This is going to be a quick theory

There has been a lot of theories concerning Emerald City and how it relates to the Wizard of Oz.

But I also believe that there is a poneglyph at Emerald City.

Here is why

Remember when Bellamy mentioned Emerald City?


Notice how he says The Lost City of Gold first, The Emerald City second, and The great treasure One Piece third.

I believe that Oda was trying to forshadow the discovery of these things consecutively.
This displays the order in which these places will be discovered and their respective poneglyphs!

We were already introduced to the City of Gold during the Skypeia Arc and Nico Robin discovered a poneglyph there!

Also, since Emerald City is based off the Wizard of Oz, this order makes sense!

The crew would have to go down the YELLOW BRICK ROAD (City of Gold at Skypeia), then they will come to the EMERALD CITY!

And at Emerald City there will be a Poneglyph that may have a vital clue to where One Piece(maybe where Raftel is) is or what the hidden history is!


  1. Emerald City has a poneglyph based upon the sequence illustrated by Bellamy.
  2. This poneglyph will have info on the origins of One Piece and the Void Century

*Theory by Primordial Sky

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