The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The 4 Horsemen Are:


The White Horse(Horseman of Conquest)

-This horseman was said in bible scriptures to be Jesus himself, known for qualities of Triumph, Prosperity and Health, Christ was known for riding a White Horse and that’s where this horseman being known as Jesus himself stems from, theres only one person we know so holy in the OP World yet so evil underneath.

The Red Horse(Horseman of War)

The Horseman of War rides on a red horse(sometimes fiery red) this horseman always held his sword up, a regular declaration of war. Who do we know that’s trying to start a huge war.


The Black Horse(Horseman of Famine)

When the Black Horse is released, aggrivated distress and mourning as soon to come, Famine here does refer to food but also everything, cut off of resources, and leaving somewhere in ruins, who fits this bill.

(notice the 3 calamities, this makes it seem like the other two members are based on the biblical devastation brought upon by the horseman’s appearance)

The Pale Horse(Horseman of Death)

If i am correct with the direct link between the Horseman and the Kaido Pirates, maybe Doc Q is secretly a part of the Kaido Pirates, we know next to nothing about him and with the freedom of commanding his own fleet it would be easy for him to deceive Blackbeard


There is a very good possibility the 4th Horseman will be named whenever all of Kaido’s big players are revealed, but i do find it odd Doc Q perfectly fits the bill, and what a crazy idea for Doc Q to be the one who is the rat, we all were thinking it’d be someone like Aokiji or Shiliew but that’s Oda for you unpredictable

*Theory by DemonAsura666

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