I am now becoming more and more keen with the possibility that all the Strawhats to be recruited from the New World will be non-human, this means nobody will join after Dressrosa if this turns out to be true. There is some logical basis for this idea. Cast your mind back to the previous seas and who Luffy had recruited:

East Blue

Roronoa Zoro – Normal Man
Nami – Normal Woman
Usopp – Normal Man
Sanji – Normal Man

Tony Tony Chopper – Talking Reindeer
Nico Robin – Oharan
Franky – Cyborg
Brook – Undead

What do you notice? Personally I see that the characters are becoming more and more “non-human”. Even with the heights of the characters in Paradise, they become more and more excessive. Chopper is less than 2 foot, and over 8 foot tall in Human form. Robin is a 6ft4 woman, Franky is 9ft tall post timeskip and Brook is 9ft2. If this theme carries on with Jinbe as Nakama number 10 being the first completely non-human Nakama then this will perpetuate and result in consequent Nakama being of a distinguished species. Oh and Jinbe is even more ridiculous in terms of height as he is 11ft tall. Another reason for this to be true is the fact that the non-human species all seem to reside in the New World and are far more common there than elsewhere. For example, we already know that Elbaf is in the New World, as Fishman Island is too. Tontattans also live in the New World. Minkmen likely inhabit an island in the New World (maybe Zou?). Therefore, logically the chances of recruiting a non-human Nakama is far higher.

Now, let’s just assume, at least hypothetically that Jinbe is the 10th Nakama, as we can see with the foreshadowing in these cover pages

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

Who will the other Nakama be? Or rather, what Species will they be?
Fishman = Jinbe
Long Arm Martial Artist= ????
Giant = Hajrudin
Minkman DF user= ????

Now today, I’m focusing on the Minkman Nakama that’s likely to join based upon the aforementioned logics. We do not know who he/she is nor where we will first see them. But what we do know is that they will likely be the consumer of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. I know it sounds extremely strange, but hear me out:

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the numbers that encompass the Strawhats Devil Fruits, but for those that either don’t understand the theory/logic or that have been living under a rock, the numbers from 1 through 10 in Japanese have all been included in a Strawhats Devil Fruit name, except from 2 and 9. Here is how they are pronounced (you may not be familiar exactly with the words as there are at least two ways to say each number):
Go Mu = 5 6 = Gomu Gomu no Mi – Gum Gum fruit – Monkey D. Luffy
Hi To = 1 10 = Hito Hito no Mi – Human Human fruit – Tony Tony Chopper
Ha Na = 8 7 = Hana Hana no Mi – Flower Flower fruit – Nico Robin
Yo Mi = 4 3 = Yomi Yomi no Mi – Revive Revive fruit – Brook

Now, as I previously mentioned the numbers 2 and 9 are missing from this pattern, and it is far too consistent to be a coincidence. There are two possible Devil Fruits that match 2 and 9 – Fuku Fuku no Mi (Clothes Clothes fruit) and Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw Paw fruit). Lots of people favour the latter over the former, but lots of people have dismissed this because the fruit has already been consumed by this guy:


Big problem: he’s a Marine weapon and we already have a cyborg in the crew, plus: there is a high likelihood he will be destroyed because of his correspondence and protection of the Strawhats and the Thousand Sunny, especially considering the immense amount of damage done unto him. It is likely more cost effective to scrap rather than repair, therefore I won’t be surprised if Kuma becomes deceased. This would also mean that the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi would regrows elsewhere in the world, as we now know:

This means anyone can eat the fruit. Anyone! Now, why would a Minkman be the chosen nakama to eat the Paw Paw fruit? Well, Oda has foreshadowed or at least indicated that a minkman would later eat the fruit and become a member of the Strawhat Crew.

1. The same arc in which Bepo and therefore Minkman as a species are introduced is also the same arc Kuma separated the Strawhats using the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi on Sabaody Archipelago. The fruit has a huge and deep symbolism with the original 9 crewmates. It may just be a coincidence that Bepo is introduced around that time, but I believe it was extremely subtle foreshadowing by Oda
2. Bartholomew Kuma’s name literally means Son of Talmai (Bartholomew) Bear (Kuma). Talmai in Hebrew means “furrow” and a furrow is a type of cave. Therefore Kuma is technically called “cave bear”, could the Minkman Nakama be a Cave Bear? Probably
3. What do Cave Bears have in common with the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi? Paws. The Paw Paw fruit gave Kuma paws, which seemed incredibly out of place, funnily enough, the fruit is way more suitable for somebody or something with Paws, such as a Minkman or mammalian animal, the fruit seems like a perfect fit

If I were to make a prediction I would say that the final Nakama is a Cave Bear that ate the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, but is quite a new Devil Fruit user. This would mean that they are not too overpowered and we also see a new dynamic to the current storyline whereby the Strawhats themselves teach this Nakama how to use their own Devil Fruit powers. There is potential for millions of running gags! Due to the symbolism of the fruit and due to its significance to the plot and how Kuma affected the Strawhats and caused them to separate, the last Nakama with such a symbolic fruit can be a symbolism of everlasting and infinite friendship, it’s cheesy, but it’s something Oda might just do.

