Welcome back to a quick theory for your entertainment.

Some time ago, I stumbled upon the 7 Seven Lucky Gods of Fortune and the Heavenly Kings. Surprisingly, they bare some similarities to One Piece characters and I believe they were one of the inspirations for the said characters.

Hotei is the fat and happy god of abundance and good health.

This is Monkey D. Garp

Fukurokuji is the god of happiness, wealth and longevity.

This is Don Chinjao and his design is even based off Fukurokuji.

Jurojin is the god of long life. He is also known as the Old Man of the South Pole and is often mistaken as Fukurokuji.

This is Dr. Vegapunk(Vegapunk is from a winter island and most likely has a long head…no jokes please)

Benzaiten is the goddess knowledge, art and beauty.

This is Tsuru.

Daikokuten is the god of wealth, commerce and trade. He is also the god of thieves. Daikokuten is often paired with the lucky god Ebisu.

This is Scopper Gaban. Gaban means “thief” or “to steal” and was shown with someone we all know.

Ebisu is the god of fishers and merchants. He is often paired with the lucky god Daikokuten.

This is Crocus.

Bishamonten is the god of warriors. Bishamonten is also called Tamonten “listening to many teachings” because he is seen as the guardian of the places where the Buddha preaches. He was also a punisher of evildoers – a view that is at odds with the more pacifist Buddhist king.

This is Silvers Rayleigh. In contrast to the lovable Roger(the people that knw him), Rayleigh was the more serious “Dark King” and “Lord of the Underworld.”

Bishamonten was also one of the 4 Heavenly Kings.

Bishamonten as a heavenly king is called “Virupaksa.”

Virupaksa which means “he who sees all”, his symbolic weapon is a snake or red cord that is representative of a dragon. As the eye in the sky, he sees people who do not believe in Buddhism and converts them.

This is 1oo Beast Kaidou.

Vaisravana means “he who hears all.”

This is Gol D. Roger.

Virudhaka means “he who causes to grow” and causes the good growth of roots.

This is Sengoku(praying to Buddha bring health and growth to crops).

Dhrtarastra means “he who upholds the realm.” He is harmonious and compassionate and protects all beings. Uses his music to convert others to Buddhism.

This is Edward Newgate.

*Theory by Vandenreich


    Now this is something that has made me kinda upset for a while now, we have little to no main-female fighters in the crew. Nami and Robin don’t get , nearly as much attention as Luffy, zoro, or Sanji; this is why i believe that the next female straw hat should be on the same level as Luffy, zoro, or sanji. That is why i believe that Boa Hancock will join the straw hats
    Why Hancock? I know many of you will disagree, so just listen to my points


    Now i want you guys to take a close look at Nami’s outfits. I believe they are foreshadowing future strawhat members, let me explain. See the outfit Nami is wearing in the top right corner, it looks very similar to the outfit Robin wore when she was Miss all Sunday

    now take a look at that picture again

    see the top left panel; who wears a dress that is similar to that which nami wore? Boa Hancock

    In short, i believe their will be a tragedy at Amazon lily
    here Luffy says that he will return the favor that Hancock gave him. I believe that this is foreshadowing a future event.
    we also know that both marine admiral Fujitora and vice admiral Smoker are currently trying to stop the Shichibukai system. Due to the world knowing about the situation of dressroa; because of this, i believe it is likely that the Shichibukai system will be abolished during reverie. So if that happens, what’s going to happen to Amazon Lily[​IMG] I believe Gloriousa described it best(foreshadowing?). Without Hancock’s title as shichibukai, Amazon Lily will be known as a pirate’s country; because of this, it will be deemed a threat by the WG and will be targeted. The marines will send a navy admiral as well as a buster call to defeat the pirates; this will be a complete tragedy. Many innocent people as well as kujas will be killed by the Marines, Hancock is powerful but wouldn’t be able to defeat an admiral; she will lose and be forced to surrender. By the end of the battle, many will be dead; but what will happen to those who are living? Well i believe that they will become slaves for the CDs.So here’s where Luffy’s debt comes in, i believe that Luffy will lead a raid on Mairejois in an attempt to free the slaves as well as the Kujas. How did i reach this conclusion? Well for one, Hancock actually mentions parallels between fisher tiger and Luffy
    Furthermore you got the relationship to Sun Wukong.Did you ever wonder why Luffy’s surname was Monkey? Well that’s because he is based on the monkey king, Sun Wukong. Now i am not going to go too in depth with these connections, however if you disagree with the idea that Luffy is based on Wukong; please PM me and we can have a long, good conversation about it. Anyways in the book, Journey to the west; Wukong rebels against heaven and defeats heaven’s army. In one piece Luffy=wukong and Mariejois=heaven, so it makes sense if Luffy were to do a raid on Mariejois.Furthermore their have been a few arcs in the New world that paralleled with arcs from the first part of the grand line, most notably the connections between dressrosa and alabasta. So wouldn’t it be fitting for their to be an arc that parallels enies lobby? Well i believe that arc will be the “attack on mariejois arc”, in which Luffy will raid mariejois in an attempt to free hancock, similar to enies lobby where luffy raided enies lobby to free robin.

