines, like when the Mugiwara’s left Alabasta with Robin on board

          Recruitment Pattern:

          There are several recruitment patterns which she fits into:

          1. MFMM gender pattern: within each sea the Strawhats have recruited a Male, Female, Male Male sequence. After Jinbe on Fishman Island (an unofficial member as of right now), Viola is the second, and Female recruit.
          2. Most Strawhats decline invitations from crewmates, but accept invitations from Luffy. Sometimes even initially declining Luffy’s invite at first, although eventually changing their mind. As we can see:
              1. Zoro accepted Luffy’s invitation
              2. Usopp accepted Luffy’s invitation, but declined invitations from both Zoro and Nami
              3. Sanji accepted Luffy’s invitation
              4. Nami accepted Luffy’s invitation
              5. Chopper accepted Luffy’s invitation but declined Nami’s invitation
              6. Robin didn’t even ask for an invitation, although it is inferred Luffy invited her, although this is unclear
              7. Franky accepted Luffy’s invitation, he also declined invitations from Sogeking and Sanji
              8. Brook accepted Luffy’s invitation
              9. Jinbe accepted Luffy’s invitation
              10. Viola has declined an invitation from Sanji already, this is foreshadowing that Luffy will invite her aboard, afterall, he will save her from Doffy, which almost matches Robin’s recruitment
          3. Luffy likes her:
              1. Luffy has always liked crewmembers before they join, and interacts with them. The recruits also interact with other members of the crew. They also always end up fighting the Arc villain at some point, even if it’s very brief: of course, Luffy himself likes himself and fought Alvida, so even he fits the pattern.
              2. Zoro was considered a good person and fought against Morgan
              3. Nami was considered a good person and fought Buggy and had conflicts with Arlong
              4. Usopp was adored by Luffy due to his lies, he helped Luffy against Kuro
              5. Sanji fought briefly with Krieg. Luffy witnessed his caring nature when he fed Gin and thought he was a good person
              6. Chopper was seen as a badass meat supply with 7 forms that fought with Wapol, and we know how much Luffy loves meat
              7. Robin was saved by Luffy, Robin fought Crocodile, Luffy deemed her a good person and expressed this view on the Merry before she joined
              8. Franky fought briefly with Luffy against Lucci. Luffy also therefore deemed Franky fit to join
              9. Brook fought and helped fight against Moriah, Luffy loved the guy!
              10. Jinbe was already a good friend with Luffy after Marineford and briefly tossled with Hody
              11. Viola has helped Luffy muliple times, he likes her and she is currently fighting DoffY
          4. She had a chapter named after her. As every other Mugiwara did. This was not the case with Vivi or Monet… so yeah.
          5. She is designed incredibly accurately:
              1. Luffy is Oda’s own reflection on what he was like as a teenager and child
              2. Zoro is an amalgamation of Francois L’ollonais, a buckeneer who was very skilled with swords, who’s name sounds similar to Roronoa when pronounced in japanese. On top of that, his parallels with El Zorro also are clear as he is a good person and yet a wanted man and considered a ‘Demon’, again, Zorro is a good swordsman
              3. Nami is based upon Catwoman. Both have an obsession with money and specialise in stealth and other dastardly deeds. Nami’s epithet is ‘Cat Burglar’, which is another name Catwoman goes by in the comics. She even has a sister and an adoptive mother, like Catwoman. The ambiguity of their allegiances matched back in Arlong Park and they even have similar fighting styles (with Staffs and gymnastics)
              4. Usopp is named after Aesop, the man who initially orated the tale of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Usopps lies are amazingly all becoming true, he is the ultimate foreshadowing device, much like the boy in the story. He also has a long nose based upon Pinocchio and is an articulate amalgamation of liars
              5. Sanji is based upon Steve Buscemi and Romeo Capulet. The ultimate ladies-man. He dresses similarly to Steve in Reservoir Dogs, but also looks like Leonardo Dicaprio in his role as Romeo from the 1998 Hollywood movie – Romeo and Juliet. On top of that he is a chain smoker, like Steve.
              6. Chopper is obviously designed on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Not just due to his discoloured blue nose, but due to the fact he was called an outcast. He also pulled a sled “through the sky” on Drum Island.
              7. Robin is based upon Cinderella. She has a horrible aunt and did a lot of chores around the house, exactly like Cinderella and her step sisters. Robin running away from the World Government is exactly like Cinderella running from the ball. Kuzan’s ice pathway symbolises the glass staircase and glass slippers Cinderella wore.
              8. Franky, at least pre timeskip, looked like Ace Ventura and Popeye the Sailorman. I don’t know much about Ace, but Popeye consuming Spinach made him much more powerful, likewise, this is the effect Cola had on Franky. Franky building the Sunny is also like Popeye building his own ship.
              9. Brook is like a sailor from the poem ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, in which a man’s crew dies because of disease, and they all sing one last song together as they drop dead one by one. He was the first mate of the Rumbar pirates (as was the sailor), and their pasts match this perfectly. The sailor also, like Brook, had the goal to find his friend at the end of the ocean (Laboon).
              10. Viola is based on a woman called Violet Gibson. Of course, the names are very similar, but even greater parallels can be drawn. Both were skilled dancers. Both attempted to assassinate a fascist dictator (Mussolini and Doflamingo, this is symbolised through their fight going on right now). And lastly, her last words were “I can see everything”, alluding to her Giro Giro no Mi. She was remarked as insane and mentally ill which also parallels her decision to fight Doflamingo, her behaviour around men and surely knowing what everyone is thinking would drive you mad.

