Archivi giornalieri: 28/12/2015

Which Devil Fruit would you choose to have in real life?




    Notice the elements in color spread 811, it would detail who would be involved in Sanji’s solo Arc (i presume after Zou Arc, then Wano-Kuni Arc follows after that imo)

    Alright, notice that Sanji holds a coffee mug with words “all women are great”—-i think this suggests Big Mom, its becoming clear imo, that Sanji used Caesar as a bait to keep the Big Mom pirates from following the rest of his team at Zou.

    The chimney from that emits smoke is Smoker and Chopper with Tashigi’s glasses and his hat with the color of Tashigi’s hair signifies Tashigi and Smoker. Remember that Smoker and Tashigi are on their way to Vegapunk which is a rival of Caesar which Sanji is holding hostage at the moment.

    Nami’s oranges with a monkey near it with a spiral tail, which could have 2 meanings:

    First is much simple, that Nami would be invovled in Sanji’s solo arc or:

    The mikans signifies the explanation of devil fruits (the spiral monkey signifies devil fruits and Sanji’s eyebrow)….oh and about the yellow monkey, Kizaru is gonna be involved as well: head of science division and possibly Sanji’s main rival

    The big bag of Doskoi Panda imo is Doctor Vegapunk, signifying his big head

    So to recap, i think it would go like this:

    Sanji takes Caesar away to get Big Mom Pirates away from Zou

    Sanji would end up either meeting Smoker and Tashigi or he would end up meeting Vegapunk

    Vegapunk would be finally revealed and will reveal the origin of Sanji and the devil fruits (note that i dont think Sanji is a devil fruit)

    Sanji and Kizaru would meet up, and Vegapunk would protect him, finally revealing his true affiliation with the Revolutionary Army

    Smoker and Tashigi goes with Sanji to Wano-Kuni…learning another corruption by the government

    Probably i dont need to mention that Nami is holding Sanji’s letter, Zoro is waiting on the ship, basically meaning that the Wano Kuni Arc will have to wait for now to give way to Sanji’s arc…but notice the other 5 original strawhats are happy because Sanji will come back but Sanji is there waiting…signifying that Sanji will be seen by his crewmates soon (after his arc)

    Sanji forming a team with Smoker and Tashigi is also a big possibility…and him bringing them along to Wano

    Ok back to my vacation, Happy Holidays!

    *Theory by beck 


      Law Vs Trebol – Sterben Blade

        Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Doflamingo & Bellamy Historical Connections


        Edward Low: Captain EdwardNedLow born around 1690 into poverty in London. His wife died in childbirth in late 1719. Two years later, he became a pirate He captained a number of ships, usually maintaining a small fleet of three or four, burned most of his captured ships, captured about 100. Remains notorious as one of the most vicious pirates of the age, a man of “amazing and grotesque brutality.” When in a rage he resorted to decapitated, burning people alive, forcing them to eat limbs he cut off, etc. he was never caught, ending his days in Brazil.

        Eustace Monk: Born in 1170, studied black magic, lived in a monastery for awhile, then left to avenge his murdered father, burning the man’s property down. He then became a pirate in the English channel. Was outlawed at times by England and France, Started up a large band of pirates called the Eustace Brother. Made a home base on one of the channel islands. Would often turn against allies and kingdoms he was allied with.

        William Kidd: Some historians argue that his piratical reputation unjust, as there is only evidence that Kidd was a privateer. Kidd’s fame springs largely from the sensational circumstances of his questioning before the English Parliament and the ensuing trial. He thought the ship he was taking was an enemy ship but it was not and so it was deemed piracy by the English and he was tried. As his trial ensued his friends deserted him. He was also accused of murdering his crew member when in truth the member was committing mutiny and Kidd was in the right. He is best known for being one of the only pirates to bury his treasure and did so before coming into port and being arrested as he did not want the Governor to have it. If it were not for his wealthy noble backers, who wished to remain anonymous at all costs and to distance themselves from Kidd in any way possible, his contacts probably would have saved him.

        Samuel Bellamy: English pirate in early 18th century is crew captured at least 53 ships under his command. Bellamy became known for his mercy and generosity toward those he captured on his raids. He was part of a mutiny on Captain Hornigold’s ship, Hornigold left Marianne with his loyal followers, including Teach. The remaining 90-man crew then elected Bellamy as captain. He liked expensive clothes, especially black coats. His favorite weapons were four dueling pistols that he always carried in the sash. His captain rules were almost democratic. His crew liked him a lot and sometimes even called him “Robin Hood of the Sea”. Captain Bellamy was also a good strategist. His ship was quick and agile.

        Dominique You: A French Privateer and Politician, You was falsely convicted of piracy in the gulf, but the Americans failed to capture him. He had reputation for being very bold and daring. He was pardoned by American for helping them in their war against Britain. He preyed on preyed on Spanish ships. Did meet up and work with Lafitte for a time.

        *by elizabethober