    Now who will be the main antagonists of this arc?
    I believe it is likely to be Cp-0 due to the fact that they serve directly under the CDs and due to similarities between this arc and enies lobby.

    Once Luffy beats Cp-0 and frees the slaves, he will have an encounter with akainu or Kong; but will shortly be saved by Monkey D Dragon. Monkey D Dragon will finally meet luffy and tell luffy about his mother; this makes sense as during enies lobby, Luffy met his grandfather and learned about ,his father so it makes sense that after the “new world version” of enies lobby, luffy will meet his father and learn about his mother .

    Once dragon saves Luffy; all of the Kuja bar hancock will become revolutionaries, hancock will join the SH crew. Why will Hancock refuse to join the revos? well here are the reasons

    • during this arc, Hancock’s secret past would have been exposed, hancock said herself that she couldn’t be around the other Kuja if her secret was exposed [​IMG]
    • to follow her dream of marrying luffy(ik it sounds weird, but i promise i’ll explain it later

    As i said before, i believe that Hancock’s dream will be to marry luffy. Now i know this will sound really wierd; most of you will probably give me this response: “luffy’s asexual and therefore will not get married……BAKA”, i get it just let me explain. I believe that in the EoS, Luffy will marry Hancock; HOWEVER he will not be “in love” with hancock. Luffy will simply act on a whim. The relationship between Luffy and Hancock will be made by Oda in a way that seems not romantic but rather comical. I imagine a scene similar to this


    Luffy will simply marry hancock just because he feels like it, he would not be like Sanji. I know Oda doesn’t like relationships in his manga, but he does like comedy; which is why i really see this happening. Hancock would be the one who is really devoted, where as luffy acts as if Hancock was just another one of his nakama; which would be pretty funny if they were considered married, Oda has done something similar with Sai and Baby5 so i could really see him doing it with Luffy and Hancock. Furthermore after Roger found One piece, he did settle down and have a family, so considering the parallels between luffy and roger; i see it as a possibility.

    well as you know, every SH has a role on the ship; so what would be Hancock’s? Well these are my idea

    • spy(her power compliments this…..and she’s hot)
    • secretary(by this time in the series, luffy would already have some territory that he protects(fishman island, dressrosa, and some kaido territories) so luffy would need someone who could moniter the conditions of those islands and receive incoming messages from those islands. )
    • maid(i could see her doing this just to please luffy)

    Hancock, has had a chapter named after her; this is something all the SHs have in common



    Hancock has a bit in common with the other female members of the SH

    • just like nami and robin, hancock was screwed over by the WG(nami: pirates were actually working for arlong, robin: ohara, hancock: she was a slave
    • just like nami and robin, hancock was luffy’s “enemy”( nami “stole” the going merry, robin worked for crocodile)
    • if my prediction is true; then just like nami and robin, hancock will be saved by luffy

    Hancock is one of the few people outside of the crew whom luffy addresses by name, not with a nickname; this means that Luffy realls trusts hancock

    Luffy doesn’t normally address people by their real name unless they are really close to them(example: he calls cavendish cabbage, he calls law tora-guy, he calls shirahoshi yowahoshi)

    Will she be too overpowered?

    If Sanji and Zoro get stronger by the time we meet her(and they will), then no she won’t be too OP.

    She does in fact have a sad backstory, which makes her a good candidate for the crew

    *Theory by knaal


      I am an Electrical Engineer, that’s why Captain Kid’s DF ability always attract me.
      This Theory is about Captain Kid’s Devil Fruit’s true power & it’s potential.