Oh yeah and being a Cave Bear, this Nakama would likely be gigantic, like Jinbe and Hajrudin, fitting the motif of extreme non-humanism.
So yeah, this badboy will be on the Sunny!

*Theory by L o g i a


  1. Soumyadeep

    Wow you almost did phd in this topic
    Good theory

  2. well i wonder if paw paw DF ( nikyu nikyu no mi will respawn like ace DF ,.
    summary , vegapunk can make weapon ate DF, and before he last and final modification of kuma into pacifista
    kuma still alive and have his DF power, and when War between Marine Vs Whitebeard Pirate Alliance in marineford
    pacifista PX-0(Ex Kuma) still have that power and using it againts Oz, luffy and ivankov,.
    it have a little chance paw paw fruit will respawn, except oda want to give a surprise
    or make kyuni kyuni nomi appear.
    and talking about minkman when sanji team fighting kaido pirate crew/alliance in some island after being hunt down by big mom
    there female creature resemble horse in human form, lurking in the shadow
    i wonder if she minkman(they must have women too like mermaid in fishman island)
    or some one who ate smile DF,, hence Horse Horse DF already eaten by Gan Fall bird in skypia

    • He was talking about kuma, protecting sunny. Which is 2 years AFTER marineford war.

      • well u see i doubt it if marine just let kuma body be destroyed and lost his DF that easily,
        after he defended sunny 2 years after war on marine ford
        ex kuma(pacifista PX-0) still function, if vegapunk setting him to go back to marine ford then
        vegapunk can repaired it again,, kuma’s marine strongest human weapon after all.
        well there is a chance kuma DF respawn if vegapunk setting self destruction program after kuma finished his mission(Defend sunny) .

  3. noob theory nikyu nikyu will be eaten by garp

  4. Dude, oda already stated long ago that jimbe would be the final crew member and its gonna happen so basically all this theory was a waste of time and too in depth

    • WRONG. He will not be the Final one, ODA NEVER stated that. So please straighten up your facts

  5. kinemon is the next nakama

  6. Achei muito legal essa teoria sua, adoro One Piece e acompanho seu site a algum tempo. Quando você falou sobre a Nikyu Nikyu no Mi lembrei do manga 795 onde apareceu uma carinha estranha e assustada de uma garota que quando li sua teoria imaginei na hora ela… procura para ver ..

    Bom parabéns pelo trabalho.


    I found it very cool that your theory, I love One Piece and accompany your site for some time. When you talked about the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi remembered the sleeve 795 where it appeared a strange and frightened face of a girl who imagined when I read his theory at the time she … look to see ..

    Well congratulations for the work.

    Note: I can not speak or write English then translate on google.

  7. this theory said. nikyu nikyu no mi will repawn. I think the one will ate is jinbe. cause his attack style similiar like kuma. *maybe* just different the power

  8. How about Fuku Fuku No Mi, I mean Kinemon. what fruit Kinemon eat? It’s Fuku Fuku No Mi (Clothes) right?

    There are already 8 nakamas and left 2 more (if Oda said 10 then it will be 10), and Jinbei will be die. Why?
    Remember the lady fortune teller from fishman island (I forgot her name), she said that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island. In my opinion it will be true, but not 100% true. Why Luffy destroy fihman island? One of the reason its because Jinbei die (still no idea how he die and why).
    And before that happen there will be war in Wano Country (I’m pretty sure Luffy will vs Law because of some problem), then Kinemon and Momonosuke (I love this kid in the crew) will be the 2 nakama Luffy need. Kinemon has haki that can be pretty useful in war and for Momo, I still didn’t know why Dofla need Momo’s fruit so much when he want to get Caesar back, there is a secret in Momo’s fruit (and that dragon remind me wiht Logo from Dragon Ball, manga that Oda like)

    So the last 2 Nakama is Kinemon and Momonosuke, but theory still a theory let Oda make his masterpiece freely

    • i think fishman island will be destroyed after luffy fulfill his promised with shirahosi (joy boy promised with poseidon)
      in manga and anime sub luffy said he want at least 10 crew member if they not mistranslated it
      there is a chance luffy got more than 10 crew member

  9. arminanditya

    Wouldn’t it can be PANDAMAN :v

  10. Next Nakama are: Jinbei, Tashigi, A Giant from Elbaf and then Smoker.

  11. Monkey D. Alba

    I saw that you have a problem with numbers over there since I see 4 people meaning 4 numbers but you forgot the 9th nakama.Dont forget Luffy is not counted as a nakama!!!
    There is going to be a nakama joining before all of those you mentioned maybe Barto since he seems a big help to the crew.

  12. And you forget another one type: Gladiator

    seems like Rebecca wanna join the crew ?!

  13. Hmm, might be interesting, but you misspelled some of the numbers reading there, 6 is Mui(Muika-6th day) 10 would be To-o(To-o-ka) 7 nano(Nanoka). 13 is also an unlucky number and the chances of them having 13 crewmembers because of that is low.

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