          Clearly, Oda puts in a lot of effort into making the Strawhats very accurately designed. I understand that a lot of people will say he does this with a lot of characters. Which is true, but all of the characters like that are incredibly important to the story and unless Viola becomes a Strawhat, she won’t fulfil this role. It’s a lot of wasted effort if Viola is so well designed and planned if she doesn’t have immense relevance to the story, as she isn’t a world leading figure, she will have to be a Strawhat.


          Of course, her past is incredibly sad. Like the rest of the Strawhats. I don’t feel I need to explain them all, but surely being held to ransom for 10 long years, working to save her family and watching everyone getting killed whilst she is helpless is very similar to two other Strahwats:

          Nami and Robin. This is yet another pattern she fulfils. Not just as a member with a sad past, but a member with a similar past to the other two members of the same gender. Afterall, Nami was held to ransom and worked to save her village, and watched helplessly as many got killed. Likewise, Robin was helpless to stop the buster call or her fellow researchers from being slaughtered.

          Her dream can easily be revealed later. It’s possible her dream relates to the abolition of the Shichibukai, or taking Shichibukai down. Other possiblities are to reduce or abolish corruption in the world, afterall, she can see it all, and she used to be very trusting. This dream would involve taking down or changing the World Government: which ties into the Shichibukai system which relates to Doffy, the villain that shaped her life.

          Plans to leave Dressrosa:

          Viola had explained to Sanji that she already had plans to leave Dressrosa. This debunks the arguments made about her needing to stay because she is royalty. Besides, she is third in line after Riku and Rebecca


          She, being a former pirate of one of the most evil groups we’ve seen thus far will have a bounty and become a wanted woman. We know this to be true because of the Strawhats send off from Alabasta: the Strawhats couldn’t vocally respond to Vivi because she could have been associated with pirates and become a wanted woman:


          This is exactly what will happen to Viola. And for her own protection she will join the crew. She already intended to leave the country.

          Position on the Sunny:

          Obviously she would be a lookout and dancer to go with Brooks music. A perfect combination.

          Running gags:

          As she has a habit of stabbing those who betray her or cheat her, Viola could have a running gag of chasing Sanji around with her knife trying to stab him after he flirts with Nami and Robin. Due to Usopp’s lies, she could also have a running gag with him as her powers are the antithesis of his habits. She fits perfectly with the crew.

          Why she won’t be overpowered:

          Her clairvoyance isn’t always active. If it was she would have seen the Donquixote Invasion hours before it occurred.


          Simply put, she wouldn’t ruin the suspense or thrill of the sea journeys in the slightest. Her powers probably use a lot of stamina, which also makes sense. A further parallel with Robin, making her a likely candidate is that their fruits are perceived as ‘overpowered’ and yet Oda could and has easily nerfed the fruit powers.