      Captain Kid possesses a DF power connected to Magnetism.
      We know that he can pull or repls certain materials (iron,nickol).
      But this is all he can do? My answer is No !
      is one of the nature element & very powerful element.
      So, let’s start with meaning of magnet-
      Magnet- Magnets r the objects that generate a magmatic field, a force that either pull or repels certain material.

      What is the difference between Fujitora’s Gravity and Kid’s magnetism ?
      Gravity is universal force. It pull objects regardless of with what material it is made of
      Magnetic Force created by & only acts on moving charges.
      It means Admiral Fujitoras DF ability is superior to Kids DF ability.

      Effect of Magnetism-
      Strong magnetic field can affect human orgains. Specially Brain, Nervous System & Blood.

      So, finally What is the true power of his DF. And potential of Captain Kid’s Devil Fruit ?

      • He can create Magnetic Field up to certain Space.
      • In this MF he can either pull or repls material (like iron & nickol)

      And now true potential of his Devil fruit.

      • In his MF he can “Break your nervous system“. Because MF causes electrical current inside the body.
      • Brainwashing- MF can impair the brains ability to make moral decisions. Means he can manuplate you just like when you watch 3D movies.
      • Control your Blood- In humans blood have iron.And strong MF is enough to suck the iron right out of hemoglobin. If he increase MF upto 100k Telsa (actually 100k telsa is too much)
      • Affect on DNA- Strong MFs are genotoxic, they break up DNA
      • Affect Brain- He can disrupt electrical firing in the brain & flow of blood. And result is painful of death.
        Means using his DF ability he can send his apponent to Coma without touching him. Or manuplate him.
      • Control of Magnetic Field- Before timeskip he was able to create MF. But what is next? Is to control his MF. Then,
      1. He can change the MF of any Island.(ex: Punk Hazard)
      2. Can remove the MF of the island (Dressrossa in Bird Cage). Without MF eternal post is usless. No one can reach to his hideout by ship. No one can make contact with den den mushi without his permission.

      Also using his DF ability electrical Sparks emit from his hands. So his ability may resemble to electromagnet, hence chance of above possibiltes are high.

      Similarity between Kid & Law’s power-
      Without performing Room Law can’t use his DF ability. Same for Kid, without MF he can’t pull or reple Metal & will not able to use any technique.

      Kid’s DF power Strong against- Radiation. With increasing telsa (unit) of MF he can decrease the effect of radiation. Or change the course/path of radiational beam. He can create strong MF surrounding his body to survive against radical blast.

      *Theory by Xlaw


        To be unmatched, means to never find a worthy challenger
        To be the strongest, means the weak will cower at your feet
        To be the greatest, means to have ants try to take your head
        To be the best, means to stand on a lonely pedestal

        Hello everybody and welcome back to another theory for your entertainment. This time we shall dive into the origins of the mysterious “Hawk-Eye” Mihawk so lets straight to it. Apologies in advance if this topic seems sloppy or poorly put together as it was very tricky to organize and my CPU was very slow which make me rush through this a little bit. I’m also speculating quite a bit so take some things I say with a grain of salt.

        Lets start with Mihawk’s birth. I’m sure plenty of you have heard the theory of Mihawk being the son of Rayleigh and Shakki. Reason many people believe that is because:
        -Mihawk is 43 years old and Shakki quit being a pirate over 40 years ago

        -Mihawk is based off Dracula and Silver is the only substance that can kill him
        -Dracule means “Son of Dracula” and Rayleigh’s epithet is “Dark King.”
        -Both are swordsman
        -Both have/had similar coats

        Shakki nonchalantly says Rayleigh “has a good time” with other women as if she doesn’t care. Not to mention that they never refer to each other as “dear, honey etc.” It seems that they like simple friends with benefits *wink wink* However, that could just be their pirate attitudes and lifestyle and Mihawk is Rayleigh’s son after all.

        Either way, Rayleigh DID have a an impact on Mihawk’s childhood. Rayleigh was the one who gave Mihawk that coat he wears today and Mihawk and Rayleigh’s sword styles are kind of similar(judging from Rayleigh vs Kizaru and Mihawk vs Vista). Both are “power type” swordsmen who uses two handed blades. Also, Rayleigh sword is slightly curved and looks like a saber.

        I later realized that someone else’s style is similar to Rayleigh’s

        “Red Hair” Shanks who also wields a saber. Both Shanks and Mihawk were trained by Rayleigh(separately). Shanks is a speed type and Mihawk is a power type. They are opposite in both style and personality. I’ll get more into their rivalry later.
        I think the most prominent feature of Mihawk are his infamous “hawk eyes.”

        In fantasy, gold/yellow eyes are used to depict characters of supernatural and/or extraordinary origin. So in the world of One Piece, what kind of origin would be depicted as “extraordinary.” Being the son of Rayleigh isn’t so extraordinary since Ace was the son of the pirate king(but it is obviously a crazy birth and lineage). As a child, Mihawk was taken in by this man…..

        Gorosei Gandhi.

        Before anyone stabs me again, look at this:

        Mihawk has that same mark on his arm like Doflamingo and Blueno. What does that mark mean? Doflamingo is a tenryubitto and Blueno was a CP9 WG agent. The only way Mihawk can fit in with all this is if that mark represents those with special privileges granted by the Gorosei, despite not being apart of the marines/WG. Doflamingo being a tenryubitto and a pirate and Blueno being away on secret missions that probably has him pose as a criminal. Mihawk is a “tenryubitto” by technicality but is a shichibukai.
        Lets put all the pieces together in order to make everything clear.

        Shakki has been retired for over 40 years and we can assume that she’s been living in Sabody Archipelago for many years. She also said that Garp has chased her before. We know that Saboy is a pirate haven and right next to marine headquarters, so it isn’t too unbelievable that Mihawk may have gained attention of the marines for attacking them and pirates as a child. One way or another, Mihawk was taken in by the marines and brought to the Gorosei, where Gorosei Gandhi took a liking to him and put Mihawk in their swordsman training program(ever wondered by almost every VA is a skilled swordsman?).

        Mihawk was an unmatched prodigy. No student could beat and that was because of his “hawk eyes” that could see through anything.

        No matter the style, speed or tactic, Mihawk could see through it and counter accordingly. His talent was a double edged sword however, as he craved a good challenged but always took victory quickly and swiftly.

        Since Mihawk was in Marijoies, he could visit Shakki whenever he pleased in Sabody. One day however, Mihawk meet Slivers Rayleigh in Sabody after the Roger pirates disbanded. For an entire year before Roger’s execution, Mihawk trained with Rayleigh.

        Soon enough, it was time for Roger’s execution and Mihawk was in attendance. He was 19 years old and here is where he first meet Shanks.

        Notice anything about Mihawk? For one thing, he has that pocket knife around his neck. Mihawk was so gifted in swordsmanship that he handicapped himself by using that little blade so that his fights would last longer. It is shaped like a cross because he kills his opponents in duels.

        Second is that he doesn’t have his black sword(or his sexy hat). Where did he get the sword from? Wano-Kuni. Wano is a country of swordsmen. It is an obvious destination for someone like Mihawk who seeks a challenge. Mihawk arrived in Wano and he was once again unmatched. However, Mihawk was impressed by the samurai’s willpower and conviction and the samurais felt the same. Mihawk became an honored guest and the blacksmiths of Wano had a special sword for Mihawk: the black blade Yoru.

        Trivia: Yoru literally means “Black Blade Violent Star.” It also means night, to visit, to come from and to depend on.

        I’ve made also a theory explaining how cursed swords work and another one about divine/blessed swords.

        This got me thinking about Mihawk. Is his sword cursed or blessed?

        I think its both.

        We know Mihawk’s Yoru is shaped like a cross which is a holy symbol/relic but it is a black blade which symbolizes something demonic or impure. Mihawk doesn’t have ties with angels or demons. In a way, Mihawk is a fallen angel or an arch demon which roams the human realm.

        Mihawk lives in an abandoned, moody castle surrounded by death. It is a pretty unholy environment but it is balanced out with a cross for safe passage and rest for the dead.

        There are baboons roaming the area who attacks any trespassers. In Japan, monkey statues are used to ward off evil spirits and demons(Zoro).

        Once again, Mihawk doesn’t take a clear stance on good or evil. In the link above, I said that all cursed/blessed swords has a soul trapped inside. A good spirit makes a divine weapon and a bad spirit makes a cursed weapon.

        The soul of Mihawk’s Yoru is a neutral spirit.

        Unlike Zoro’s Sandai Kitetsu which gradually makes its wielder more bloodthirsty, the Yoru makes its wielder crave a certain desire and for Mihawk, it was a good challenge. However, Mihawk quickly claimed dominance over his blade when his desire was realized when he meet Shanks.