          She’s ‘not too’ similar to Robin:

          1. Viola is a close combat fighter whilst Robin fights in long range
          2. Viola is 20cm shorter than Robin
          3. Robins face looks completely different. Eyes are different sizes, and Robins nose is far more flat and square, their hair is also a different style and slightly different colours
          4. They even dress differently
          5. Differences in terms of plot also exist, such as the fact it took Robin 4 arcs to join from introduction, whereas Viola only one (most likely)
          6. Robins history had no reveal until 180 chapters after she joined. Viola’s past has already been touched upon

          The argument about being too similar is also very wrong.

          Recruitment saga:

          What will likely transpire is Viola, already wanting to leave, also being an outcast will say goodbye to her family and find Luffy, Zoro, Kin’emon etc.

          She will also show us what is happening on Big Mom’s ship with her Devil Fruit. She will become a plot device.

          She will have a bounty placed on her head like the rest of the crew, who may have theirs increased (like when Robin and Franky joined) due to her taking part in defeating Doflamingo and the Donquixote Family. Being a wanted woman, she would have to leave her family behind. Her father: Riku, would probably want her to travel with the Dressrosa heroes: Luffy and Law. As we saw with Vivi, if she became wanted she would have had to leave Alabasta. Because Viola will be wanted, she will have to leave.

          *Theory by L o g i a



            In the new world their hasn’t been much that has challenged Zoro , neither the 8 sword wielding FishMan or the DD family Elite Pica, he cut down a mountain sized behemoth in a single slash of his swords only causing him to break a little sweat. We all know and believe that both Zoro and Sanji have yet to show their true potential and we all cant wait until that happens.

            But Ive been wondering about Zoro lately as a few of the things he has done and said in the new world has made me wonder just how far has he increased he strength and what new abilities has he mastered. Now there are multiple theories on what happened to Zoro’s left eye and the belief that a malicious demon was behind his injury and I do agree that theory is true but slightly different to the general idea that has been thrown around on the forums. What I believe Zoro did in his 2 years training was not just pushing his physical limits but master what was lying dormant inside of him. Let me list what I believe Zoro has learned and then I will provide evidence and a scenario to back those predictions.

            1) Skilled in all 2 types of Haki and learned of his own CoC potential
            We has already seen Zoro CoO and CoA in the series, his actions in Dressrosa show him finding Pica with CoO and cutting him with blades infused with CoA, but he also learned that he has CoC whilst his training and meditation. One very subtle but obvious hint was his statement once Luffy showed his CoC in-front of the Straw Hats for the first time. After Sanji says that Luffy must be using Conquerers Haki, Zoro swiftly replies that he would expect no less from the captain of the crew. Now Zoro has strong beliefs in what aspects define a captain and the respect that he should always have from his subordinates, his actions in Water 7 regrading Ussop’s temporary disassociation and the Going Merry end strongly support this claim. So his statement suggests that Luffy should have that ability or he would be an unfit captain, now Zoro could only make such a claim if someone else in the crew also had CoC making them superior to Luffy in potential and that person must be Zoro himself. Now he may not have awakened the ability to use it, a dire situation is required to do so examples being both Luffy’s and Ace’s first time using CoC, but he learnt that he has such a strength within him from the demon in the Sandai Kitetsu. Now why would such a blade agree to Zoro using it when all the previous owners of the blade died in battle? because of Zoros animalistic nature, so no swordsman who wielded it before Zoro had bloodlust? Id disagree with that any day but Zoro having the potential to unlock CoC would definately intrigue a demon.

            2)Zoro’s eye was lost whilst he made a deal with the demon/cursed demon that resides with the Sandai Kitetsu