        Lastly, Dracule is inspired by the vampire Dracula who was inspired by real life tyrant Vlad the Impaler, who was a holy knight. Mihawk is a holy knight purging angels and demons while seeking for a worthy challenger/successor.

        With his new sword, Mihawk of course wanted to test it. Since he wasn’t too familiar with the New World, he went on a dojo hunt(or elephant hunt) for strong swordsman in the Grand Line. Mihawk kept searching for elephants to fight but all he got were ants.

        When he finally meet an elephant, his convinction and dedication to the way of the swordsman was pathetic. Eventually, Mihawk once again ran into Shanks. Of course, the goofy Shanks asked Mihawk to join his crew and Mihawk agreed on one condition: Shanks must first defeat him in a duel. It was the start of the infamous rivalry that shook the Grand Line. As years went by, Mihawk became the Worlds Strongest Swordsman and ants constantly came after his head. It didn’t bother him though as he had an elephant in Red Hair Shanks, who’s duels with him has constantly ended in draws. The duels didn’t last too long however, as Mihawk was devastated to learn that Shanks had lost his arm.

        Mihawk is very proud and there is no honor in fighting a handicapped person. Mihawk lost interest in fighting Shanks and was in quite a dilemma as he no longer had a strong swordsman to fight.

        His days were consumed with random ants challenging him and the lack of real swordsmen made him weary. Mihawk accepted to WG’s shichibukai invitation in order to increase his chances of locating elephants or potential elephants and keep track of them.

        To be the best, means to stand on a lonely pedestal

        Mihawk travels around in a coffin because it symbolizes his desire to be defeated in battle; his desire to be put to rest by one of great conviction; his desire to be killed by a real swordsman(remember that duels typically ends in death). Mihawk is in a way, trying to dig his own grave. Even though Mihawk wants to be bested, he has a lot of pride and he truly loves and cares about swordsmanship and won’t give the title of WSS to any random insect that challenges him. The utter lack of quality swordsman once again, makes him weary.

        Mihawk’s weariness is made clear in his first fight with Zoro

        But as you know, Mihawk was very impressed by Zoro’s conviction. For the first time, at least in a long while, Mihawk has encountered a real swordsman. Zoro is the last great swordsman of his generation and will be the last one standing and laughing when he becomes the WSS.

        As you know, Zoro begged Mihawk for training and Mihawk agreed. What intrigues me the most are the results of Zoro training. For starters, it seems like Zoro learned a lot more than sword techniques.

        Also, have any of you noticed that the black blade Shuusui has become Zoro’s favorite blade for one-sword style attacks?

        And lets not forget Mihawk’s teachings about black CoA blades

        With all this emphasis on black blades, I decided to do some research and discovered that Zoro’s Shuusui and Mihawk’s Yoru may also be based on the popular black blades stormbringer and mournblade respectively.

        The strombringer and mournblade are chaotic blades made by demons and are “brother” swords. Zoro’s sword being based of stormbringer is symbolic as he is traveling with Luffy and ‘D’ will forever bring forth a storm and he stormbringer is known to fill the weilders head with bloodlust. Mihawk’s blade is shaped like a cross which is like he is mourning the souls of the dead.

        *Theory by Vandenreich


          So, we have gears 1st (normal Luffy), 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Each one is based off of a car, somehow. Obviously the names are from the gears of a car, but what about the functions?

          2nd: Engine
          3rd: Tires
          4th: Air bag

          There are some other things they have in common, too. They each have similarities to rokushiki techniques, but grant more than just the technique.

          2nd: He moves faster than your average soru, and he doesn’t just speed up his legs.
          3rd: Hardens a part of his body to use for defense and offense, as well as swelling it, more than what tekkai can do.
          4th: Makes him bouncy, boosts the speed and damage of his punches, and grants him a geppou like ability.

          Another similarity is that they all are based off of a bodily system.

          2nd: Cardiovascular
          3rd: Skeletal
          4th: Muscular.

          Finally, they all have an effect similar to one of the abilities of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

          2nd: Wukong was extraordinarily fast
          3rd: Wukong would transform his individual hairs to change their shape.
          4th: Wukong possessed special boots that allowed him to fly via walking on clouds, like Momonosuke.

          So, what does this mean? Gear 5th will be based off of a car part and it will grant a rokushiki technique, with added effects. It uses a bodily system and is based off one of Sun Wukong’s abilities So, what do I think will combine all of these into one ability?

          Luffy will use his nervous system to take full control over his body. So, how does this fit into each pattern?

          Car part: Gear 5th demonstrates the customization options of a cars shape and exterior.
          Rokushiki: It would allow the user to sense when something touches them, granting a kami-e effect.
          Body system: Nervous system, which is used in movement and sensing.
          Wukong’s ability: Wukong can shape shift, but he can’t change his tail. Luffy could utilize his rubber capabilities to change shape, but not color so he would have a tell if it was him, like Wukong’s tail.

          So, how exactly does this work? Luffy extends his nervous system and takes full control of it. This grants him heightened senses, kami-e, and the ability to manipulate every cell individually due to stretching, to shape shift.

          So, how about Gear Reverse? I believe that due to the different name type of Gear Reverse, the source of power is different. It doesn’t rely on Luffy’s body, it relies on the Fruit’s power. Gear Reverse is Luffy’s awakening. So, what is this awakening?

          In Gear Reverse, Luffy can apply the properties of rubber to other objects. It sounds like an intelligent power and therefor mot Luffy’s style, but remember, Luffy was smart enough to develop all 3 of his current gear techniques on his own. He’s not stupid when he needs to be smart.

          So, how would Luffy use this? Simple, it’s already been forshadowed. When the ASL trio were kids, what did they use? Steel pipes. So, what would this mean? When they grew up, Ace ditched the pipes for his own style. Sabo uses the pipe as a signature weapon in combat. So, Luffy would be an in between. He would use the pipe to boost some techniques, but he wouldn’t require it in combat. He would be a blend, he can use it or not use it.

          So, how would the awakening affect the pipe? Luffy can make the pipe stretch to change its size from very small to very large, allowing for very versatile combat. Now, let’s look at the gear pattern.

          Car part: seat. Does not make the car run, but it makes the car better. Not an essential, but also very customizable in size and shape.
          Rokushiki: Luffy could slash with his staff weapon and make rankyaku effects of all sizes. He could also stab with the staff for a shigan effect.
          System: Awakening, N/A
          Sun Wukong: Wukong had a staff that could change size at will. It could also be manipulated at will by Wukong

          *Theory by Sontaran Gaming

            What Will Happen To The Kid Alliance


            I don’t even think it’ll happen at all but sometimes i just like to think about how One Piece could go. So remember i don’t think this will happen at all i just thought of something.

            So throughout the series the supernovas have basically been used as pirate crews going on the same type of journey as the Strawhats but just yknow different. This is even more apparent with Law and Kid’s crew. Luffy and Kid even have the same exact goal, although how they go about completing it is basically opposites from one another, and with the revelation that the Kid/Hawkins/Apoo alliance is going to fight Shank’s crew i just started thinking about what would happen.

            So i think they will obviously fail in some regard, and they definitely won’t take down the Red Hair Pirates but they are three strong pirate crews so they may get some stuff done (i don’t really wanna actually speculate on the actual battle between the crews too much because we dont really have a basis to predict things). Imagine though that Kid eventually fights with Shanks himself. Shanks seems like they kind of guy that even though Kid is strong he wouldn’t go all out on him or kill him ever. Also, we’ve seen in the past that Kid even though he has killed a lot of people can show his respects to certain people depending on the circumstance. He did this with Luffy when he figured out Luffy and Kid’s goals we’re the same. So i don’t think Kid will want to kill shanks or anything especially when they fight and talk like manga/anime fight tend to do, and i don’t think Shanks is the type to hold a grudge or beat up kid that badly either.

            So imagine if the Kid/Hawkins/Apoo alliance fight bravely against Shank’s crew even to the point of impressing everyone there (maybe even taking out a few lower leveled guys like Rockstar) but they of course end up defeated (It’s a Yonko crew and one of the strongest at that). Maybe they make a small dent but don’t do much. Kid would be angry of course but after Kid and Shanks battle Shanks and his crew would stand triumphant while the alliance would feel defeated and saddened. Shanks would pull a nice guy protagonist move and extend his hand out, tell them they were strong and brave, maybe even have a feast with them like OP characters do. Kid would even start to respect Shanks even more Especially Shank’s is the type of guy that followed his dreams no matter what anyone said, which is the type of guy Kid respect. The two crews would feast they and laugh and Kid would end up before the feast is over looking up to Shanks as a role-model.