            Whilst Zoro meditated with his swords to master CoA with his blades before he could continue his training with Mihawk he encountered a problem. He could perfectly turn the Wado Ichimonji and the Shusui into completely black blades that were as strong as his will but the Sandai Kitetsu was not abiding by his will flickered in between states of being normal and black blade. Now knowing that he could not further his training with Mihawk and have his beloved Sake returned until he had completed this task Zoro went into deep concentration and meditation over the blade and was greeted with the demon that resided within the blade. Now in order to have complete control over the blade Zoro must have had to make a blood sacrifice to the demon to create a blood contract between them allowing Zoro free control over Sandai Kitetsu and access to the demon strength if needed. Zoro would not hesitate on such an offer as he believes he could over come such a ordeal.(NOTE like the situation with Mr. 3 and the candle wax cake Zoro was content with cutting his own legs off and continuing his fight.) Thus the demon may ask for one of his limbs he may say that his hands are off limits but other then that the demon could take what ever limb hie choose if it would not kill Zoro. The demon choice his eye as it something valuable to a swordsmen. Now all this may sound absurd but listen me out first but if was only cut then he could open that eye just like Fujitora and on Zoro’s first encounter with Sandai Kitetsu he mentioned an aura that the blade had and once he masters CoA with that blade he can even infuse that Aura with CoA thus showing that blades abides by his will now.


            I honestly believe that this is what has happened to Zoro, as physically Zoro is a extremely talented individual amazing strength, a great healing factor and the ability to withstand ungodly amounts strains put on his body . LIKE HE CANT CUT A BLOODY MOUNTAIN WITH SHEAR STRENGTH ALONE. And mentally he has shown great deal of improvements as well.

            What do you guys think?

            *Theory by TickTocxk



              I have a feeling that Elemental Haki might be a thing in the One Piece World. I noticed that certain characters have moves or attacks that include elements but can’t really explain how they use them.

              Sanji- his fire kicks dont burn him at all (has yet to go against a logia to show if his kicks would hit or not.)

              Zoro- his attack with the swords to create a tornado using wind (he only went against Monet and we saw how that ended)

              Luffy- he used a red hawk under water and that dind burn him at all, also what the hell was the snake shot?

              Fishmen- could fishmen karate be water haki? (hence why Koala can use it)

              Sabo- Sabo use that DragonBreath attack during the Colosseum battle and split the arena with what appear to be wind?

              Eustass Kid crewmate- during saboady he used a technic to breath fire

              Whitebeard allies-During marine ford there was a guy with electricity on his sword.

              Vista- could Vista possibly have earth Haki which would or could be nature like and that would explain the flowers?

              Kinemo- this guy cuts fire like its normal.

              Brook- his ice abilities seem random to me maybe ice Haki?

              Fossa (WB pirate)-was using fire on his sword

              Hannyable was able to light the ends of his staff with fire

              Those are just some of the samples I could find. If I miss any please comment below and let me know!

              *Theory made by Princeton Production. Here is the Original video talking about this theory:

                Donquixote Rocinante is Sanji’s dad Theory

                (you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

                I think Rocinante may be Sanji’s dad and here’s why.
                First of all, here’s a lil’ timeline so we’re all on the same page with this.


                * Trafalgar’s age is “26”, but he tells Doflamingo that he’ll pay for what he did 13 yrs ago, alluding to Rocinante’s death when Trafalgar was 10, and when we flash back 16 yrs ago Trafalgar was 7yrs 7 months, making him about 23 right now (chap.724 pg.19, chap.761. pg 13).

                Age inconsistencies happen all the time in One Piece so it’s no big deal. Honestly, I would say all ages are approximate and have some wiggle room. I think it would make sense if Sanji was a little bit younger as well.

                -Both blonde, and Sanji has those prize winning Donquixote family legs
                -Sanji was born in the North Blue but grew up in the East Blue (chap. 227 pg. 7)
                -Sanji has an unusually rare blood type, maybe it’s because he’s from an unusually rare bloodline?
                -Only crew member who hasn’t lost a named loved one, and Oda wouldn’t miss a chance to kill off some kid’s family unless he had something bigger planned

                Sanji’s coat in Film Z is very similar to Rocinante’s


                Why was Sanji working on The Orbit?

                -Rocinante doesn’t want Doflamingo to find out about him, because Doflamingo has a habit of killing everyone. If things go sour and Rocinante is revealed as a marine, he would want his kid as underground as possible.

                -Rocinante doesn’t want people to know Sanji is related to the Donquixote family because of their heritage. People hated and attacked them when they found out about their connection to the Celestial Dragons.

                -Dad’quixote just wanted them to have a normal life and maybe that’s what Rocinante wants for his son too.

                Or maybe it’s none of these, but one way or another he gets on that boat.

                Rocinante’s personality suggests he may be a father. He loves kids, which is why he tries so hard to discourage Baby 5, Buffalo, and Law from joining the crew. He doesn’t want to see them get killed/arrested. On their quest for a cure, Rocinante treats Law like a son. Is it because he misses his own son?

                I’m really interested in hearing other people’s input on this!

                *Theory by bepo

                  Zoro and Sanji Haki Theory

                  (you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

                  Oda said in an SBS that Zoro would specialize in CoA (Busoshoku) Haki and that Sanji would specialize in CoO (Kenbunshoku) Haki. I think the reason for this has to do with their different types of training during the 2 year time-skip. If you think about it, it was only Zoro, Mihawk, and Perona on Kuraigana Island. Based on what we have seen from him throughout the series (presumably not willing to fight Shanks because Shanks only has one arm), Mihawk values honorable battles, so it is likely that he and Zoro trained one-on-one together in such a way where Zoro did not need to fear for his life or keep his guard up when they were not training. Since he is the current greatest swordsman in the world, Mihawk’s attacks are probably insanely powerful and more than likely infused with Armament Haki (unless he held back). Therefore, Zoro had no choice but to focus on his own Armament Haki growth in order to cope with Mihawk’s attacks, and to avoid his swords from breaking.

                  However, on Momoiro Island (Kamabbaka Kingdom), Sanji was being chased day and night for 2 years by Okamas. He had to constantly keep his guard up and avoid being ambushed by the seemingly endless droves of Okamas. It’s safe to say that these Okamas were nothing compared to Mihawk, so we saw Sanji’s physical growth in a different way as he became faster and developed moves like Blue Walk and Sky Walk. Sanji had to focus on his Observation Haki growth in order to sense the presence and intentions of an entire island that was his enemy. Now, I’m not trying to say that Sanji now has this ridiculous Observation Haki that can sense everything. I just mean he needed Observation Haki more than Armament Haki in his situation. Same as Zoro needing Armament Haki more than Observation Haki in his situation.

                  It can be argued that Zoro needed Observation Haki too since last time he fought Mihawk he couldn’t even land a hit and Mihawk beat him with a small dagger, but I still think Armament Haki would be more necessary than Observation Haki if he was training with Mihawk.

                  TL;DR: Sanji specializes in Observation Haki because his training required him to focus on surviving/running as opposed to fighting, whereas Zoro specializes in Armament Haki because his training required him to focus on reinforcing his swords against Mihawk’s strong attacks.

                  *Theory made by Dereshishishi

                  What do you think about?

                    Sanji’s Diable Jambe (Theory)

                    *Theory by Rei Sasuke

                    (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

                    Dials are strange, mysterious devices made from the remains of particular shellfish, which have the ability to store energy and matter. Though they originate from Skypiea. There are many types of Dials that store various things depending on their type.


                    Dials store energy and matter itself, usually by that particular type of energy or matter being absorbed by a tiny hole or holes on one side of the Dial and content can be released by pressing the apex on the other side of the Dial. Dials are capable of letting the energy out in different amounts. Some use their contents all in one blast, such as Impact Dials, Axe Dials etc., while others are capable of storing multiple uses within their contents until it runs out, such as the Flame Dial, which then has to be refilled with that content for the dial to be used again. On sky islands,weapons are upgraded, or even combined, with Dials. This creates incredibly powerful weapons. We all know Ussopp created 2 types of weapons with dials, Kabuto his slinger, and Nami’s clima tact because her ability is to study weather changes. What if Ussopp or Sanji himself have modified two type of dials within his indestructible shoes by combining flame dial with heat dial to create “diable jambe”?! Think about it, no one has the ability to spin so fast to make leg burn on fire, neither other cooks. Sabo is nr 2 revolutionary chief and couldn’t do that, but he is much stronger than Sanji. Why? Because only the strawhats knew about dials and saw them and used them. One question, did we ever see sanji use diable jame without the shoes? No because they absorb the shock by Sanji’s powerfull kicks and release the energy in pure flame. Sanji used the diable jambe at the Ennies lobby arc, after the skypie arc was finished. and he being a chief is used to contact with fire so he by the time passed managed to use the diable jame properly and to level up the technique. Think about it…