            This is where my thoughts came together though, and it sort of ties in with a lot of other theories. Imagine if at this time the Blackbeard pirates attacked the Red Hair Pirates, with the wounded K/H/A Alliance on board and around in their ships. Maybe they even heard of the K/H/A alliance and figured out about he their plans to attack Shank’s Crew. Shank’s crew would be wounded from the battle before, not by much but they’re still not 100%. Shank’s also seems like a nice guy, a protector, he even lost his arm for luffy and protected Coby and the rest of the Whitebeard pirates at marineford. So imagine if Shank’s loses and dies to Blackbeard because of his wounded crew but most importantly because during the battle he was trying his best to protect the wounded alliance members but mainly Kid Himself. It would tie in perfectly for Shank’s character and would go along with the “Shank’s will die” and “Blackbeard will kill Shank’s theories”, But also it would give Kid so much development for his character. He would feel the same pain Luffy felt but even worse. To him it would be all his fault that Shanks died protecting him from Blackbeard. Kid would start to follow more in Shanks footsteps, he’d be less of the rabid dog/kill everyone that laughs at me type and instead a gentler protecting gallant type like Shanks. Kid would vow to defeat Blackbeard and maybe even afterwards Kid would Join with Luffy for the End goal of killing/fighting Blackbeard.

            I know all this is a little far fetched and I don’t expect it to happen but hey anything is possible.

            Tl;dr Kid’s Alliance will lose to Shank’s Crew. Kid will gain intense respect for Shanks while Shank’s tells him he fought well and will congratulate Kid and his alliance. The Blackbeard Pirates will attack Shanks and his crew at that time and Shanks will die protecting Kid and his alliance.

            *Theory by AmishxNinja


              So i found this unique translation which says that Buggy’s epithet is “Thousand Piece Clown”, this is unlike other translations which say his epithet is “star clown”. So if this epithet isn’t just a mistranslation, is it possible that over the skip, buggy learned how to split into a thousand pieces? If so, then he is definitly stronger, so if Buggy really can split into a thousand pieces, what other powers could he have gotten?

              Here are just a list of powers which i believe would help Buggy the most:

              • Geppo
              • Shigan
              • Kami-e
              • CoA
              • CoO

              let me explain

              With geppo, Buggy could drastically increase the speed of his body pieces. Due to the small size of the pieces, they will move faster than a regular body; so geppo would be a great boost, as it would allow him to go at speeds at are equal to(if not faster than) Gear second Luffy. Furthermore, geppo would allow Buggy to overcome his weakness of having to keep his feet on the ground; this means that Buggy could fly freely without limitations
              With shigan, Buggy’s pieces are basically bullets; if Buggy can split into 1000 pieces, then he has 1000 bullets. Just imagine getting shot 1000!!!! Furthermore by making each of his pieces use geppo and coating them with haki, his pieces would actually move as fast as bullets and would hit way harder than actual bullets
              This is the rokushiki that is used to make one’s body limp, allowing them to float like paper and dodge attacks. Now if Buggy becomes 1000 pieces, he would be able to spread his body out over a large distance; this means that it would already be hard to hit buggy, as he is spread out and in small pieces. So if he has Kami-e, he could make physical attacks such as punches literally slide pass his body; and since his body is a bunch of small pieces, any damage that he does take would be minute as only 1/1000th of his body would feel that damage. So this technique would probably make buggy immune to punch/contact moves
              Allows Buggy to hit other haki users, devil fruit user, as well as increasing his overall power and defense
              Allows Buggy to know exactly where each piece of his body is in relation to his surroundings
              He would split into many pieces, then spread his body out as far as possible and completely surround his opponents with his body parts. Once this is done, he will use fullbody CoA and rapid fire all his pieces at his opponents; this would basically be like getting shot at every angle hundreds of times.Furthermore, once he shoots someone with his body parts; he could use his body parts to rapidly move inside that person’s body. This would basically destroy their organs, similar to Law’s gamma knife.Lastly for his ultimate attack, buggy would move his pieces as fast as possible; by doing this the pieces would ignite(it would be very similar to red hawk), he would then barrage with his “explosive body”.
              *Theory by knaal



                Just a short thread, if you guys noticed, among all the people that was shown in this chapter, only 3 groups are in a “ship”

                Garp’s group, Smoker’s group and Capone’s group.

                Now, I believe Tsuru is going after Drake, so they would show up later.

                I want to talk about Sanji’s team., because I believe its going to be revealed on next chapter.

                Capone’s group, i’m almost positive he allied with Big Mom, and he said the line “our friends…they are doing pretty good aren’t they?”

                In mafias, “friends” meant enemies, and Capone seemed sarcastic.

                So from what I took out of it, it seems that Capone is on his way to assist Pekoms and Tamago in sinking Sanji’s team, probably because Sanji is putting up a decent fight.

                So I believe Sanji would be overwhelmed by 2 groups and that’s where Smoker and Tashigi comes in, if you guys follow my theory, I always said that Tashigi would rescue Sanji’s team, but Smoker being there, it actually made that theory better, because i’ve thinking a long time that Smoker also should be in Wano-Kuni.

                So yeah, I think Smoker and Tashigi would rescue the Sunny Team, but since Sanji and Smoker are injured, they would not put up much of a fight, and that’s when another player comes in.


                The Gorosei confirmed that Aokiji is working with Blackbeard, so I believe Aokiji will kidnap Ceasar but in turn he would also save the Sunny Team, mainly because Smoker is there (if Smoker isn’t there, he would freeze the Sunny Go as well)

                The Sunny Go would Coup de Burst with Smoker and Tashigi in there, and they would be dragged along the journey to Zou.

                Meanwhile, Aokiji successfully kidnaps Clown.

                He froze the sea so the Big Mom Pirates won’t be able to attack, and the G5 Marines takes the kids to Vegapunk, further making Vegapunk a mystery.

                I just cant see Oda passing up an opportunity for a female samurai and a character based from Edo Period policeman to not be included in Wano-Kuni.

                Plus Chopper is there to heal Smoker.

                That’s it for me.

                *Theory by ramenboy


                  *Short theory by Cleveland
                  We have seen that armament haki can be used with devil fruit abilities already – example of this would be Luffy with Gear 4th – he still remains rubber,even though he uses armament


                  Second person would be Vergo – i believe he used it in combination with his powers,could be some kind of devil fruit,but it doesn’t have to be


                  So Sanji is called Black-Legged Sanji..but why..when his leg is red? ..joke


                  In the future – soon(Big Mom) he will use armament haki on his abilities on leg and it will turn into armament haki flames – Black Flames and he will be Black Leg Sanji


                  Black Flames could be higher than any other flames..maybe Kizaru can use armament on his devil fruit too ? It will be Battle of Black Flame and Black Light ?

                    KANO-KUNI REVEALED! KAIDO IS SMALL??

                    ***SPOILER ALERT***

                    What a great chapter came out today, am I right?
                    Well, during that chapter we have seen a dialogue with non other than Yonko Kaido himself.

                    So let’s examine, Kaido, his crew and X Drake are in the icy island we have seen a while back both in Caribou’s cover story and also even before that when X Drake challenged Scotch to a fight.

                    Now, you’d think that this shadow is Kaido, right? Well wrong- they note- “Lord Kaido! Where are you?”, which means that I don’t think it’s the shadow that’s Kaido- but HIS PALACE- notice the architecture, doesn’t it look a bit like buildings with east-asian, most specifically Chinese like that:

                    Look at those “spikes”, but I think that Oda did it on purpose to make it look like Kaido’s huge, when it’s in fact just his palace, another thing is that he specifically also doesn’t give us people in the same panel as the “palace” so we won’t be able to assume how big it is.

                    I think many of those things together also make me think- is Kaido small? It definitely seems like something Oda would do, there is nearly no character who does not have a single comedic quality to him, so the fact that Oda might mislead us like that it’s because of the size.

                    ALSO, the house can also prove, the icy island is KANO, which I believe is based on China, and considering how big China is- I think this island would be massive as well.
                    Well- it could be China, but it could also include central-asia as well, because, as noted many times in the past, Kaido has a near-identical name with Central-Asian ruler Kaidu.
                    So, this “Icy” part of the island? Well, there’s the Himalayas, mountains that span over Tibet (Which is ruled by China), Nepal and even parts of India and perhaps a bit of central Asia, that makes me think that indeed Kano could be based on all those parts of Asia, with Wano near it being it’s own thing, a different island that’s obviously representing Japan.

                    So, my conclusion:
                    Kaido is indeed in Kano, which spans over several climates and geographic topography, and is based on mostly China but also the rest of East and Central Asia.
                    Kaido is smaller and very different in appearance than we expect him to be.

                    This might also solidify the fact that he is indeed the Emperor of Kano.

                    So, what do you think?

                    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku